
Our Learning this week…

This week we had a fantastic opportunity to link virtually with two other schools to complete an RSC workshop exploring ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. The children enjoyed this experience and it really helped to support our understanding. Please have a look at some pictures of the workshop…

In Maths, we have been continuing to explore time, this week we have been learning about converting time between 12 hour and 24 hour clock.

In computing, we have started to use ‘google sites’ to create our own web pages and website. We were able to explore some of the key features of Google sites, including the insert, pages and themes tabs.

In History, we have been exploring the Anglo-Saxon invasion and settlement in Britain. We used drama and role play to bring our understanding of events to life!

In RE, we have been learning about the events of The Ascension and Pentecost. We have been exploring the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and how Christians might show these ‘gifts’ within their own lives’.

Reading Book Challenge….

Just a reminder, we are currently running our ‘Reading Book Challenge’, (from 24th March - 21st May)…

There will be a winner for the amount of words read in this time and also a competition with prizes for first, second and third, the winners will be drawn from a hat for the children who have read five times a week consistently throughout the duration of the challenge. So…. Keep reading and quizzing Year 4!!

Reading Record Reminder:

Please sign your child’s reading record so we are clear that their book needs changing - Many thanks

Spellings and Times Tables…

The children will be having a spelling test and times tables on Friday 7th May , the spellings have been sent home today. The times tables for this week is x12 , they could also use TT Rockstars to practise.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please can we encourage as much practice of times tables at home as possible, as in June, we will be entering into a competition!

Homework; Learning By Questions

Thank you to all of you who completed (or tried to complete!) the ‘Learning By Questions’ task last week. We understand there were some technical issues, which we hope we have managed to solve!

This weeks activities can be accessed by following this link :

Today’s password is: nbxy

REMINDER The link will only remain live for 24hours, so please try to complete the activities within this time - thanks for your support!


Golden Award winners this week… Tyler and Maisy

Maths Award… Samuel

Writing Award…Lillie S


Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend -see you in school on Tuesday

Best regards

Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Debowska.

Authorfiona ormerod