What fantastic work some of the children have been producing this week!
In Maths, at the beginning of the week the children focused on fractions and finding the equivalent. Some of the children found this work a challenge however, I was really impressed with how the children used their growth mindset and produced some fantastic work. They then looked at money and how the can order it. Next week, the Maths focus will be multiplication and division.
In English, the children have been using the story Mission to create their own characters. They also used the ‘bare bones’ of the plot to plan their own spy story. The children then used their plan to create their one story. These were a joy to read! Next week, we are going to have a week off the Talk 4 Writing Booklets and focus on our spelling, punctuation and grammar.
For our curriculum focus this week, the children wrote their own fact file on Pope Francis. I was very impressed with the detail the children had put into their work. I know I learnt lots of things about Pope Francis that I didn’t already know. What an interesting man he is!
Each Pope has a coat of arms which is a way of representing things that are important to them. With this in mind the children created their own coat of arms with images of things that were important to them. They then explained why they chose those images. These were fantastic. I have added a few examples. I have emailed pictures of them over to Father Jim. I’m sure he will be very impressed!
In our Times Table Battle this week. The final score was: Team Boys - 1,896 and Team Girls - 2,683. Unfortunately, there was only 15 children who took part in the times table battle. Please can I remind all children that it is still important to be practising their times tables. Well done to everyone who took part. A special mention for Adam and Brodie who achieved the highest score for their teams! I have emailed your certificates.
In June, the children should have taken part in the Multiplication Check. Due to lockdown, these tests have been cancelled. The children have worked really hard on improving their times table knowledge this year therefore I would like the children to take part in a version of the Multiplication check that Times Table Rockstars have come up with. Their version mirrors the same format as the check and I will be sent the children’s individual scores. For more information about the check I have added a letter which explains in more detail how to access the check.
Over the past few weeks, I have began to notice that some children are not putting in the same amount of effort with their work that they would do if they were at school. I appreciate that home learning is hard however, some of the children need to ensure that they are reading the questions and attempting all questions. If any children need support please let me know. Well done to all the children who are still putting in 100% in every piece of work.
Additional learning resources;
Learning Project - This week the focus is on transport.
Geography Booklet - This week the focus is on food and farming
Oxford owl - Spelling and online book resource (let me know if you need me to resend our class login)
Please do not hesitate to contact me either via Class Dojo or email.
Stay safe
Mrs Cunningham-Kay