Ascension Day
Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples and said: ‘Go into the world. Go everywhere and share the Message of God’s Good News with everyone. On Thursday 13th May, it is Ascension Day when Christians celebrate Jesus being taken up into heaven. Unlike when he died, this is a happy goodbye, because the disciples knew that Jesus would be watching over them from heaven, and that he would send the Holy Spirit to help them. It can’t have been easy for them to say goodbye to Jesus for the second time. However, Jesus needed to ascend to heaven so that the Holy Spirit could come to them. He needed to leave so that He could be closer to us through the Spirit. In class, we have been reflecting on the meaning of The Ascension for Christians in their own lives and on the work of the first disciples to continue spreading the Good News of Jesus.
Please read this important letter from Miss Haggerty…
As part of our worship this week, we have been exploring climate change and the ways in which we can help to protect and look after our beautiful world. We shared a CAFOD assembly together, linked to their current campaign of ‘Eyes of the world’. The children had some fantastic ideas and responses for some actions we could take to look after our beautiful world.
In English, we have been exploring some of the characters of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ thinking about their point of view of events within the story and considering the character development within the plot.
In Maths, we have been continuing to explore time, this week we have been learning about ways in which we can work out time intervals.
In computing, we have been focusing on internet safety and the importance of showing respect and kindness online.
In RE, we have been learning about St Stephen, and exploring the ways in which he was an inspiration, as one of the first Christians and as the patron saint of Deacons.
Reading Book Challenge….
Just a reminder, we are currently running our ‘Reading Book Challenge’, (from 24th March - 21st May)…
There will be a winner for the amount of words read in this time and also a competition with prizes for first, second and third, the winners will be drawn from a hat for the children who have read five times a week consistently throughout the duration of the challenge. So…. Keep reading and quizzing Year 4!!
Reading Record Reminder:
Please sign your child’s reading record so we are clear that their book needs changing - Many thanks
Spellings and Times Tables…
The children will be having a spelling test and times tables on Friday 14th May , the spellings have been sent home today. The times tables for this week is x6 and x8 they could also use TT Rockstars to practise.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please can we encourage as much practice of times tables at home as possible, as in June, we will be entering into a competition!
The children have been using this website ‘Maths Frame’ in class to practise their times tables, please follow the link to complete more practise at home…
Homework; Learning By Questions
This weeks activities can be accessed by following this link :
Today’s password is: m2jw
REMINDER The link will only remain live for the rest of today.
Golden Award winners this week… Abigail and Malachy
Maths Award… Isobel
Writing Award…Alisha
Enjoy the weekend
Best regards
Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Debowska.