Our learning this week…
In English, we have been using a range of ‘sensational language’ to improve our writing to make it more interesting to grab the attention of the reader. We had some fantastic ideas!
In Maths, we have been developing our knowledge of adding and subtracting fractions. We have also completed our ‘Times Tables’ competition - well done to everyone for trying so hard.
In History, we have been following up our class trip on Thursday, by researching life in an Anglo-Saxon Village. We have been particularly focusing on foraging, thatching, weaving and the use of armour to defend. The children produced information posters to present their findings and to share their memories of our school trip to Martin Mere Wetland.
Here are some pictures of our class trip, we had a fantastic day, (despite the weather!) and we found out a lot more about what life would have been like in Anglo-Saxon Britain…
Reading Book Challenge….
Congratulations to our reading book challenge champions! Today they had a treat with Mrs Ormerod. Keep up the fantastic reading everyone!
Our winners are…
Alisha, Franchesca, Gabriella, Isobel, Livia, Lily K, Malachy, Tyler and Maisy
Fit 2 Go
The Children will be completing ‘Fit 2 Go’ sessions every Tuesday, starting after half term. A letter has been sent home today. This is a great fitness initiative set up by Blackpool, the program aims to encourage children to live a healthy lifestyle, take part in regular physical activity and to join in with local sports clubs and community programmes which will ultimately improve their overall health and wellbeing. Fit2Go is currently being delivered to every primary school in Blackpool.
Virtual ‘Musician of the Year’ Competition…
A letter has been sent home today regarding a competition that is open to all children in Key Stage 2. To enter, you must present a musical performance in the form of a video. This can be on any instrument of your choice and it does not matter if you don’t have lessons on your instrument in school. This is open to all budding young musicians. Please see the letter sent home for further details on how to enter, the deadline for entries is Thursday 10th June.
Reading Record Reminder:
Please sign your child’s reading record so we are clear that their book needs changing - Many thanks
Spellings and Times Tables…
The children will be having a spelling test and times tables on Friday 11th June , the spellings will be sent home on Monday 7th June . The times tables test for Friday 11th June will be x8 and x12, they could also use TT Rockstars to practise.
The children have been using this website ‘Maths Frame’ in class to practise their times tables, please follow the link to complete more practise at home…
Homework; Learning By Questions
This weeks activities can be accessed by following this link : https://www.lbq.org/Login.
Today’s password is: byfr
REMINDER The link will only remain live for the rest of today.
Golden Award winners this week… Alisha and Evie
Maths Award… Henri
Enjoy the Half Term break, and see you back at school on Monday 7th June.
Best regards
Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Debowska.