We have had a lovely first week back. On Wednesday, we went to Church for Ash Wednesday. The children’s behaviour and responses to Father were incredible. Well done Year 4.
We have been very busy starting our new topics in our subject areas.
Maths - This week we have been focusing on one-place decimals. We have been placing decimals on number lines and calculating what we need to add to it to get to the next whole number. We have also been comparing decimals using our greater than and less than signs.
English - We have started our new theme of playscripts. We have been analysing the Vietnamese folk tale ‘The Fly and the Fool’. We made predictions of what could happen then created a story map to highlight the main events.
RE - We have been investigating our belief that Jesus is truly human and truly God. We discussed our thoughts then used Bible stories to show examples of both. On Tuesday we wrote our Lenten promises and linked them back to scripture.
Science - We have started our new topic of Electricity. We began by defining what electricity was and how it is made then, decided what resources in our classroom runs on electricity and what does not.
Geography - We have started looked at Brazil. We found what continent it was on then located it on a map. We then gathered information and created a fact file.
The children will be taking part in the ‘gulp challenge 2020’. Blackpool FC Community Trust along with Blackpool Council will be encouraging children across Blackpool to ‘Give Up Loving Pop’ and to think of drinking healthier alternatives instead such as water or low-fat milk.
The challenge is for each child to complete 21 days of pop free living, starting on Monday 2nd March, and marking it off in their drink diary. After the 21 days parents will need to sign the diary and children need to bring their diary back to school so I can calculate how many days all children in the class has been ‘pop free’.
The Year 4 class with the highest number of combined ‘pop free’ days in Blackpool will receive a complementary trip to Blackpool High Ropes at Stanley Park.
Star Writer - The Star Writer award went to Isabelle this week. Isabelle’s handwriting is incredible! The effort she puts into making sure every piece of work is presented beautifully blows me away. Well done Isabelle!
Golden Award - My Golden Award went to Cianna. Cianna has such a positive attitude to learning and the hard work and effort she puts into every piece of work is incredible. Well done Cianna!
Maths - I have sent home a sheet on decimals for the children to complete.
English - Pages 86 and 87 (Word endings gue and que)
Times table rockstars
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cunningham-Kay