
This week, on Tuesday 2nd February, the church celebrates The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus which is also known as Candlemas. Candlemas is celebrated 40 days after the birth of Jesus and marks the date when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to be presented to God in the temple. It was at the temple that Mary and Joseph met Simeon and Anna. Both Simeon and Anna had been waiting all their lives to meet Christ. Simeon said that Jesus would be a light to the people, 

“He is a light to reveal God to the nations and he is the glory of your people Israel!” (Luke 2:32)

On the 2nd of February, many people bring their candles to their local church where they are blessed during Mass. Since Simeon said that Jesus would be a light to the people.

Don’t forget to look at Father Jim’s church website where you can take part in the mass and worship from home.



Just a reminder …from 1-7 February 2021, we’re taking part in Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Place2Be has created activities and resources to help children (and adults) to explore the different ways that they can share their thoughts, feelings and ideas. These can be found at this address ;

So year 4 are going to EXPRESS themselves during our Monday 1st February live lesson, feel free to dress to express how you are feeling that day and be ready to share your ideas about self expression and how it can help you feel better. During this session we will explore the theme of 'express yourself’ in all its different forms, make links between healthy self-expression and good mental health and explore healthy ways of expressing ourselves. Throughout the week I will share activities so that we can share our thoughts.i am sure we will have fun while we learn how to be able to EXPRESS YOURSELF!


Keep up the hard work everyone…

Well done to all the home learners and children in school for your continued hard work. It is great to see your many achievements, we are very proud of you all!

Take care and keep safe

Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Parker and Mrs Debowska

Older:Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Authorfiona ormerod

Well year 4 you have been amazing this week, once again, not only have you been keeping on track with your blended learning you have found the time to give it your all in music. Well done!

The children in school have really enjoyed seeing you during the live lessons and we hope that we can all be together again soon, but until then keep tuning in to our remote classroom. See you Monday.


From 1-7 February 2021, we’re taking part in Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Place2Be has created activities and resources to help children (and adults) to explore the different ways that they can share their thoughts, feelings and ideas. These can be found at this address ;

So year 4 are going to EXPRESS themselves during our Monday 1st February live lesson, feel free to dress to express how you are feeling that day and be ready to share your ideas about self expression and how it can help you feel better. During this session we will explore the theme of 'express yourself’ in all its different forms, make links between healthy self-expression and good mental health and explore healthy ways of expressing ourselves. Throughout the week I will share activities so that we can share our thoughts.i am sure we will have fun while we learn how to be able to EXPRESS YOURSELF!

Authorfiona ormerod

Well done to Year 4 for all your hard work this year, we are incredibly proud of all that you have achieved and we are looking forward to hearing all your Christmas Holiday News when we return in January.

Please enjoy watching our KS2 Nativity, and we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker

AuthorGuest User

Well done to Year 4 for another week of hard work and learning. Here is what we have been exploring this week…

-Maths: We have been looking at a variety of techniques to make sensible estimates when solving a range of addition and subtraction calculations. We have been developing our independence in methods to check our strategies, using the key principles of the commutative law and the inverse operation.

-English: This week, we have continued to develop our poetry work, using our imaginations and a range of exciting vocabulary to capture the interest of our reader.

-R.E: We have been thinking about the trust we place in our friendships and celebrating the gift of friendship that we can give and receive from others. The children produced their own ‘friendship’ themed poems, showing their understanding of the key qualities of a good friend. We made some links to the gift of friendship God offers Christians and the trust we can put in Him to accept this gift.


-Can we please remind you that our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. If your child usually wears earrings they will have to be removed in order for your child to take part.

Golden award = Gabriella

Star Writer award = Ollie and Leo

Maths award =Millie

-Our class email is; - please use this email as a means to communicate with us regards any issues or queries you may have. We will be responding to these emails on a Friday afternoon, but as always, for any more urgent matters you are welcome to contact the school office and we will respond as soon as possible.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker

Link to home learning:

Authorfiona ormerod

Here is what we have been learning about this week…

-Maths: We have been exploring ‘efficient’ methods, discussing a range of strategies we could use to solve subtraction calculations. We are beginning to make decisions independently on ways to solve a variety of word problems.

-English: This week, we have been exploring poetry linked to the remembrance day commemorations (please see the last post for our recording of our poem recital) This was a fantastic way for the children to reflect on the importance of remembrance.

-R.E: We read and discussed the Old Testament story of ‘Jonah and the Whale’ , exploring the key messages for Christians today and making comparisons to other Old Testament stories.


-Can we please remind you that our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. If your child usually wears earrings they will have to be removed in order for your child to take part.

Golden award = Lillie

Star Writer award = Malachy

Maths award =Maisy

-Our class email is; - please use this email as a means to communicate with us regards any issues or queries you may have. We will be responding to these emails on a Friday afternoon, but as always, for any more urgent matters you are welcome to contact the school office and we will respond as soon as possible.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker

Link to home learning:

Authorfiona ormerod

To day the children in year 4 have been reflecting on those who have lost their lives in war. World War 1 officially ended on the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, on the eleventh month , 1918 - Armistice Day. The act of a Two Minute Silence began on the anniversary of Armistice Day in 1919 by those who did not want to forget the millions killed, injured and affected. Today, alongside millions of people, year 4 stopped what they were doing and observed the Two Minute Silence in memory of those who have been affected by all conflicts.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

by Laurence Binyon

The children also looked at the life of Walter Tull and thought about the wider implications of war and decided that they would become future advocates for peace. Walter’s profession prompted the children to look at the Christmas Truce and reflect on Pope Benedict XV’s plea for an official ceasefire, Christmas 1914:-

“ May the guns fall silent

at least upon the night the angels sang.”

Year 4’s Armistice Day tribute to those who fought in war.

Authorfiona ormerod

Welcome back to school to all Year 4! The children have continued to work hard in class, as we completed our first week back after the half term break. Well done to all the children who completed the ‘spooky science’ activities over the holiday! Please check class Dojo for updates on our new ‘Reading Competition’, lets see if everyone can make it onto the leader board!

Here is what we have been learning about this week…

-Maths: We have been using column subtraction to solve a variety of word problems. We have been exploring the use of addition as an inverse operation to subtraction.

-English: This week, we have been creating our own ‘Haiku’ poems, some of us even used a ‘Bonfire Night’ theme!

-R.E: We read and discussed the Old Testament story of ‘David and Golliath’, exploring the key messages for Christians of faith, trust and belief in God to help overcome difficulties and challenges in our own lives’. The children produced some fantastic drawings of the giant Golliath!


-Can we please remind you that our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. If your child usually wears earrings they will have to be removed in order for your child to take part.

Golden award = Leo

Star Writer award = Vinny

Maths award =Ollie

-Our class email is; - please use this email as a means to communicate with us regards any issues or queries you may have. We will be responding to these emails on a Friday afternoon, but as always, for any more urgent matters you are welcome to contact the school office and we will respond as soon as possible.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Parker

Authorfiona ormerod

Hello all secret agents, looking forward to seeing you in person without your disguise!

We have been working hard to make your classroom a safe yet exciting place as you move into year 4. Our class bubble will have a hygiene routine which will help to keep use safe and healthy. Each of you will have your own pack of stationary that belongs to you (no need to bring your own). Also a water bottle will be provided for you, this needs to be taken home at the end of each day, so that you can clean it and fill it with water ready for the next school day. Please bring a coat when necessary as we plan to spend some of our learning time outdoors in the fresh air. So when you come to school bring your smiling self, coat, water bottle, pack lunch ( when required) and reading record.

This term we will start our exploration of Ancient Egypt , traveling through time to visit life on the Nile, peep inside the pyramids and write in ancient hieroglyphics, along with researching the gods and goddesses. I can’t wait to start our journey.

All of the staff in year 4, Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod, Mrs Debowska and Mrs Frost are looking forward to seeing you soon and finding out all about your time away.

Authorfiona ormerod

AuthorGuest User