Please complete by Wednesday 26th March. I will check that all online homework has been completed on Thursday morning.
(Please note that I have not set any workbook homework this week, only online work as well as spellings and timestables)
Like discussed do not spend hours doing this. Try it and have a good go at it, if it is too hard we can look at it together in class. Please use this time to ask for help!
HOME READING! You should be reading at home at least 3 or 4 times a week. Please ensure your reading record is signed from someone at home too so we can keep a record of how frequently you are reading. I would love to see more people receiving reading awards for filling their bookmarks!
Bedrock ( Please complete at least one lesson.
TT Rockstars ( practise regularly. There is a new competition between all the schools in the academy open now. Good luck!
Next Thursday, you will be tested on a selection of 30 questions from all your timetables up to 12x12.
OO. 2 Commas with compound and complex sentences
II. 9 Use the perfect verb tenses
Y. 6 Interpret bar graphs for categorical data
Y. 19 Pie charts
REMINDER: you should be spending at least 15 minutes on each IXL unit, unless you achieve 100 in a shorter time than this.
Spellings for this week 21.03.25
(You will be tested on these on 28.03.25)
As we are nearing SATs and any year 5/6 spellings could come up on the spelling test, I will now be testing the class on 15 random spellings from this list. I know there are a lot of spellings on those lists so do not feel like you have to spend hours revising all of them. I would focus on the ones that you repeatedly misspell or struggle to remember. We will also be practicing these spellings in class. Below I have attached a list of all of the spellings, with space to practice and make note if you got them right or wrong. I have sent a paper copy of these home with each child, so they can use them as a revision guide too. I will continue to test on random spellings for the rest of this half term. I have also attached a copy of the Year3/4 spellings for reference, so they can see what spellings they are expected to know throughout KS2. I will not be testing on the Year 3/4 spellings this term, however.