What another great week of home learning we have had. The children never fail to amaze me with the hard work and commitment they have shown towards their learning. I am very impressed and am blessed to have such a wonderful class.

In Maths the children have been working on hundredths and looking at how when we divide some numbers by 100 then we can sometimes have a decimal. Some children found the work this week a challenge however, I was really impressed with how the children used their growth mindset and tried their best to complete their work. The work produced was brilliant.

In English the children have continued to work on their ‘Amazing Aliens’ workbook. This week the children have imagined that they have explored the planet ‘Zargon 10’ and wrote a log about what happened during their visit. Then they added more detail to their sentences using wonderful fronted adverbials and making them as interesting as possible. Finally, the children created a wonderful piece of descriptive writing using their log. These were a joy to read.

This week our weekly activities were focused on RE, the children read the story of Pentecost and drew a picture of what happened. They then wrote how they would feel if they were one of the Disciples and explained why it was important for the Disciples to be able to speak the different languages. I loved how thoughtful the children were in their explanations. They are true Disciples of Christ

The children were also given the task of creating their own Pentecost banner. These looked fantastic and incorporated the symbols of Pentecost. Well done Year 4 they were fantastic.

There will be no home learning set for the next two weeks (W/C 25th May and W/C 1st June). This is to allow staff to have a short break before completing End of Year Reports and preparing school for social distancing. I have added a short PowerPoint of the story and some creative ideas that the children can complete based on Pentecost which is on the 31st of May. These activities are optional and if you would like me show me what the children have been doing then they can add pictures to Class Dojo.

Strandz website

Year 4 Pentecost Project

Pentecost Story

Pentecost Creative Activities

Please see the Church Website as Father Jim will be posting resources for the children to access. They can also email him any questions they may have and he will record a video message explaining his answer.

Yesterday was the feast of the Ascension and Fr Jim has uploaded the Mass on the church website. If you click on the blue button labelled ‘Press for the School Mass’, Fr Jim has done a child-friendly service, with some children from school doing the readings. It is so lovely! So if you didn’t manage to watch it yesterday, please do watch it with your child today or over the weekend…

Church website

I have also found a pdf of a book the children can access called ‘How not to go to school’. The story is based on a little girl who is home schooled where she gives the reader advice and tips on how to stay at home.

Please be aware that I will be unable to answer messages on Class Dojo or emails during this period of time. I will respond to all messages when we return on Monday 8th June.

Remember I am still your teacher Year 4 I found this little video for you all.

Video for Year 4

Stay Safe and have a lovely break.

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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