I cannot believe we are now halfway through Year 4! It has gone so fast and the children have worked so hard!

What an incredible week we have had.  On Wednesday we went on out trip to Old Holly Farm.  We learnt about how the cows are milked and where the milk then goes, we made butter and tasted ice-cream and then we learnt about the younger animals the farm had. The children were brilliant, and their behaviour was incredible.  Well done Year 4 I am extremely proud of you all!

Even though we have been busy we have done some fantastic learning.

Maths – We have been learning about money and calculating what change we would receive from £10, £20. £50 and £100.  We have also done our Maths assessments.

English – This week we have been planning and have now written our own persuasive letter.  We wrote this letter based on our theme of ‘For the Birds’ where we wrote to the smaller birds to persuade them to stop bullying the big bird.

RE – We have been looking at the Parable of the Two Builders.  We explored what Jesus’ was teaching us and
how he wants us to live our lives.

Science – We have been investigating how pitch can change.  We conducted an experiment where we used different resources such as triangles, a glass, drum and a xylophone and carefully explored how we can
change the pitch.

Geography – This week we have learnt about the future of our food.  We investigated Genetically Modified food and the advantages and disadvantages of them. We then created an information poster explaining all about them.

We return on school on Monday 24th February at 8:45am.

Award Winners

Maths Award – This week the Maths Award was given to Lila for her excellent work on factors and her brilliant explanations of maths concepts.  Well done Lila!

Star Writer - The Star Writer Award went to Sam.  Sam is really working hard on his writing and making sure he is including the correct punctuation.  Well done Sam!

Golden Award - My Golden Award this week went to Molly.  Molly has such a positive attitude to her learning.  She is always working hard and trying her best.  Well done Molly!


The only homework I am setting for this half term is Times Table Rockstars.

Have a lovely break!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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