What a fantastic week we have had! We have been doing lots of drama, Father visited us and we also dressed up and shared our favourite stories for World Book Day. The children have blown me away this week with their times table knowledge and results from their Star Reading tests. I can see real progress! Well done Year 4! Keep working hard, I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you!
English - This week we have been continuing with our playscripts theme. We have been doing lots of drama to gain more of an understanding of the thoughts and motives of characters.
Maths - We have been working hard on our methods of addition and subtraction. We have looked at both mental and written methods then we chose the appropriate method for our calculations.
RE - Father came to visit us this week to discuss how our responses in Mass links to our beliefs. We analysed three parts of the Mass and looked at both Father’s words and our responses.
Science - This week we have been looking at the dangers of electricity. We played a game on the interactive whiteboard where we needed to find all the dangers inside a house. We then created information posters.
Geography - We have been investigating what life is like in the Favela of Rochina in Rio. We found out information about how the families made their money and survived. We also discovered how the children contributed to their families income.
If you haven’t already done so, please can I ask parents to send in the reply slips for your children’s reports. Thankyou.
Maths Award - This week my Maths Award went to Olivia. Olivia is always using her growth mindset to continue to put in an incredible amount of effort and hard work in every lesson. Well done Olivia!
Star Writer - The Star Writer award went to Grace. Grace produced a beautifully detailed account of what life is like in Brazil. It was a joy to read. Well done Grace!
Golden Award - My Golden Award this week went to Nathaniel. Nathaniel is working extremely hard at the moment and has really impressed me with the incredible work he has produced. Well done Nathaniel!
English - I have sent home a comprehension based on a playscript.
Maths - I have sent home some addition and subtraction questions.
Spellings - The children have decided what spellings they would like to learn this week ready for our test on the 13th.
1 game on Times Table Rockstars.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cunningham-Kay