WOW I have been blown away with some of the work the children have been producing. Keep it up please Year 4!
I was very impressed with all the hard work and effort the children put in to our Times Table Rockstar Battle. I have organised another ‘battle’ on Tuesday 21st at 1pm to Wednesday 22nd at 5pm between Year 3 and Year 4. We NEED to win, you know how competitive I can be!
I will continue to be setting daily work and weekly activities on Class Dojo for the children to complete. Education City will have work set on it however, I would like the children to concentrate mainly on the tasks set on Dojo.
After reviewing the standard of work on Class Dojo there are a lot of fantastic pieces being submitted. However, I feel that some of us could be putting a little more effort and time into the work we are producing for the weekly activities I have been setting. To make it fair, I have decided to change how I award Dojo’s for these activities. Each piece of weekly work will be awarded 3 dojos however, I will be awarding extra dojos to outstanding pieces of work. I will be letting the children know if they are being awarded the extra dojos. The daily Maths and English tasks with still receive 1 dojo each. I am really impressed with the dedication the children are putting into these tasks. I am so proud of you all.
I have added the link to the Home Learning Project for additional ideas to keep the children busy.
Remember, If you need any support or have any questions I can be contacted through Class Dojo or by email. My email address is
Thank you for your continued support.
Stay safe, sending lots of love
Mrs Cunningham-Kay