Here’s this week’s home learning timetable and resources…
Timetable for 1/3/21 - 5/3/21 Please open the timetable to find clear instructions for each lesson and links to the relevant websites and audio/video clips (all additional resources below).
Please note : In line with Department for Education expectations, each child should be completing at least 4 hours of learning per day. The set work on the timetable reflects this expectation. It is also a government expectation that work is sent in to teachers to be evidenced and feedback given where necessary.
As this is our last week of home learning before we all return to school, please email work to me by 1pm on Friday 5th March so that I am able to feedback to the children before the end of the school day. Any work sent after the school day on Friday 5th March will go into your child’s lockdown portfolio of work but as we are all back at school on MONDAY 8TH MARCH I will not have time to go through it and feedback. Thank you for your continued support with this.
Maths resources
English resources
Bedrock should be completed at least twice a week.
Bedrock now have a new competition - see the poster. Bedrock will use usage data for the weeks from Monday 22 February to Thursday 1 April 2021 inclusive to identify students who have earned a minimum of 120 points. On Monday 12th April they will select at random 52 of these students, 2 of whom will receive a Chromebook and 50 a £10 Amazon voucher. Good luck!
World Book Day (for Thursday) resources. Please scroll to the end of the timetable to find the activities I would like you to complete on Thursday for English to celebrate World Book Day.
RE resources
TenTen Daily Worship prayers for home - As a family you may want to use these prayers as part of your daily worship. TenTen have also shared their weekly assembly which can be accessed at home now too…
Ten Ten assembly 1.3.21
Geography ‘What is water?’ booklet
Think U Know Online safety activities to support online safety at home
A reminder of links to websites where free ebooks can be borrowed to keep up with your daily reading 📚(at least 20 minutes a day):
You can also borrow ebooks and eAudio books from your local library. Go to for more information - there are some great titles that will be of interest to everyone.
You can also sign up to this free website, Z library ( ), which also has a wealth of e-books that can be downloaded for free. I would encourage parents to help your child choose books as this site does not just contain children’s books.
Quizzing from home…
Once you’ve finished your book, take your quiz. Type in the username and password you use in school. You should complete these quizzes independently:
Making Resilient Moves…
What resilient moves will you make this week? Thanks to those who shared theirs this week (see our main news page for photographs). Please email me photos of your resilient moves you make this week -
Additional work/resources:
These resources are completely optional. I do not expect this work to be handed in but there are some lovely activities that the children may enjoy doing.
• Learning Project The theme this week is ‘Celebrations’.
• Compete against other members of Year 5 and see if you can get to the top of the Leaderboard in the quiz section! You could have a go at this World Explorer’s activity pack (week 7) from Oddizzi too. Username and passwords were sent by email.
Have a really great week Year 5, I look forward to receiving your work and finding out what you’ve been up to!
Mrs McVey🙋🏻