Only two weeks to go! How fast the time is moving through Advent and towards the new calendar year! The children in Year 4 have well and truly immersed themselves into the Advent season this week in a number of ways. Firstly, they have all made their own Advent promises to Jesus, asking him to guide them in their Christian values as they navigate their way through the festive season. Secondly, the children performed their now much beloved Advent song during Mass for Father, receiving high praise for their “melodic” voices. Finally, Year 4’s whole classroom has been decorated to celebrate Advent with the addition of a good fairy who has been getting up to all sorts, such as bringing new gifts for our prize jar!

In Maths, Year 4 have absolutely excelled in their new topic of measurement. The class have quickly grasped converting whole metres into kilometres as well converting as quarters, halves and three quarters of kilometres into metres! The class then applied these skills to problem solving. Year 4 have also begun investigating perimeter of shapes, again grasping this concept very quickly and working hard to apply this into real problems.

In English, Year 4 have begun a brand new poetry topic. As we are in the Advent season, we decided to read poems all about Christmas with the intention of writing our very own perfect poems! We have started by looking at all of the features used in writing poetry. These include, rhyming, alliteration, similes, lots of adjectives and writing in stanzas. Year 4 started to come up with their own vocabulary as well as similes and alliteration, all in preparation of completing their own independent piece of poetry!

In RE, the children have been exploring the greatness of God’s mercy through the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Many in Year 4 commented on the kindness and graciousness shown in the story and how God cares for every single one of the living things he created.

In Science, Year 4 have continued looking at living things and their habitats. This week we have linked our knowledge of humans, animals and plants to our current world today. This includes looking at how habitats are changing and how the environment is being changed both by natural and (primarily) human destruction. Year 4 have made reports documenting animals that are endangered and the environmental changes that are responsible for this.

In Topic, Year 4 finally presented their news reports to the class! We suddenly had a room full of News Anchors, Reporters, Foreign Correspondents and even Howard Carter himself! Everyone was brave enough to get up to perform and all had produced something to be proud of.

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Golden Award - Ayson.

Writing Award - Isabella.

Maths Award - Lexi Rose.

Just a quick note from all the staff in Year 4, can home reading be done everyday, even if it is just five or ten minutes. Thank you to all those that are working so hard with home reading and homework!

Also, with the rise in cases and the new Covid variant around, can we make sure we are testing if any symptoms are noticed to make sure that we can decline the spread of the virus.

From everyone in Year 4, thank you!

AuthorKatie Whitehead