The children have been working extremely hard this week especially on their timetables. I have been very impressed with their scores! Well done Year 4!
Maths - This week we have been focusing on subtraction. We have been using mental, counting up and written methods to solve our calculations.
English - We have began to look at the story of Rumpelstiltskin, which we are going to base our own playscript on. We analysed the story, examining the thoughts, feelings and motives of the characters. We have also began to build our own character of the King.
RE - We have been reflecting on the story of Palm Sunday. We listened to the story and gave reasons for the behaviours of the people of Jerusalem. We then looked at how the story impacts us now.
Science - This week we have been creating circuits. The children were given all the equipment and in small groups they made their lightbulb light up. We then discussed why the bulb lit up using our scientific vocabulary.
Geography - We have been focusing on the Amazon rainforest this week. We looked at the different layers of the rainforest then explored how the rainforest feeds us.
Award Winners
Maths Award - This week the Maths Award went to Laciee. Laciee has been working extremely hard in all maths lessons and has been using her growth mindset to solve challenges. Well done Laciee!
Star Writer - The Star Writer Award went to Mia. Mia wrote a beautiful reflection on the events of Palm Sunday and how it affects our behaviour now. Well done Mia!
Golden Award - My Golden Award this week went to Evie. Evie has blown me away with her hard work and effort that she has put into every piece of work. She is constantly going above and beyond what is expected of her! Well done Evie!
4-digit subtraction sheet
Homophones worksheet
Timestable Rockstars
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Cunningham-Kay