What a wonderful week it has been! Year 4 have not let the strong weather dampen their Christmas spirit and have worked through the week showing real, independent resilience.

All of the staff in Year 4 along with Miss Haggerty, Mrs Ormerod, Father Chris, Father Frank and Father Tim were immensely proud of the children who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday evening. The children enrolled on our Holy Communion programme carried themselves with dignity and respect, listening and responding to the service that was held and shining their lights brightly for the entire Parish to see.

Year 4 also showed off their voices when recording their carols and narration parts for the KS2 Carol Service, standing beautifully and trying their best to represent their school’s ethos.

In Maths this week, Year 4 have spent more time working on the perimeter of all sorts of 2D shapes, including triangles and rectilinear shapes. Year 4 practised their mental addition skills while adding up all the sides of these shapes to find the total of the perimeter. Year 4 also got out their trusted rulers to measure in CMs the length of different shapes to find the perimeter.

In English, Year 4 have been working very hard writing up, editing and perfecting their own independent pieces of poetry. As a class, we have looked at Christmas poems to inspire us in writing our own. The children spent time thinking of Christmassy vocabulary to build their own poem. Year 4, then spent time looking at the varying rhyming structures that could be in a poem’s stanza and then deciding if they wanted their poem to rhyme or not. Year 4 made sure they were including similes, alliteration and plenty of adjectives when writing up their poem, impressing the staff in Year 4 with what they produced!

In Spanish, Year 4 continued revising their greetings and the different members of a family. They also spent time learning all about how Christmas is celebrated in Spain. We learnt how to say “Merry Christmas”, “Feliz Navidad!” We also learnt about how Christmas celebrations begin on Christmas Eve and the food and celebrations that are involved here. Year 4 were also highly amused to discover that in Spain, the 28th of December is their very own April Fool’s Day equivalent called, Dia de los Santos Inocentes!

In PE, Year 4 have come along miles in their team working skills, playing the best games of hand ball the staff had ever seen! The class worked hard together to make the games fair, show resilience and be supportive of both their teammates and their opposition, even congratulating other teams for winning!

With only one week to go until our Christmas Holidays, the staff in Year 4 wanted to say a big thank you to all the support we have received from parents. Work done at home both on resilience and academically has shone through.

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Golden - Ola.

Writing - Zak.

Maths - Hallie.

From all of the staff in Year 4.

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Only two weeks to go! How fast the time is moving through Advent and towards the new calendar year! The children in Year 4 have well and truly immersed themselves into the Advent season this week in a number of ways. Firstly, they have all made their own Advent promises to Jesus, asking him to guide them in their Christian values as they navigate their way through the festive season. Secondly, the children performed their now much beloved Advent song during Mass for Father, receiving high praise for their “melodic” voices. Finally, Year 4’s whole classroom has been decorated to celebrate Advent with the addition of a good fairy who has been getting up to all sorts, such as bringing new gifts for our prize jar!

In Maths, Year 4 have absolutely excelled in their new topic of measurement. The class have quickly grasped converting whole metres into kilometres as well converting as quarters, halves and three quarters of kilometres into metres! The class then applied these skills to problem solving. Year 4 have also begun investigating perimeter of shapes, again grasping this concept very quickly and working hard to apply this into real problems.

In English, Year 4 have begun a brand new poetry topic. As we are in the Advent season, we decided to read poems all about Christmas with the intention of writing our very own perfect poems! We have started by looking at all of the features used in writing poetry. These include, rhyming, alliteration, similes, lots of adjectives and writing in stanzas. Year 4 started to come up with their own vocabulary as well as similes and alliteration, all in preparation of completing their own independent piece of poetry!

In RE, the children have been exploring the greatness of God’s mercy through the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Many in Year 4 commented on the kindness and graciousness shown in the story and how God cares for every single one of the living things he created.

In Science, Year 4 have continued looking at living things and their habitats. This week we have linked our knowledge of humans, animals and plants to our current world today. This includes looking at how habitats are changing and how the environment is being changed both by natural and (primarily) human destruction. Year 4 have made reports documenting animals that are endangered and the environmental changes that are responsible for this.

In Topic, Year 4 finally presented their news reports to the class! We suddenly had a room full of News Anchors, Reporters, Foreign Correspondents and even Howard Carter himself! Everyone was brave enough to get up to perform and all had produced something to be proud of.

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Golden Award - Ayson.

Writing Award - Isabella.

Maths Award - Lexi Rose.

Just a quick note from all the staff in Year 4, can home reading be done everyday, even if it is just five or ten minutes. Thank you to all those that are working so hard with home reading and homework!

Also, with the rise in cases and the new Covid variant around, can we make sure we are testing if any symptoms are noticed to make sure that we can decline the spread of the virus.

From everyone in Year 4, thank you!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

With Advent almost upon us, the whole of year 4 have been reflecting upon the meaning of this time of the year. As Advent is a time of waiting for the coming of Jesus, Year 4 have explored the different ways in which they can shine Jesus’ light in their everyday lives.

One of the qualities, important to Advent, we have focused on as a class is that of kindness. In fact, Year 4 have challenged themselves to a seven day kindness challenge that encourages them to stop and think about their everyday actions and how they affect other people.

In RE, the theme of waiting and being patient has also been explored through the parable of the Prodigal Son. The kindness the father showed his son when he was wronged has been an example to the children in showing patience and forgiveness to others.

In Year 4’s English and Topic, we have continued to explore our journalistic sides. The class have worked tirelessly on typing up, editing and planning the publishing of their journalistic recounts. The class spent time making sure the universal features of a newspaper were in their work. We now have an abundance of newspaper articles all about the first hand discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb!

Year 4 have also kept their investigative hats on in Maths. The class have worked so hard throughout their Problem Solving with Addition topic in Maths, including using inverse operations, two step problems, finding the difference and much more. All up to four digit numbers!

In Science, we have continued looking at Living things and their Habitats. The class impressively remembered the definitions for vertebrates and invertebrates and have used this knowledge to be able to classify living things based on their characteristics and record their findings. Year 4 also spent time looking at classification keys as why it is important to group all of the species of living things on our planet.

It was so wonderful to see so many families at Church last weekend in preparation for Holy Communion and I look forward to continuing to celebrate the season of Advent in the same way in the weeks to come.

Congratulations to our award winners this week:

Golden Award - Joshua.

Writing Award - Oscar.

Maths Award - Emma.

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Last week in Year 4, we spent our time trying to show love to one another. We have discussed together why it is important to be kind to each other as a Class of Kindness. We have also tried to recognise what our emotions look like in order to help us identify positive thoughts, for feeling positive empowers us to be kind.

In Maths, Year 4 have worked very hard on finishing off their subtraction topic, subtracting up to five digit numbers! The class have also spent time practising their exchanging so that they can feel extremely confident using column subtraction independently.

In English, Year 4 have been working hard with their publishing partners as they continue producing their own Ancient Egyptian newspaper article. Last week, they spent time writing out the first drafts for their article, incorporating everything they have learnt about the features of a newspaper. Year 4 have made their writing exciting by using adjectives, alliteration and even challenging themselves to use amazing punctuation like exclamation marks and ellipsis!

In RE, Year 4 have been spending time with Mrs Parker exploring the different reasons Christians go to Church. They have also been investigating the important symbols within Catholicism, symbols including the Sign of the Cross. The class have been studying how the Sign of the Cross represents the Holy Trinity and why we make this sign both in Church and at school.

In Science, Year 4 have continued looking at different animals and their habitats. Last week, the class used everything they have learnt about animal classifications and food chain producers and consumers to group living things in another scientific way. Year 4 explored both Venn and Carroll diagrams and even recorded their own Venn diagram.

In Topic, Year 4 have formed their own production team to create a journalistic recount of the discovery of Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s Tomb, in a different form. Each production team have been planning a script as a team and casting different roles to eventually create their own news report to record and broadcast across the school.

Please remember to practise spellings each week for Monday’s spelling tests. The class are performing so well with their scores, let’s keep up the good work!

Also a reminder to be vigilant against the spread of head lice.

Congratulations to Friday’s award winners:

Golden Award: Joseph.

Writing Award: Chase.

Maths Award: Emelia.

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Year 4 have returned to school renewed after their half term break! It has been wonderful to see year 4 come back to school with a fresh sense of determination and resilience.

In English, we have been rejoined by our much loved theater workshop group. Year 4 have continued to learn about and grow their resilience through exciting Drama activities and retelling stories. In class, we have incorporated our Ancient Egyptian Topic into our Non Fiction writing. Year 4 have spent time planning out their own Newspaper article including its name, headings and layout. Hopefully very soon, the children will have edited and published their very own newspaper recount about discovering Tutankhamun’s tomb!

In Maths, Year 4 have spent time practising their column subtraction and using these methods to solve word problems. The class have shown much resilience during their Maths work, persevering when they make mistakes and never giving up!

In Science, Year 4 have started looking at living things and their habitats. We have been looking at different types of habitats and the kinds of flora and fauna that would live in that natural environment, we had a lot of fun as a class discussing the different animals we could think of! The class also started to investigate how those animals have adapted to survive in those habitats.

In topic, we celebrated our first themed day! The children wowed the whole school with their Ancient Egyptian dress and their enthusiasm for the day. Year 4 spent the morning learning about hieroglyphics before using them to create their own pieces of writing. Year 4 then cracked a code of hieroglyphics to make their own dance moves which we put together to music! Year 4 then spent the afternoon, trying Ancient Egyptian inspired snacks and trying a range of activities such as, making pyramids and learning about old Egyptian Gods.

As the weeks go on, the teachers in Year 4 are so proud of the way the student’s resilience and team work skills are growing. All of the class are trying their best to be the best they can be and treat others how they would like to be treated.

Congratulations to our award winners last week:

Golden award - Oscar.

Writing award - Charlotte.

Maths award - Avie.

AuthorKatie Whitehead

How time has flown by! Year 4 have been working very hard in the weeks leading up to their half term break and have been demonstrating their Christian values across their school life. Year 4 have continued to work on their resilience and have been exploring the different attributes that can make them a resilient member of their community. We have especially been looking at team work and communication skills this week throughout our curriculum.

In English, we have continued with our story-led resilience workshop with the Grand Theatre who were very impressed with the enthusiasm and work ethic of Year 4. The class also carried their resilience and team work skills through to their work on information texts and worked together to produce fantastic, colourful information posters about the Manchester Ridge-back dragon.

In Maths, we have started working on understanding negative numbers on a number line and even beginning to solve some problems using negative digits. The class showed great resilience and perseverance through this work as it was definitely a challenge to start with! We have also continued to dedicate our Fridays to practising our times tables and trying to be as quick as possible.

In RE, the class have been enjoying their Monday and Tuesday afternoons with Mrs Parker as they continue to explore and deepen their understanding of important Bible stories.

In Science, we have continued to investigate animals and humans. Year 4 have started to look at food chains and how they are constructed. The class have also extended their knowledge of food chains by studying the specific vocabulary that labels a food chain such as producers, consumers, predators and prey.

In Topic, the class have continued to explore the Ancient Egyptian process of mummification. We examined our mummified tomato from last week to observe the chemical change and the class found that it was starting to dry up and preserve! This experiment has helped us all to understand the physical process of mummification to then write about it, though we were aware that the subjects are quite different! Of course, the class also received a letter about Ancient Egyptian day on Friday 5th November, if there are any questions about the contents of the day or costumes, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

In Spanish, we have continued with our Singing Spanish to carry on practise our greetings and we have even begun to look at animals!

Congratulations to our award winners:

Golden Award: Frankie.

Writing Award: Lexi Rose.

Maths Award: Ruby.

Just a quick reminder to ensure homework is handed in/completed by Tuesday.

Thank you from all of the staff in Year 4.

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Year 4 have had a very active week this week! Our focus has been building up our resilience and all of year 4 have been working hard to understand and demonstrate the different qualities that make us resilient.

We have been very lucky in our English to be joined by professionals from the Grand Theatre who have been leading a workshop focusing on story led resilience! Year 4 have had lots of fun during the drama games and activities exploring some of their favourite stories. We have also used this workshop as an opportunity to examine the differences between fiction and non fiction stories in class.

In Maths, we have been spending lots of time on practising how to round to the nearest thousand using our place value columns. The class have been rising to real challenges such as rounding using five digit numbers! We have also been spending time on our times tables and working hard on remembering them as quickly as possible.

In RE, the children have been continuing looking at their Bible stories and have been exploring Jonah and the Whale. In class, we have also been keeping mindful of October being the month of the Holy Rosary and discussing how important these different prayers are to Catholics all over the world.

In Science, the children have been doing more work as Eco Warriors, fighting together to try and find small ways in which they can raise awareness to save their planet. We have also joined this thinking with the season of Creation that has just passed. As a class we have been trying to understand how important God’s creations are and the importance of looking after the world that has been given to us.

In Topic, we have had a very exciting week studying mummification in Ancient Egypt. The children got to see a process similar to mummification when we preserved a tomato in class and they cannot wait to see how the experiment develops over the next coming weeks. They also enjoyed hearing all about the gory process the Egyptians would have used thousands of years ago to mummify real people.

Thank you to all the support from home, it has been wonderful continuing getting to know families these last few weeks.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4.

AuthorKatie Whitehead

How the weeks have flown! Year 4 have been spending time reflecting on the different ways in which we can live out our Christian values and “love one another” every day.

In English last week, the children continued working on building their own independent dilemma stories and have been growing in confidence every day! We have worked on making our writing exciting using; similes, alliteration and powerful punctuation. We also spent time exploring the five senses and how we can use them to create a vibrant picture in the reader’s mind. Through studying dilemmas, we have also reflected on the difference between right and wrong and how sometimes the “right” decision is not always easy.

In maths, we did our first end of unit check and all of year 4 worked very hard! We have started looking at more than and less then with four digit numbers and adding and subtracting thousands using our Place Value columns and number lines.

In RE, year 4 looked at the story of David and Goliath with Mrs Parker as they continue to explore the Bible and the moral lessons we can learn that we can then live out in our day to day lives.

In Science we have been exploring more about animals including humans by continuing to look at the digestive system and the important organs that keep our body healthy. The children have also spent some of their Science time looking at climate change and how global warming can affect living things on planet Earth as part of CAFOD’s “Eyes of the World” Campaign to raise awareness for climate change.

In Topic, year 4 have successfully started to analyse different Ancient Egyptian pictures to investigate how the Ancient Egyptians would have lived their everyday lives. They also did very well in a game of “Beat the Teacher”, having to create their own Ancient Egyptian quiz to test me!

The children are still enjoying their Singing Spanish lessons just as much as the teachers! We have continued practising our greetings and have started to revise our counting from last year as well.

Mrs Parker also started the first Computing topic last week, teaching year 4 how to start to programme their very own animations!

Congratulations to our award winners last week:

Golden Award - Riley

Writing Award - Ola

Maths Award - Ayson

It has been so lovely getting to know the families of the school.

From all of the teachers in Year 4.

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Year 4 have made a great start to the new year! It has been wonderful getting to know one other and learning together over the last two weeks.

As a class, we have been working on our Golden Rules and how we can practise these in our day to day school life.

Our learning this week …

In English we have been exploring the key features of a dilemma story together and how we can navigate difficult decisions in our own everyday life. We have also been discussing what we think makes a story interesting. Some ideas we had were, using expression, powerful vocabulary and exciting punctuation. We are gradually working towards adding our own fictional chapters into our Lost or Stolen? dilemma story!

In Maths, we have been focusing on our place value columns, specifically up to 4 digit numbers. We have also been investigating number lines that go up to 10,000.

Mrs Parker has enjoyed getting to know the children during RE on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. The children have been impressing us with their creative and artistic skills to learn about the Bible during these sessions.

In Science, we have been learning how to group animals into different classifications, including the group in which humans belong to; Mammals. We have also been studying our body’s digestive system and all of the different organs we have that work to keep us healthy.

In Topic, we have successfully started learning about Ancient Egypt and we spent time last week exploring modern day Egypt on Google maps and comparing that to an Ancient map of Egypt. The class came up with some excellent similarities and differences!

The class and I have really enjoyed our Singing Spanish sessions, going over what they did last year and introducing some new phrases. These included phrases such as, “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” and “Good Evening” as well as extending our responses to “How are you?”.

Finally, in our PE, we have been lucky enough to be joined by a coach from Blackpool Football Club, helping us with our invasion and defending skills through some exciting games.

Congratulations to our award winners on Friday:

Golden Award - Poppy

Writing Award - Emma

Maths Award - Zak.

Just a quick reminder that the children will be given homework on a Friday that is due in on the following Tuesday. Also, Mrs Parker will be doing the class spelling tests on a Monday afternoon.

From all the teachers in Year 4.

AuthorGuest User

Year 4 have made a great start to the new year! It has been wonderful getting to know one other and learning together over the last two weeks.

As a class, we have been working on our Golden Rules and how we can practise these in our day to day school life.

Our learning this week …

In English we have been exploring the key features of a dilemma story together and how we can navigate difficult decisions in our own everyday life. We have also been discussing what we think makes a story interesting. Some ideas we had were, using expression, powerful vocabulary and exciting punctuation. We are gradually working towards adding our own fictional chapters into our Lost or Stolen? dilemma story!

In Maths, we have been focusing on our place value columns, specifically up to 4 digit numbers. We have also been investigating number lines that go up to 10,000.

Mrs Parker has enjoyed getting to know the children during RE on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. The children have been impressing us with their creative and artistic skills to learn about the Bible during these sessions.

In Science, we have been learning how to group animals into different classifications, including the group in which humans belong to; Mammals. We have also been studying our body’s digestive system and all of the different organs we have that work to keep us healthy.

In Topic, we have successfully started learning about Ancient Egypt and we spent time last week exploring modern day Egypt on Google maps and comparing that to an Ancient map of Egypt. The class came up with some excellent similarities and differences!

The class and I have really enjoyed our Singing Spanish sessions, going over what they did last year and introducing some new phrases. These included phrases such as, “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” and “Good Evening” as well as extending our responses to “How are you?”.

Finally, in our PE, we have been lucky enough to be joined by a coach from Blackpool Football Club, helping us with our invasion and defending skills through some exciting games.

Congratulations to our award winners on Friday:

Golden Award - Poppy

Writing Award - Emma

Maths Award - Zak.

Just a quick reminder that the children will be given homework on a Friday that is due in on the following Tuesday. Also, Mrs Parker will be doing the class spelling tests on a Monday afternoon.

From all the teachers in Year 4.

Our learning this week…

In English, we have been completing our creative writing stories on Hamir’s adventure. We have been drafting and editing our work before completing our final piece. We have also been producing our leaflets linked to the harvesting of our lettuces. We had lots of fun tasting the lettuces this week. Please see Class Dojo for some pictures!

In Maths, we have been exploring time, making conversions between days, weeks, months and years. We have been using our knowledge to solve a range of word problems, developing our reasoning skills.

In RE, we are continuing with our topic ‘Belonging to the Church’. We considered the ‘Liturgical Calendar’ and researched the meanings of the different colours associated with the Church seasons.

Reading Book Challenge….

Just a reminder, due to the success of our last challenge, we have decided to begin a new ‘Reading Book Challenge’,

There will be prizes for first, second and third, the winners will be drawn from a hat for the children who have read five times a week consistently throughout the duration of the challenge. Last time the prize was cake with Mrs Ormerod! So…. Keep reading and quizzing Year 4!!

Reading Record Reminder:

Please sign your child’s reading record so we are clear that their book needs changing - Many thanks

Spellings and Times Tables…

As it is the last week, there will be no spelling and times-tables tests on Friday 16th July. But please continue to practise your tables on TT Rockstars!


The ‘Gulp Challenge’ has now finished, please can the children bring in their completed cards on MONDAY if they haven’t already. Many thanks

Homework; Learning By Questions

This weeks activities can be accessed by following this link : https://www.lbq.org/Login.

Today’s password is: 9y2g

REMINDER The link will only remain live for the rest of today.

The children have been using this website ‘Maths Frame’ in class to practise their times tables, please follow the link to complete more practise at home… Times Table

Golden Award winners this week… Franchesca and Ollie

Maths Award… Lily T


And finally, we are all looking forward to our Class trip to the Cinema on Wednesday 14th July and our Teddy Bear’ picnic lunch on our last day of term on Friday 16th July. Remember to bring your blanket, what a lovely way to celebrate our last week in Year 4!

Enjoy the weekend!

Best regards

Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Debowska.

Authorfiona ormerod

Our Learning this week…

This week we had a fantastic opportunity to link virtually with two other schools to complete an RSC workshop exploring ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. The children enjoyed this experience and it really helped to support our understanding. Please have a look at some pictures of the workshop…

In Maths, we have been continuing to explore time, this week we have been learning about converting time between 12 hour and 24 hour clock.

In computing, we have started to use ‘google sites’ to create our own web pages and website. We were able to explore some of the key features of Google sites, including the insert, pages and themes tabs.

In History, we have been exploring the Anglo-Saxon invasion and settlement in Britain. We used drama and role play to bring our understanding of events to life!

In RE, we have been learning about the events of The Ascension and Pentecost. We have been exploring the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and how Christians might show these ‘gifts’ within their own lives’.

Reading Book Challenge….

Just a reminder, we are currently running our ‘Reading Book Challenge’, (from 24th March - 21st May)…

There will be a winner for the amount of words read in this time and also a competition with prizes for first, second and third, the winners will be drawn from a hat for the children who have read five times a week consistently throughout the duration of the challenge. So…. Keep reading and quizzing Year 4!!

Reading Record Reminder:

Please sign your child’s reading record so we are clear that their book needs changing - Many thanks

Spellings and Times Tables…

The children will be having a spelling test and times tables on Friday 7th May , the spellings have been sent home today. The times tables for this week is x12 , they could also use TT Rockstars to practise.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please can we encourage as much practice of times tables at home as possible, as in June, we will be entering into a competition!

Homework; Learning By Questions

Thank you to all of you who completed (or tried to complete!) the ‘Learning By Questions’ task last week. We understand there were some technical issues, which we hope we have managed to solve!

This weeks activities can be accessed by following this link : https://www.lbq.org/Login.

Today’s password is: nbxy

REMINDER The link will only remain live for 24hours, so please try to complete the activities within this time - thanks for your support!


Golden Award winners this week… Tyler and Maisy

Maths Award… Samuel

Writing Award…Lillie S


Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend -see you in school on Tuesday

Best regards

Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Debowska.

Authorfiona ormerod