I cannot believe we are now entering Week 6 of home learning. I am missing all the children terribly but seeing the fantastic work they are producing is putting a huge smile on my face.
I was really impressed with the Maths work, focusing on money, that the children produced. We had only briefly looked at money in class but I could tell that the children had really worked and concentrated really hard on their tasks.
Also, the ‘King of the Fishes’ work the children have been doing for English has been fantastic. I’m excited to see what stories the children can produce next week when we move onto our writing stage.
The children blew me away with their ‘P.E workout’ activity. The explanations the children gave and the range and creativeness of the activities they were demonstrating was outstanding. I also loved the posters the children made to accompany their workout. These posters really ‘sold’ their workout and were bright and colourful which was exactly what I wanted! Well done Year 4!
We WON our Times Table Rockstars Battle against Year 3! I’ve got to say it was very close and yet again, Year 3 put up an extremely good fight and it was a nail-biting finish. You are all Times Table Machines! We have another Battle with Year 3. This will start at 9.30am on Monday (4th) until 5pm on Tuesday (5th). I wonder if we can beat Year 3 again!
I will continue to set my daily Maths and English Challenges on Class. Dojo. The children seem to be really enjoying the King of the Fishes Booklet so I will continue to use the Talk 4 Writing resources for this. The children will also be looking at some Geography and R.E work as part of their weekly activities alongside their weekly reading check-in and Guided Reading task. Please continue to prioritise the work set on Class Dojo. If you have any queries or problems accessing Dojo please let me know and we can get these resolved.
In addition, I have posted the link to the Home Learning Booklet for extra activities the children can complete.
There is a lovely Time Capsule Activity book that the children can complete too, if they wish.
Also, if the children would like to continue to learn Spanish there is a lovely app called Duolingo (free version) which the children can access.
Stay safe and if you need any support please email or message me through Class Dojo.
Sending lots of love
Mrs Cunningham-Kay