Homework expectations in Year 5…
Year 5 will mostly use online learning for their homework this year and on a Wednesday afternoon I will post the details of Year 5’s homework here. Homework should be completed by the following Tuesday ready for spelling and times tables tests.
It is the expectation that Year 5 should read regularly (every night if possible and for at least 20 minutes) Please sign your child's reading diary each time they read so that they can collect their bookmark stickers. The children choose books from within their ZPD range and once these are finished they can quiz on their book and this helps us to assess their progress in reading. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day. Please note that reading diaries will be checked weekly in school, however, please be patient with us whilst we get into routine - all diaries will be updated as soon as we can and children will be rewarded for their reading with stickers on their bookmark. At the end of each half term, certificates will be awarded to children who complete a side of their bookmark.
Spellings will be a focus of the children’s homework weekly. Your child’s spelling has been assessed so to start with this year, spellings will be taken from the Year 3/4 spelling lists (knowledge of these is still not yet secure for many children) and the Year 5/6 spelling lists. It is really important that the children learn these spellings to improve their writing and to reach the expected standard by the end of Year 6. To support spelling practice, please take a look at this guide to spelling strategies.
In addition to these spellings, which will be found on the homework page of this blog each week, some children (those who we feel need it based on assessment) will also receive personalised spellings that they should focus on each week. These will not be tested weekly but will be assessed at the end of each half term and spellings will then be adjusted accordingly. These spelling lists will be given out each week for the children to take home in their reading diary. These should start coming home next Wednesday.
Times tables
We will continue to work on times tables this year. I know how much work the children put in last year to learn their tables for the Year 4 times table test but now the children need to develop their fluency to enable to recall these facts with quick recall. Being secure in their times tables makes it far quicker and easier for children to work out maths problems in their heads. Moving beyond using their fingers to work out answers, they'll be able to use their knowledge to quickly solve any multiplication questions which can be applied to many areas of maths. Please ensure your child continues to practise these weekly. They can use TTRockstars to help build up their speed.
Please take a look at these useful guides to support your child:
The importance of times tables
Times tables - key vocabulary
Top hints for each times table
Strategies to learn times tables
Websites we will use for homework…
IXL English and Maths -Please see letter that children have brought home. Your child has now used this website in school and should be able to use it at home. They should complete only the stated skills (see below).
Bedrock Vocabulary programme- We’ve not yet used this website. Once the children have had a chance to use it in school, a letter will be sent home with their logins.
TT Rockstars
Copies of the children’s logins to these sites, once established, can be found in the front of the children’s reading diaries so that they can gain access at home.
This week’s Homework 11/9/22
Read regularly and get your diary signed.
Bedrock - No Bedrock this week as we have not yet used this in class.
IXL Maths
A2 Value of a digit
IXL English
EE1 Which word is a noun?
(Spend at least 15 minutes on each IXL skill, unless you achieve a score of 100 in a shorter time than this.)
Times tables - x2 ready for a test next week. These will also include divisions e.g. 14÷2? How many 2s are in 24? If you’re secure in these ones, then practise one that you are not so familiar with. Use TTRockstars to build up your speed.
Spellings for a test next week. These are taken from the Year 5 spelling list. A copy of this will be sent home and the children will need to be able to spell all of these by the end of Year 5.
accident accidentally actual actually address
amateur ancient apparent available average
Individual spellings - Once these are finalised, these will be sent home weekly and will be tested on them half termly (not weekly).
Homework will need to have been completed by Tuesday 17/9/2 when I will check their results and house points will be rewarded. Parents will be informed by text if homework is incomplete.
Thanks for your support. If there are any problems, please catch me at the gate at the end of the day or email me at year5@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk and I will respond as soon as possible.
Mrs McVey