We had another brilliant week of home learning last week. The children worked really hard and I was very impressed with the effort the children had put into all of their work.

In Maths the children were looking at time and even though we had only looked at time briefly in class the work they produced was outstanding. The children were able to convert minutes into hours and vice versa using the different operations of multiplication and division. Well done Year 4!

I really enjoyed reading the children’s stories based on the same plot as the ‘King of the Fishes’. The writing they produced was incredible! The children created some amazing images for their ‘King/Queen of the species’ activity too. I was very impressed!

The Geography work the children produced was brilliant. They were all able to identify the countries of South America and finding the capital cities.

The children worked really hard on their RE ‘Disciples Experience’ task. I was blown away with how the children were able to think carefully about how the Disciples felt throughout the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This week, our task is going to be focused on Science.

On Friday with it being VE Day the children were given the optional tasks of creating a medal or trying to ‘crack the Morse code’. Some children decorated their houses with poppies and flags as members of their family are former soldiers. I’m sure you will agree that they both look fantastic!

I have arranged a Year 4 Times Table Battle, boys vs girls. This will start on Tuesday at 1pm and finish on Wednesday at 5pm. There was quite a low turn out for our Times Table Battle with Year 3 last week but hopefully, for this battle everyone will join in. 2 dojo points will be given to the children that participate with a minimum of 200 points earned. I wonder if the boys can beat the girls this time!

With us now entering Week 7 of Home Learning I feel we need to move from revising to learning new concepts. With this being said, I will now be using the White Rose Maths resources for our Maths challenges. White Rose is a brilliant Maths resource which gives the children a 8-10 minute video teaching the children the concept, then a worksheet will be provided alongside it. I will post the worksheet on the Class Story of Dojo.

With the brilliant work the ‘King of the Fishes’ produced we will be starting a new Talk 4 Writing booklet called ‘Amazing Aliens’. I am really excited to see what work the children produce from this new booklet.

To make it clear, I will put a document on Class Dojo each day with details of the activities I would like the children to look at.

To further support the children’s learning they can still access;



Education City

Discovery Education


Oxford Owl Spelling

There is also another Home Learning Project that the children can complete if they wish. This week the focus is on Rainforests which I thought the children would find really interesting.

Home Learning Project

Please do not hesitate to contact me through Dojo or email if you need any support or have any questions.

Stay safe and have a lovely week

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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