Yet again Year 4 you have blown me away with the incredible work you have been doing at home. I know I keep saying this but, I am so proud of each and every one of you! Well done Year 4.

We had another fantastic week of home learning.

In Maths the children have been looking at fractions and decimals. This was the first week we had been using the White Rose Maths resources and the children seemed to enjoy the videos which the worksheet accompanied. The children were great at converting decimals into fractions and vice versa. I could tell from their work that they worked really hard!

In English the children began their new Talk 4 Writing Booklet ‘Amazing Aliens’. The children read the text then used this to answer the retrieval questions. The children created interesting noun phrases to describe an alien and made their own ‘alien words’ along with a definition of their new word. They then created an image of their own alien.

The weekly activities were based on Science. The children began to look at States of Matter and watched a BBC Bitesize video clip explaining more about them. The children completed a worksheet identifying different objects and organised them into the correct State. They then created and information poster about the States of Matter and were able to give examples of each.

In our Times Table Rockstars Battle it was Year 4 Boys vs Year 4 Girls. This time the boys won! Well done to everyone who took part. I’m really impressed with the speed and accuracy of your times table knowledge. I can tell you have all been practising. I’d like to mention Lennon especially. Every time there is a battle Lennon blows me away with the amount of points Lennon receives. I don’t think a battle has gone by when Lennon hasn’t earnt at least 2000 points. Well done Lennon!

For additional activities to keep the children busy I have posted the link to another Home Learning Project. This week the theme is Famous and Significant People.

Home Learning Project

There will be no home learning for the weeks of 25th May and 1st June this is for half term. During the first week I will be writing reports and in the second I will be in school preparing school inside and outside for the implementation of safe distancing and learning. 

Have a lovely week and stay safe!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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