Song 1 - What Am I Gonna Be?
Song 2 - Our Favourite Donkey
Song 3 - It’s Not Every Day
Song 4 - We’ve Got No Room!
Song 5 - Shepherds! Shepherds!
Song 6 - We Know Stars
Song 7 - Newborn King
Song 8 - It’s Christmas
Song 1 - What Am I Gonna Be?
Song 2 - Our Favourite Donkey
Song 3 - It’s Not Every Day
Song 4 - We’ve Got No Room!
Song 5 - Shepherds! Shepherds!
Song 6 - We Know Stars
Song 7 - Newborn King
Song 8 - It’s Christmas
These are our songs to practise for the Nativity. We will send the words home soon.
Please practise these Nativity songs at home whenever possible. I will send home lyrics sheets for the songs.
Track 1: Welcome
Track 2: Clip Clop
Track 3: Knock, Knock, Knock
Track 4: Warming Our Toes
Track 5: An Angel Appeared in the Sky
Track 6: Three Kings Were Riding
Track 7: Baby Sleeping
Track 8: Jesus Is Born
Track 9: Little Donkey
Track 10: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Track 11: Away in a Manger
Year 2 practice reading SATS paper (sent home with the children) - this is just to practice at home for you to get a feel of your child’s comprehension, it is nothing official nor will it be used to assess the children.
Do one or two pages from the addition and subtraction workbook.
Mrs Bowdell’s group - the ch sound spelt with both ch and tch and handwriting sheet.
Mr Whetnall’s group - -er and -est suffix words where the root word ends with a y and needs to be changed to an i before adding -er or -est.
Times Tables
4 times table (to support us with our work on finding quarters of amounts). Please learn these both ways, e.g. 4 x 6 = 24 and 6 x 4 = 24.
Below is an image which can be used to practice the four times table.
Headstart Homework Book Page 40 (exclamation marks) and 50 (apostrophes/plurals)
Do one or two pages from the addition and subtraction workbook.
Times Tables
Multiplying and dividing by 3, e.g. 6 x 3 = 18, 3 x 6 = 18, 18 divided by 3 = 6, 18 divided by 6 = 3 ready for a test on Thursday.
Mrs Bowdell’s group - nk and ng words and handwriting sheet.
Mr Whetnall’s group - -er and -est suffix words.
Homework booklet - pages 22 and 23
I have sent home a ‘home learning’ addition and subtraction booklet. Please choose one or two activities from this to complete as it is really important to continually practice addition and subtraction.
Times Tables
Please practice the five times table and related division facts ready for a test on Thursday. E.g., 3 x 5 = 15, 5 x 3 = 15, 15 ÷ 5 = 3, 15 ÷ 3 = 5. It is important to know the four facts for each problem.
Mrs Bowdell’s group - Year 1 common exception words
Mr Whetnall’s group - Year 2 common exception words
Addition and subtraction word problems work sheet. Although many of your children will be confident with this, there are still a significant amount of children who are still not sure and who use a column method incorrectly. The practise is useful to everyone!
If your child isn’t getting the correct answers please do use the below methods as they are the easiest to explain, understand and follow.
Here is a video for how to solve subtraction problems.
Here is a video for how to solve addition problems.
Page 33 in the homework booklet.
Mr Whetnall's Group - year 2 common exception words.
Mrs Bowdell’s group - Year 1 common exception words.
Times Tables
Dividing by 5 facts. Please practice both, e.g 20 divided by 5 = 4 and 20 divided by 4 = 5.
Please also continue to practice the 5 times table. This seems to be one many of us find trickier.
Homework booklet pages 26 and 27 (LS Lowry comprehension) and pages 34 and 35.
Dividing by 5 worksheet.
Mr Whetnall’s Group - the r sound spelt with a silent w - wr - words and handwriting sheet.
Mrs Bowdell’s Group - the -ing, -ed, -er suffix words and handwriting sheet.
Times Tables
Dividing by 2 division facts. Learn both facts, e.g. 10 divided by 2 = 5 and 10 divided by 5 = 2.
Please also ensure your child is confident with their two times tables as this will help.
Activity book pages 25 and 30.
Activity book pages 9 and 17.
Mr Whetnall’s group - ed suffix part 3, dropping the e before adding ed and the handwriting sheet.
Mrs Bowdell’s group - ll, zz and ck words sent home and the handwriting sheet.
Times Tables
Please practice the 3 times table, both ways. E.g. 5 x 3 = 15 and 3 x 5 = 15.
Homework book pages 19 and 20.
Homework book pages 46 and 47.
Mrs Bowdell’s group - the spelling list sent home on Thursday and handwriting sheet sent home.
Mr Whetnall’s group - the -ed spellings where the root words need changing from y to i and handwriting sheet.
Times Tables
Next week’s times table test will be on the 10 times table. I know the majority of our children find this fairly easy so probably won’t need to practice. Therefore, I am going to ask you to also practice the 3 times table for a test in 2 weeks time as I know a lot more children aren’t as confident with this.
Remember to practice the times tables both ways, e.g. 4x3=12 and 3x4=12.
Here are this week’s homework tasks…
Pages 4 and 5 in the homework booklet.
Please draw the tens and ones for each problem to solve them.
Here is a video for how to solve subtraction problems.
Here is a video for how to solve addition problems.
Pages 28-29 in the homework booklet.
-er, -ness, -ment suffixes spelling sheet. - Look at the root word and the suffix you are being asked to add. Write the new word with the root+the suffix. Remember, some root words need to be changed slightly before adding a suffix.
Handwriting sheet for these words.
Times Tables
Please revisit the 5 times tables. If your child is confident with these, practice trickier 5 times table problems - for example, 15 x 5 or 20 x 5 as this will really push their understanding.
Just a reminder to parents that homework tasks are being set as revision work for the majority of tasks and does not necessarily reflect the tasks being completed in school. If you child finds the work easy it is still worth the practice to really cement those skills.
Page 24 and 36
Pages 11 and 13 in the Homework Booklet.
The -ed suffix for words ending with two consonants or a vowel and a consonant. For many of these you will need to double the last consonant before adding the -ed suffix.
I have also made a handwriting sheet to practice writing these works in cursive handwriting.
Times Tables
Please practice the 5x table this week. This includes knowing that the calculations can be done in either order, e.g. 3x5=15 and 5x3=15. The children will be tested on both.
For an extra challenge if your child is confident, feel free to introduce division facts related to multiplication. E.g., there are four facts for 8x5=40. These are 8x5=40, 5x8=40, 40 ÷ 8 = 5 and 40 ÷ 5 = 8. It is important to remember that we have not yet learned division in class and children may not yet have a solid understanding of what division means. Please only do this if your child is confident.
Page 21 in the booklet.
Pages 3, 4 and 5 in the booklet.
Year 1 common exception words part 1. This is revision as many of us seem to have forgotten how to spell lots of these words
THere is also a cursive handwriting practice sheet for the spelling words.
Times Tables
Please continue to practice the 2 times tables ready for our first test on Thursday.
A homework booklet has been sent home. I will set small weekly tasks from this for English and Maths.
Please complete pages 1 and 2 of the booklet.
Please complete Page 32 of the booklet.
‘o’ spelt with an ‘a’ after w, wh and qu words for spelling test.
Times Tables
Practice the 2 times table pairs of facts:
e.g. 6 x 2 = 12 and 2 x 6 = 12.
Make sure your child knows this both ways.
As we cannot do our annual Nativity this year, it has been decided that we will instead each do a little something to record on video for our website so parents and guardians can watch at home.
In Year 2, we will be performing a special Christmas poem together and will sing a Christmas Song - ‘Feliz Navidad’. Your child should have received their parts of the poem/script to practice at home and I am giving this as the main homework this week as I am aiming to record the poem for Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 11th December. Don’t worry, each part is only 2 short lines and should be easily memorable but please, please keep practicing it at home.
I have attached the full poem so you can help your child to find the the rhythm of the poem. If you do not want to full poem to be spoiled, please don’t open this file. But if you lose your child’s words, they are there for you to see.
Here are the words to Feliz Navidad by Jose Feliciano. The song can easily be found on youtube to practice singing along to.
Feliz Navidad, (Fer-lees nav-ee-dad)
Feliz Navidad, (Fer-lees nav-ee-dad)
Feliz Navidad, (Fer-lees nav-ee-dad)
Prospero ano y felicidad. (pros-pair-oh an-yo ee fer-lees-ee-dad)
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas,
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas,
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas,
From the bottom of my heart.
Other Homework
Spelling - common exception words - These are 10 of the words the children are expected to be able to read, write and spell accurately by the end of Year 2.
Maths - Adding and subtracting 10 then adding and subtracting multiples of 10. I have attached a hundred square to help your child to complete these. Remember, addition sentences can be done in any order, so 30 + 65 can be done as 65 + 30.
GPS - Adverbs worksheet .
Writing - Elf description. Remember to focus upon capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Thank you!
Here is this week’s homework which was handed out on Friday.
Adding ones which cross a ten (encourage your child to count on part of the number to reach 10 and then count on the rest, look for links between each group of number sentences).
Adding and subtracting 10 worksheet.
Advent Comprehension (1 star is easiest, 3 is trickiest)
All groups - the Soft ‘c’ (sounds like ‘s’) - We teach the children that this ‘s’ sound often comes before the letter i, e or y in words.
Spelling practise activities related to the soft c.
Here is this week’s homework which has been sent home.
Spelling - adding -ed suffix - This is the same for all groups.
English - Commas for a list - Less Challenging Worksheet More Challenging Worksheet
Reading - Beach Habitats Reading Comprehension - One star is easiest, 2 middle, 3 hardest.
Maths - Comparing Number Sentences Worksheet Comparing Number Sentences Reasoning Sheet
Spelling - split digraphs spelling words sheet
Maths - Adding on a number line Subtraction on a number line Mixed addition/subtraction on number line
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - Question Sentences
Writing - Write a setting description.
Here is this week’s homework tasks:
Spelling (all groups) - Words using the ‘or’ sound spelt with an ‘a’ before ‘l’ or ‘ll’ (remember, sometimes this can make the ‘l’ silent, like in ‘walk’)
Spelling - Dots and dashes 'or’ spelt with an ‘a’ - Put dots under each sound made of 1 letter and put dashes _ under each sound made of more than one letter. Afterwards, count the total number of sounds (dots and dashes) and write it next to each word.
Spelling - Word changers - Look at ‘or’ (‘a’) words which have suffixes (-ed, -s, -er, -ing, -est) on them and write the root word (word without the suffix) in the box next to it.
Reading - Phonics Screening Test Practice - Year 2 will be completing last year’s missed phonics screening check this half term (date to be confirmed but it will be some time in late November or December). Please practice reading the real and alien words by sounding out each sound. If there are any sounds your child struggles with, please practice these from your phonics pack sent home before half term. Encourage your child to draw the dots and dashes underneath each sound to help them to sound out trickier words.
Writing - Expanded noun phrases - complete the mini test on expanded noun phrases. Watch this video to help you to understand what expanded noun phrases are.
Many thanks!
Maths - Fact Familes - Look at the numbers on each triangle and find the 4 related addition (2) and subtraction (2) facts.
Mrs Bowdell’s group spellings. (ee)
Mr Whetnall’s group spellings. (ay, ai, a-e)
Great Fire of London Reading Comprehension. (1 star is easier, 3 stars is trickier)
Practice counting in 3s. Try these activities. Sheet 1 Sheet 2
-ed for past tense whole class sheet (1 star recommended, 2 star for children who find this quite easy, 3 may be too challenging at present but feel free to have a go!)