I hope you are all well and staying safe.

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for all your continued support. I know how challenging home schooling and working from home can be so again, thankyou. I am so incredibly proud of each and every child in my class, the dedication they have in completing the tasks set has blown me away. Can I just ask parents to make sure that the pictures of the children’s work are clear? I am struggling to see some images so I cannot comment on the children’s work. Thankyou. Keep up the amazing work. Well done Year 4!

We won the Times Table Rockstar Battle! I was blown away by the effort from both teams. Year 3 were definitely tough competitors! Miss Heim-Sarac has organised another Battle for Monday 27th at 9.30am until Tuesday 28th at 5pm, Year 3 vs Year 4. Year 3 were tough competitors last week, I wonder if we can win again!

I was extremely impressed with the pieces of ‘Amazon artwork’. I love how creative the children have been and the time and effort they have put in. Here are some examples;

Again, please prioritise the work set on Class Dojo. I have been given access to a brilliant writing booklet therefore, our English challenges for the next few weeks will be focusing on activities from that. I will post the booklet on Class Dojo. I will post the Maths challenges as normal and t will let you know what activities I want the children to complete that day from the booklet on the same ‘Challenge’ document. Please can parents ensure that their child is not rushing these activities as each activity will build up to a quality ‘big write’ at the end. If you are having any problems accessing Dojo please let me know. I will also set work on Education City for the children to access.

The children can also access;

Times Table Rockstars


Oxford owl spelling

Discovery Education

If you need support accessing any of these sites, let me know.

I have attached the link to the home learning project for this week for additional tasks the children can do.

Home Learning Project Week 5

I have also attached the Lancashire Stay at Home Programme which has some physical activities the children can do.

Lancashire Stay at Home Programme

Also, Father Jim is excited to answer any questions the children have. Father is also posting a video of Mass that you can watch on the church website.

Church website

Remember, if you have any questions or need any support with anything please do not hesitate to contact me either by email (year4@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk) or through Class Dojo.

I am missing you all!

Sending lots of love, stay safe!

Mrs Cunningham-Kay

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