I hope you are all well.  Each Monday I will write a blog with the tasks set for the week.  These will be on Sumdog and Education city and will be due in on the Friday of that week.  However, currently Education city is not working so as soon as I have set the work I will text all parents to let you know. 

Myself and Miss Heim-Sarac will be trialling setting work through Class Dojo.  This will mainly be reading and writing tasks.  A text will come to you shortly if your email address is not registered with school as this is how we will be contacting you about this.

I have also attached a Learning Project document with additional ideas.

Learning Project Week 1

In the meantime, please continue to read and access the home learning packs.  The recommendation is that children should be doing school work for two hours per day. 

We have also set up a year group email so that I can be contacted to answer any questions.  These emails will only be answered in school hours.  The email address is;


Have a nice week, stay safe and let the children know that I am missing them!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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