With Advent almost upon us, the whole of year 4 have been reflecting upon the meaning of this time of the year. As Advent is a time of waiting for the coming of Jesus, Year 4 have explored the different ways in which they can shine Jesus’ light in their everyday lives.

One of the qualities, important to Advent, we have focused on as a class is that of kindness. In fact, Year 4 have challenged themselves to a seven day kindness challenge that encourages them to stop and think about their everyday actions and how they affect other people.

In RE, the theme of waiting and being patient has also been explored through the parable of the Prodigal Son. The kindness the father showed his son when he was wronged has been an example to the children in showing patience and forgiveness to others.

In Year 4’s English and Topic, we have continued to explore our journalistic sides. The class have worked tirelessly on typing up, editing and planning the publishing of their journalistic recounts. The class spent time making sure the universal features of a newspaper were in their work. We now have an abundance of newspaper articles all about the first hand discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb!

Year 4 have also kept their investigative hats on in Maths. The class have worked so hard throughout their Problem Solving with Addition topic in Maths, including using inverse operations, two step problems, finding the difference and much more. All up to four digit numbers!

In Science, we have continued looking at Living things and their Habitats. The class impressively remembered the definitions for vertebrates and invertebrates and have used this knowledge to be able to classify living things based on their characteristics and record their findings. Year 4 also spent time looking at classification keys as why it is important to group all of the species of living things on our planet.

It was so wonderful to see so many families at Church last weekend in preparation for Holy Communion and I look forward to continuing to celebrate the season of Advent in the same way in the weeks to come.

Congratulations to our award winners this week:

Golden Award - Joshua.

Writing Award - Oscar.

Maths Award - Emma.

AuthorKatie Whitehead