We have had another fun-filled week in Year 4! We have done lots of exciting learning.
Maths – This week we have been focusing on multiplication and division. The children have been dividing numbers beyond their known times table facts and have been identifying factor pairs of numbers.
English – We have moved onto our new theme of persuasive texts. We watched a video clip called ‘For the birds’ where a group of birds are not very kind to another bird. In the video there is no dialogue, so the children worked in groups to create their own dialogue and presented it through drama.
RE – This week we have looked at how Jesus taught through parables. We read the Parable of the Sower and identified that the seeds were the Word of God. We then explored the meaning behind the parable and how we can learn from it.
Science – This week we have been making links between volume and vibrations. A large drum was brought into the classroom which had rice on it which represented vibrations. The children watched as the drum was hit softly creating a low volume therefore the vibrations were weak. The children then watched as the drum was hit hard causing a high volume and strong vibrations.
Geography – We have been exploring whether there is enough food in the world. We heard two stories about children called Mukta and John who both did not have enough to eat due to environmental circumstances.
Trip notices
For our trip on Wednesday, Old Holly Farm has said that the children need to be wearing wellies. If any children do not have wellies, then the farm has said they have some spare which we can borrow. Children will need to bring a spare pair of shoes that they can change into on the way back from the farm.
Children must be in their full PE uniform.
Award Winners
On Monday we gave out our awards for last week.
Star Writer award (W/C 27/1/20) went to Brodie. Brodie has really impressed me with the thought and detail she has put into her writing and has created a wonderful letter. Well done Brodie!
Golden Award (W/C 27/1/20) was awarded to Jack. Jack has such a positive attitude to learning and has been working super hard. He is also such a kind and considerate friend. Well done Jack!
Awards (W/C 3/2/20)
Maths Award – My Maths award this week went to Onalee. Onalee’s confidence and belief in herself when it comes to her Maths work has improved greatly. Her positive attitude has blown me away. Well done Onalee!
Star Writer – Our Star Writer award went to Molly. Molly wrote a beautiful explanation describing the link between volume and vibrations using brilliant scientific vocabulary. Well done Molly!
Golden Award – The Golden Award went to Mia. Mia’s confidence and belief in herself has blown me away. She constantly tries her best, has her hand up and even taught the class how to solve a division problem! Well done Mia!
Maths – I have sent home a sheet on Factors.
English – I have sent home a ‘Super Speech’ sheet for the children to complete.
Spellings for quiz on 14/2/20
Times tables – I will be doing a random test on all times tables on 14/2/20
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Cunningham-Kay