As I write this blog, I cannot believe we are nearing the end of our time in Year 4. The children have impressed me throughout the year and in this difficult time they have continued to develop in to mature young people.

In Maths this week, the children have been working on their multiplication and division skills by multiplying and dividing 2 and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. The children worked really hard on this! Super work!

In English, we were consolidating our spelling, punctuation and grammar learning from throughout the year. The children were fantastic, especially when it came to their spelling! Well done Year 4.

Next week, we will be starting our final Talk 4 Writing booklet ‘The Impossibly Possible Bookshop’.

Our curriculum focus was on Science. The children were exploring the particle structure of solids, liquids and gases. Once they had watched the video clip and completed the worksheet the children played a ‘particle game’ where they had to use the clues to identify whether it was a solid, liquid or gas. Here are a few pictures of the children having fun, playing their game.

The children also took part in their Multiplication Check. First, they completed their warm up game then, they completed their test. The children’s scores were brilliant and certainly reflected the hard work and effort the children have put into their times table knowledge and fluency this year.

On Monday it is the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Over the weekend, Father Jim will be celebrating this Feast with a Mass which you can watch on the church website.

Some children, have told me that they are finding it a little tricky to organise their home learning therefore I have created a home learning timetable to help the children if they feel they need it.

Additional home learning resources;

Learning Project - This week the focus is Food. Some other classes are on different learning project themes if you have a child who is in another year group and the children would rather do a different project to the one I have set then that is fine.

Geography workbook - This week the focus is Global Knowledge

If you need any support please let me know either by messaging through Class Dojo or emailing me on our class email.

Stay safe

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

What fantastic work some of the children have been producing this week!

In Maths, at the beginning of the week the children focused on fractions and finding the equivalent. Some of the children found this work a challenge however, I was really impressed with how the children used their growth mindset and produced some fantastic work. They then looked at money and how the can order it. Next week, the Maths focus will be multiplication and division.

In English, the children have been using the story Mission to create their own characters. They also used the ‘bare bones’ of the plot to plan their own spy story. The children then used their plan to create their one story. These were a joy to read! Next week, we are going to have a week off the Talk 4 Writing Booklets and focus on our spelling, punctuation and grammar.

For our curriculum focus this week, the children wrote their own fact file on Pope Francis. I was very impressed with the detail the children had put into their work. I know I learnt lots of things about Pope Francis that I didn’t already know. What an interesting man he is!

Each Pope has a coat of arms which is a way of representing things that are important to them. With this in mind the children created their own coat of arms with images of things that were important to them. They then explained why they chose those images. These were fantastic. I have added a few examples. I have emailed pictures of them over to Father Jim. I’m sure he will be very impressed!

In our Times Table Battle this week. The final score was: Team Boys - 1,896 and Team Girls - 2,683. Unfortunately, there was only 15 children who took part in the times table battle. Please can I remind all children that it is still important to be practising their times tables. Well done to everyone who took part. A special mention for Adam and Brodie who achieved the highest score for their teams! I have emailed your certificates.

In June, the children should have taken part in the Multiplication Check. Due to lockdown, these tests have been cancelled. The children have worked really hard on improving their times table knowledge this year therefore I would like the children to take part in a version of the Multiplication check that Times Table Rockstars have come up with. Their version mirrors the same format as the check and I will be sent the children’s individual scores. For more information about the check I have added a letter which explains in more detail how to access the check.

Over the past few weeks, I have began to notice that some children are not putting in the same amount of effort with their work that they would do if they were at school. I appreciate that home learning is hard however, some of the children need to ensure that they are reading the questions and attempting all questions. If any children need support please let me know. Well done to all the children who are still putting in 100% in every piece of work.

Additional learning resources;

Learning Project - This week the focus is on transport.

Geography Booklet - This week the focus is on food and farming

Oxford owl - Spelling and online book resource (let me know if you need me to resend our class login)

Please do not hesitate to contact me either via Class Dojo or email.

Stay safe

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

It was lovely hearing what all the children had been up to over their half term break. I have missed them all terribly!

I have been really impressed with the work the children have produced this week. The standard has been fantastic. You would not have thought they have had 2 weeks off! Well done Year 4.

This week we started our new Talk 4 Writing booklet ‘Mission’ the children seemed to enjoy the spy theme. The children read the story then answered true or false questions based on the text. They then ordered the events in the correct order then explored the vocabulary. To finish the week the children created their own character profiles for the characters in the text.

In Maths the children have been looking at decimals. They were able to write decimals, compare decimals and order decimals. The children’s detailed explanations when solving the word problems on their worksheets blew me away. Keep working hard Year 4, I am super proud of you all!

Our curriculum focus this week was Geography. The children read an information text, answered questions on it then created their own information poster. I was really impressed with the amount of detail the children included in their poster. I have added a few examples below.

I have organised a times table battle for next week. It will start on Monday at 1pm and will finish on Tuesday at 5pm. It will be Year 4 boys vs Year 4 girls. For each child that earns over 400 points, they will receive 3 dojos each. I wonder who will win this time.

Next week our curriculum focus will be RE where we will be learning about the life of Pope Francis. Don’t forget that you can still visit the church website to ask Father Jim any questions and he is still posting daily masses you can watch.

The learning project this week is focused on Space.

I have added a new Geography workbook called ‘Country up close’ this will be looking at Greece and the Olympics. The website Oddizzi will support this learning. Please let me know if you need me to re-send you our class log in details.

Additional learning resources;

  • Times Table Rockstars

  • Education City

If you need any support please let me know by messaging on Class Dojo or emailing on

Stay safe

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a lovely, restful half term break enjoying the beautiful weather. I know I usually blog on a Friday but I thought with us moving into our next half term of home learning I would recap expectations.

From this week I will be in school more to support the children of key workers therefore, there may be a delay in responding to messages on Class Dojo or email. Also, I may not be able to comment on every piece of work submitted due to the increased workload however, please rest assured that I will be reading and looking at all the children’s work. I love seeing the hard work and effort they put in to every piece of work. I have been very impressed. Keep it up please Year 4!

Daily Home Learning expectations;

  • Maths - Watch the video on White Rose Maths then complete the accompanying worksheet (details and worksheet posted on Class Dojo)

  • English - Complete the tasks from the Talk for Writing Booklet (details of activities posted on Dojo)

Weekly Home Learning expectations;

  • Reading check-in - read 2 pages of your current book.

  • ‘What have you been upto?’ - video or paragraph about what you have been up to at home.

  • Guided Reading Activity - details and text below or on Class Dojo

  • Curriculum Activity - details below or on Class Dojo

  • Curriculum Creative Activity - details below or on Class Dojo

I have added a pdf of this week’s weekly activities below;

Weekly activity details

Hodgeheg Chapter 1

Palm Oil Reading Comprehension

The children also have access to;

  • Times Table Rockstars

  • Education City

  • Sumdog

I have also added a link to a Geography workbook for this week from Oddizzi. To support the children’s learning they may need to access the Oddizzi website. I have sent all parents a text with the class log in details. This is optional however, if you would like to send me pictures of the children’s work then you can do this through Class Dojo.

There is also a new Learning Project which this week is focused on Music.

If you need any support accessing work then please let me know, I can be contacted through the messages section of Class Dojo or through class email which is

Stay safe

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

What another great week of home learning we have had. The children never fail to amaze me with the hard work and commitment they have shown towards their learning. I am very impressed and am blessed to have such a wonderful class.

In Maths the children have been working on hundredths and looking at how when we divide some numbers by 100 then we can sometimes have a decimal. Some children found the work this week a challenge however, I was really impressed with how the children used their growth mindset and tried their best to complete their work. The work produced was brilliant.

In English the children have continued to work on their ‘Amazing Aliens’ workbook. This week the children have imagined that they have explored the planet ‘Zargon 10’ and wrote a log about what happened during their visit. Then they added more detail to their sentences using wonderful fronted adverbials and making them as interesting as possible. Finally, the children created a wonderful piece of descriptive writing using their log. These were a joy to read.

This week our weekly activities were focused on RE, the children read the story of Pentecost and drew a picture of what happened. They then wrote how they would feel if they were one of the Disciples and explained why it was important for the Disciples to be able to speak the different languages. I loved how thoughtful the children were in their explanations. They are true Disciples of Christ

The children were also given the task of creating their own Pentecost banner. These looked fantastic and incorporated the symbols of Pentecost. Well done Year 4 they were fantastic.

There will be no home learning set for the next two weeks (W/C 25th May and W/C 1st June). This is to allow staff to have a short break before completing End of Year Reports and preparing school for social distancing. I have added a short PowerPoint of the story and some creative ideas that the children can complete based on Pentecost which is on the 31st of May. These activities are optional and if you would like me show me what the children have been doing then they can add pictures to Class Dojo.

Strandz website

Year 4 Pentecost Project

Pentecost Story

Pentecost Creative Activities

Please see the Church Website as Father Jim will be posting resources for the children to access. They can also email him any questions they may have and he will record a video message explaining his answer.

Yesterday was the feast of the Ascension and Fr Jim has uploaded the Mass on the church website. If you click on the blue button labelled ‘Press for the School Mass’, Fr Jim has done a child-friendly service, with some children from school doing the readings. It is so lovely! So if you didn’t manage to watch it yesterday, please do watch it with your child today or over the weekend…

Church website

I have also found a pdf of a book the children can access called ‘How not to go to school’. The story is based on a little girl who is home schooled where she gives the reader advice and tips on how to stay at home.

Please be aware that I will be unable to answer messages on Class Dojo or emails during this period of time. I will respond to all messages when we return on Monday 8th June.

Remember I am still your teacher Year 4 I found this little video for you all.

Video for Year 4

Stay Safe and have a lovely break.

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

Yet again Year 4 you have blown me away with the incredible work you have been doing at home. I know I keep saying this but, I am so proud of each and every one of you! Well done Year 4.

We had another fantastic week of home learning.

In Maths the children have been looking at fractions and decimals. This was the first week we had been using the White Rose Maths resources and the children seemed to enjoy the videos which the worksheet accompanied. The children were great at converting decimals into fractions and vice versa. I could tell from their work that they worked really hard!

In English the children began their new Talk 4 Writing Booklet ‘Amazing Aliens’. The children read the text then used this to answer the retrieval questions. The children created interesting noun phrases to describe an alien and made their own ‘alien words’ along with a definition of their new word. They then created an image of their own alien.

The weekly activities were based on Science. The children began to look at States of Matter and watched a BBC Bitesize video clip explaining more about them. The children completed a worksheet identifying different objects and organised them into the correct State. They then created and information poster about the States of Matter and were able to give examples of each.

In our Times Table Rockstars Battle it was Year 4 Boys vs Year 4 Girls. This time the boys won! Well done to everyone who took part. I’m really impressed with the speed and accuracy of your times table knowledge. I can tell you have all been practising. I’d like to mention Lennon especially. Every time there is a battle Lennon blows me away with the amount of points Lennon receives. I don’t think a battle has gone by when Lennon hasn’t earnt at least 2000 points. Well done Lennon!

For additional activities to keep the children busy I have posted the link to another Home Learning Project. This week the theme is Famous and Significant People.

Home Learning Project

There will be no home learning for the weeks of 25th May and 1st June this is for half term. During the first week I will be writing reports and in the second I will be in school preparing school inside and outside for the implementation of safe distancing and learning. 

Have a lovely week and stay safe!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

We had another brilliant week of home learning last week. The children worked really hard and I was very impressed with the effort the children had put into all of their work.

In Maths the children were looking at time and even though we had only looked at time briefly in class the work they produced was outstanding. The children were able to convert minutes into hours and vice versa using the different operations of multiplication and division. Well done Year 4!

I really enjoyed reading the children’s stories based on the same plot as the ‘King of the Fishes’. The writing they produced was incredible! The children created some amazing images for their ‘King/Queen of the species’ activity too. I was very impressed!

The Geography work the children produced was brilliant. They were all able to identify the countries of South America and finding the capital cities.

The children worked really hard on their RE ‘Disciples Experience’ task. I was blown away with how the children were able to think carefully about how the Disciples felt throughout the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This week, our task is going to be focused on Science.

On Friday with it being VE Day the children were given the optional tasks of creating a medal or trying to ‘crack the Morse code’. Some children decorated their houses with poppies and flags as members of their family are former soldiers. I’m sure you will agree that they both look fantastic!

I have arranged a Year 4 Times Table Battle, boys vs girls. This will start on Tuesday at 1pm and finish on Wednesday at 5pm. There was quite a low turn out for our Times Table Battle with Year 3 last week but hopefully, for this battle everyone will join in. 2 dojo points will be given to the children that participate with a minimum of 200 points earned. I wonder if the boys can beat the girls this time!

With us now entering Week 7 of Home Learning I feel we need to move from revising to learning new concepts. With this being said, I will now be using the White Rose Maths resources for our Maths challenges. White Rose is a brilliant Maths resource which gives the children a 8-10 minute video teaching the children the concept, then a worksheet will be provided alongside it. I will post the worksheet on the Class Story of Dojo.

With the brilliant work the ‘King of the Fishes’ produced we will be starting a new Talk 4 Writing booklet called ‘Amazing Aliens’. I am really excited to see what work the children produce from this new booklet.

To make it clear, I will put a document on Class Dojo each day with details of the activities I would like the children to look at.

To further support the children’s learning they can still access;



Education City

Discovery Education


Oxford Owl Spelling

There is also another Home Learning Project that the children can complete if they wish. This week the focus is on Rainforests which I thought the children would find really interesting.

Home Learning Project

Please do not hesitate to contact me through Dojo or email if you need any support or have any questions.

Stay safe and have a lovely week

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

I cannot believe we are now entering Week 6 of home learning. I am missing all the children terribly but seeing the fantastic work they are producing is putting a huge smile on my face.

I was really impressed with the Maths work, focusing on money, that the children produced. We had only briefly looked at money in class but I could tell that the children had really worked and concentrated really hard on their tasks.

Also, the ‘King of the Fishes’ work the children have been doing for English has been fantastic. I’m excited to see what stories the children can produce next week when we move onto our writing stage.

The children blew me away with their ‘P.E workout’ activity. The explanations the children gave and the range and creativeness of the activities they were demonstrating was outstanding. I also loved the posters the children made to accompany their workout. These posters really ‘sold’ their workout and were bright and colourful which was exactly what I wanted! Well done Year 4!

We WON our Times Table Rockstars Battle against Year 3! I’ve got to say it was very close and yet again, Year 3 put up an extremely good fight and it was a nail-biting finish. You are all Times Table Machines! We have another Battle with Year 3. This will start at 9.30am on Monday (4th) until 5pm on Tuesday (5th). I wonder if we can beat Year 3 again!

I will continue to set my daily Maths and English Challenges on Class. Dojo. The children seem to be really enjoying the King of the Fishes Booklet so I will continue to use the Talk 4 Writing resources for this. The children will also be looking at some Geography and R.E work as part of their weekly activities alongside their weekly reading check-in and Guided Reading task. Please continue to prioritise the work set on Class Dojo. If you have any queries or problems accessing Dojo please let me know and we can get these resolved.

In addition, I have posted the link to the Home Learning Booklet for extra activities the children can complete.

Home Learning Booklet

There is a lovely Time Capsule Activity book that the children can complete too, if they wish.

Time Capsule Activity Book

Also, if the children would like to continue to learn Spanish there is a lovely app called Duolingo (free version) which the children can access.

Stay safe and if you need any support please email or message me through Class Dojo.

Sending lots of love

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

I hope you are all well and staying safe.

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for all your continued support. I know how challenging home schooling and working from home can be so again, thankyou. I am so incredibly proud of each and every child in my class, the dedication they have in completing the tasks set has blown me away. Can I just ask parents to make sure that the pictures of the children’s work are clear? I am struggling to see some images so I cannot comment on the children’s work. Thankyou. Keep up the amazing work. Well done Year 4!

We won the Times Table Rockstar Battle! I was blown away by the effort from both teams. Year 3 were definitely tough competitors! Miss Heim-Sarac has organised another Battle for Monday 27th at 9.30am until Tuesday 28th at 5pm, Year 3 vs Year 4. Year 3 were tough competitors last week, I wonder if we can win again!

I was extremely impressed with the pieces of ‘Amazon artwork’. I love how creative the children have been and the time and effort they have put in. Here are some examples;

Again, please prioritise the work set on Class Dojo. I have been given access to a brilliant writing booklet therefore, our English challenges for the next few weeks will be focusing on activities from that. I will post the booklet on Class Dojo. I will post the Maths challenges as normal and t will let you know what activities I want the children to complete that day from the booklet on the same ‘Challenge’ document. Please can parents ensure that their child is not rushing these activities as each activity will build up to a quality ‘big write’ at the end. If you are having any problems accessing Dojo please let me know. I will also set work on Education City for the children to access.

The children can also access;

Times Table Rockstars


Oxford owl spelling

Discovery Education

If you need support accessing any of these sites, let me know.

I have attached the link to the home learning project for this week for additional tasks the children can do.

Home Learning Project Week 5

I have also attached the Lancashire Stay at Home Programme which has some physical activities the children can do.

Lancashire Stay at Home Programme

Also, Father Jim is excited to answer any questions the children have. Father is also posting a video of Mass that you can watch on the church website.

Church website

Remember, if you have any questions or need any support with anything please do not hesitate to contact me either by email ( or through Class Dojo.

I am missing you all!

Sending lots of love, stay safe!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

WOW I have been blown away with some of the work the children have been producing. Keep it up please Year 4!

I was very impressed with all the hard work and effort the children put in to our Times Table Rockstar Battle. I have organised another ‘battle’ on Tuesday 21st at 1pm to Wednesday 22nd at 5pm between Year 3 and Year 4. We NEED to win, you know how competitive I can be!

I will continue to be setting daily work and weekly activities on Class Dojo for the children to complete. Education City will have work set on it however, I would like the children to concentrate mainly on the tasks set on Dojo.

After reviewing the standard of work on Class Dojo there are a lot of fantastic pieces being submitted. However, I feel that some of us could be putting a little more effort and time into the work we are producing for the weekly activities I have been setting. To make it fair, I have decided to change how I award Dojo’s for these activities. Each piece of weekly work will be awarded 3 dojos however, I will be awarding extra dojos to outstanding pieces of work. I will be letting the children know if they are being awarded the extra dojos. The daily Maths and English tasks with still receive 1 dojo each. I am really impressed with the dedication the children are putting into these tasks. I am so proud of you all.

I have added the link to the Home Learning Project for additional ideas to keep the children busy.

Home Learning Project Week 4

Remember, If you need any support or have any questions I can be contacted through Class Dojo or by email. My email address is

Thank you for your continued support.

Stay safe, sending lots of love

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

I hope you have had a lovely Easter break and a well deserved rest. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all parents for their continued support through this unprecedented time. I really appreciate it.

I just thought I would recap the home learning expectations. Just to clarify, the priority work is the work set on Class Dojo as I can use this to inform my assessments. I will continue to set daily and weekly challenges for the children to complete and these can be uploaded onto Class Dojo where I can provide feedback. It is important that the children access Sumdog and Times Table Rockstars so the children can become fluent in their maths, times tables and spellings. I will also set work weekly on Education City which will be English, Reading, Maths and Science focused.

I understand that it is hard with other commitments you may have including working from home or having younger children so please let me know if you need any support. I can be contacted through Class Dojo, email or I you can make a telephone appointment where I can either clarify things for you or talk the children through any work.

For additional ideas, I have included the link to Week 3 of the home learning project if you would like additional tasks for the children to keep busy.

Home Learning Project

The work the children have produced so far has blown me away. I have been so proud of all the children and the effort they have been putting in. Keep it up!

Sending you all lots of love, stay safe.

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

I have been incredibly impressed with all the work the children have been completing so far on Dojo! Keep it up Year 4! The tasks I have been setting will be used as a way to assess the children therefore, It is really important that the children complete these to the best of their ability. These then need to be either emailed or uploaded on Dojo.

I awarded over 300 dojos this week for all the children’s hard work so we now have a total of 505 dojos towards our target! Well done Year 4!

School will be shut from Monday 6th April and will reopen on Tuesday 14th April. I am not setting any work over the Easter break however I have added a link to an Easter activity pack if the children would like something extra to do.

Easter activity pack

Father Jim has also set up a children’s page for the children to access where they can ‘Ask Father Jim’ and look at some video clips he has posted. I have added the link below

Father Jim’s Children’s page

If the children would like to send me any pictures of what they have been doing over the holiday then I will add these to their portfolio on Class Dojo however, I will be unable to answer emails or messages over the break as our email accounts will be suspended so we can spend some quality time with our families. All emails/messages will be replied to on Tuesday 14th of April and I will also start setting daily English and Maths work again.

I hope you have a lovely, restful Easter break and enjoy some time with your family.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

I hope you are all well. I have been absolutely blown away by the work the children are producing. Keep it up Year 4! I am incredibly proud of you all!

I know you have been bombarded with home learning information so just to clarify, I would like the children to prioritise the activities I put on Class Dojo. I will continue to set daily maths and English challenges for the children to complete. To help the children, I have included a link to a short BBC Bitesize video clip to remind them of what we have already covered. I will also be setting weekly tasks which include a reading check in, guided reading and a piece of writing where the children can tell me about their week. The pdfs for these tasks will be on the Class Story part of Dojo but I will open an ‘activity’ for each where the children can upload their work. When the children submit their challenge tasks they will receive 1 dojo. When the weekly activities are submitted then I will award the children with 3 dojos per task.

I have also set maths, reading and science work on Education City. These need to be completed for Friday please! I will be awarding 1 dojo for each completed task.

I will be checking Times Table Rockstars and Sumdog daily and will be awarding additional dojos if children have accessed these that day. They can also complete tasks from their home learning pack and Discovery Education.

Remember, we are working towards our target of 3000 dojos between Year 3 and Year 4 for our treat. Last week I awarded an amazing 175 dojos! Lets see if we can do better this week!

If you are having any problems with accessing the online resources please let me know.

I have also attached the link to the second week of the home learning project for additional ideas to keep the children busy.

Home Learning Project Week 2

Just a reminder that next week school will be closed for essential works therefore, I will not be setting any challenges, but I would like the children to complete an Easter Project. I will give you the details on next week’s blog.

Please tell the children I am missing them all terribly and I love seeing their work and hearing them read on Class Dojo. It puts a huge smile on my face!

If you have any questions or problems with anything then please do not hesitate to ask. Again, my email is and these will be responded to in school hours.

Stay safe! Sending you all lots of love!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

I hope you are all well.  Each Monday I will write a blog with the tasks set for the week.  These will be on Sumdog and Education city and will be due in on the Friday of that week.  However, currently Education city is not working so as soon as I have set the work I will text all parents to let you know. 

Myself and Miss Heim-Sarac will be trialling setting work through Class Dojo.  This will mainly be reading and writing tasks.  A text will come to you shortly if your email address is not registered with school as this is how we will be contacting you about this.

I have also attached a Learning Project document with additional ideas.

Learning Project Week 1

In the meantime, please continue to read and access the home learning packs.  The recommendation is that children should be doing school work for two hours per day. 

We have also set up a year group email so that I can be contacted to answer any questions.  These emails will only be answered in school hours.  The email address is;

Have a nice week, stay safe and let the children know that I am missing them!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

In light of the current situation regarding school closure, we have sent home learning packs to support home study. Below is a list of additional useful resources/websites to further enhance their learning. Our blogs will be updated in due course with additional information and support. Under the difficult circumstances of this week’s announcements, we have been very proud of how the children have shown resilience and maturity.

Thank you for your continued support,

KS2 team

Home learning activities


Read as much as you can at home-there’s nothing better than getting engrossed in a good book!


In your home pack you have been given a yellow notebook. The children could keep a diary of the things they do at home or encourage them to write short stories.

Websites we already use and your child has a login for:

Discovery Education : Espresso 

We have a whole school subscription for Espresso which is part of Discovery Education. There are loads of resources and games that you can access that link to the National Curriculum.

Username and password has been sent home in the pack.


Free access has been granted for all resources on Sumdog during school closures. Use your own sumdog login username and password provided in your learning pack.


Keep practising your times tables by logging onto this website using individual username and password that has been sent home.

Other websites that are offering home learning resources are:

 Education City

Children will be coming home today with usernames and passwords for Education City. This is a new website for the children with access to English, Maths, Science and Computing resources.

Classroom secrets home learning:

The pack we have sent home, comes from this website but they have many more resources on offer for children to use:


Twinkl is also a resource that we use in school and has many resources that can be used at home.

Oxford Owl

Maths and English resources

Third Space

Please see letter regarding access to Third Space maths.

Physical Exercise Links

Young Champions has been created by sports coaches, movement specialists and sports scientists to provide young children with home practice sessions to develop fitness, motor and sports skills. It will help children of all ages and abilities to play sport to the best of their ability and keep them active and healthy. Parents can sign up here:

An alternative one is The Body coach TV 9am Monday to Friday with Joe Wickes.

AuthorKay McVey

The children have been working extremely hard this week especially on their timetables. I have been very impressed with their scores! Well done Year 4!

Maths - This week we have been focusing on subtraction. We have been using mental, counting up and written methods to solve our calculations.

English - We have began to look at the story of Rumpelstiltskin, which we are going to base our own playscript on. We analysed the story, examining the thoughts, feelings and motives of the characters. We have also began to build our own character of the King.

RE - We have been reflecting on the story of Palm Sunday. We listened to the story and gave reasons for the behaviours of the people of Jerusalem. We then looked at how the story impacts us now.

Science - This week we have been creating circuits. The children were given all the equipment and in small groups they made their lightbulb light up. We then discussed why the bulb lit up using our scientific vocabulary.

Geography - We have been focusing on the Amazon rainforest this week. We looked at the different layers of the rainforest then explored how the rainforest feeds us.

Award Winners

Maths Award - This week the Maths Award went to Laciee. Laciee has been working extremely hard in all maths lessons and has been using her growth mindset to solve challenges. Well done Laciee!

Star Writer - The Star Writer Award went to Mia. Mia wrote a beautiful reflection on the events of Palm Sunday and how it affects our behaviour now. Well done Mia!

Golden Award - My Golden Award this week went to Evie. Evie has blown me away with her hard work and effort that she has put into every piece of work. She is constantly going above and beyond what is expected of her! Well done Evie!


4-digit subtraction sheet

Homophones worksheet


Timestable Rockstars

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

What a fantastic week we have had! We have been doing lots of drama, Father visited us and we also dressed up and shared our favourite stories for World Book Day. The children have blown me away this week with their times table knowledge and results from their Star Reading tests. I can see real progress! Well done Year 4! Keep working hard, I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you!

English - This week we have been continuing with our playscripts theme. We have been doing lots of drama to gain more of an understanding of the thoughts and motives of characters.

Maths - We have been working hard on our methods of addition and subtraction. We have looked at both mental and written methods then we chose the appropriate method for our calculations.

RE - Father came to visit us this week to discuss how our responses in Mass links to our beliefs. We analysed three parts of the Mass and looked at both Father’s words and our responses.

Science - This week we have been looking at the dangers of electricity. We played a game on the interactive whiteboard where we needed to find all the dangers inside a house. We then created information posters.

Geography - We have been investigating what life is like in the Favela of Rochina in Rio. We found out information about how the families made their money and survived. We also discovered how the children contributed to their families income.


If you haven’t already done so, please can I ask parents to send in the reply slips for your children’s reports. Thankyou.

 Maths Award - This week my Maths Award went to Olivia. Olivia is always using her growth mindset to continue to put in an incredible amount of effort and hard work in every lesson. Well done Olivia!

Star Writer - The Star Writer award went to Grace.  Grace produced a beautifully detailed account of what life is like in Brazil.  It was a joy to read.  Well done Grace!

Golden Award - My Golden Award this week went to Nathaniel.  Nathaniel is working extremely hard at the moment and has really impressed me with the incredible work he has produced.  Well done Nathaniel!


English - I have sent home a comprehension based on a playscript.

Maths - I have sent home some addition and subtraction questions.

Spellings - The children have decided what spellings they would like to learn this week ready for our test on the 13th.

1 game on Times Table Rockstars.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

We have had a lovely first week back. On Wednesday, we went to Church for Ash Wednesday. The children’s behaviour and responses to Father were incredible. Well done Year 4.

We have been very busy starting our new topics in our subject areas.

Maths - This week we have been focusing on one-place decimals. We have been placing decimals on number lines and calculating what we need to add to it to get to the next whole number. We have also been comparing decimals using our greater than and less than signs.

English - We have started our new theme of playscripts. We have been analysing the Vietnamese folk tale ‘The Fly and the Fool’. We made predictions of what could happen then created a story map to highlight the main events.

RE - We have been investigating our belief that Jesus is truly human and truly God. We discussed our thoughts then used Bible stories to show examples of both. On Tuesday we wrote our Lenten promises and linked them back to scripture.

Science - We have started our new topic of Electricity. We began by defining what electricity was and how it is made then, decided what resources in our classroom runs on electricity and what does not.

Geography - We have started looked at Brazil. We found what continent it was on then located it on a map. We then gathered information and created a fact file.


The children will be taking part in the ‘gulp challenge 2020’. Blackpool FC Community Trust along with Blackpool Council will be encouraging children across Blackpool to ‘Give Up Loving Pop’ and to think of drinking healthier alternatives instead such as water or low-fat milk.

The challenge is for each child to complete 21 days of pop free living, starting on Monday 2nd March, and marking it off in their drink diary. After the 21 days parents will need to sign the diary and children need to bring their diary back to school so I can calculate how many days all children in the class has been ‘pop free’.
The Year 4 class with the highest number of combined ‘pop free’ days in Blackpool will receive a complementary trip to Blackpool High Ropes at Stanley Park.


Star Writer - The Star Writer award went to Isabelle this week. Isabelle’s handwriting is incredible! The effort she puts into making sure every piece of work is presented beautifully blows me away. Well done Isabelle!

Golden Award - My Golden Award went to Cianna. Cianna has such a positive attitude to learning and the hard work and effort she puts into every piece of work is incredible. Well done Cianna!


Maths - I have sent home a sheet on decimals for the children to complete.

English - Pages 86 and 87 (Word endings gue and que)


Times table rockstars

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

I cannot believe we are now halfway through Year 4! It has gone so fast and the children have worked so hard!

What an incredible week we have had.  On Wednesday we went on out trip to Old Holly Farm.  We learnt about how the cows are milked and where the milk then goes, we made butter and tasted ice-cream and then we learnt about the younger animals the farm had. The children were brilliant, and their behaviour was incredible.  Well done Year 4 I am extremely proud of you all!

Even though we have been busy we have done some fantastic learning.

Maths – We have been learning about money and calculating what change we would receive from £10, £20. £50 and £100.  We have also done our Maths assessments.

English – This week we have been planning and have now written our own persuasive letter.  We wrote this letter based on our theme of ‘For the Birds’ where we wrote to the smaller birds to persuade them to stop bullying the big bird.

RE – We have been looking at the Parable of the Two Builders.  We explored what Jesus’ was teaching us and
how he wants us to live our lives.

Science – We have been investigating how pitch can change.  We conducted an experiment where we used different resources such as triangles, a glass, drum and a xylophone and carefully explored how we can
change the pitch.

Geography – This week we have learnt about the future of our food.  We investigated Genetically Modified food and the advantages and disadvantages of them. We then created an information poster explaining all about them.

We return on school on Monday 24th February at 8:45am.

Award Winners

Maths Award – This week the Maths Award was given to Lila for her excellent work on factors and her brilliant explanations of maths concepts.  Well done Lila!

Star Writer - The Star Writer Award went to Sam.  Sam is really working hard on his writing and making sure he is including the correct punctuation.  Well done Sam!

Golden Award - My Golden Award this week went to Molly.  Molly has such a positive attitude to her learning.  She is always working hard and trying her best.  Well done Molly!


The only homework I am setting for this half term is Times Table Rockstars.

Have a lovely break!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User

We have had another fun-filled week in Year 4! We have done lots of exciting learning.

Maths – This week we have been focusing on multiplication and division.  The children have been dividing numbers beyond their known times table facts and have been identifying factor pairs of numbers.

 English – We have moved onto our new theme of persuasive texts.  We watched a video clip called ‘For the birds’ where a group of birds are not very kind to another bird.  In the video there is no dialogue, so the children worked in groups to create their own dialogue and presented it through drama.

 RE – This week we have looked at how Jesus taught through parables.  We read the Parable of the Sower and identified that the seeds were the Word of God.  We then explored the meaning behind the parable and how we can learn from it.   

 Science – This week we have been making links between volume and vibrations.  A large drum was brought into the classroom which had rice on it which represented vibrations.  The children watched as the drum was hit softly creating a low volume therefore the vibrations were weak.  The children then watched as the drum was hit hard causing a high volume and strong vibrations.

 Geography – We have been exploring whether there is enough food in the world.  We heard two stories about children called Mukta and John who both did not have enough to eat due to environmental circumstances.

 Trip notices

  •  For our trip on Wednesday, Old Holly Farm has said that the children need to be wearing wellies.  If any children do not have wellies, then the farm has said they have some spare which we can borrow.  Children will need to bring a spare pair of shoes that they can change into on the way back from the farm.

  • Children must be in their full PE uniform.

 Award Winners

On Monday we gave out our awards for last week. 

Star Writer award (W/C 27/1/20) went to Brodie.  Brodie has really impressed me with the thought and detail she has put into her writing and has created a wonderful letter.  Well done Brodie!

Golden Award (W/C 27/1/20) was awarded to Jack.  Jack has such a positive attitude to learning and has been working super hard.  He is also such a kind and considerate friend.  Well done Jack!

Awards (W/C 3/2/20)

Maths Award – My Maths award this week went to Onalee.  Onalee’s confidence and belief in herself when it comes to her Maths work has improved greatly.  Her positive attitude has blown me away.  Well done Onalee!

Star Writer – Our Star Writer award went to Molly.  Molly wrote a beautiful explanation describing the link between volume and vibrations using brilliant scientific vocabulary.  Well done Molly!

Golden Award – The Golden Award went to Mia.  Mia’s confidence and belief in herself has blown me away.  She constantly tries her best, has her hand up and even taught the class how to solve a division problem! Well done Mia!


Maths – I have sent home a sheet on Factors.

English – I have sent home a ‘Super Speech’ sheet for the children to complete.

Spellings for quiz on 14/2/20

Times tables – I will be doing a random test on all times tables on 14/2/20

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

AuthorGuest User