Year 4 have had a very active week this week! Our focus has been building up our resilience and all of year 4 have been working hard to understand and demonstrate the different qualities that make us resilient.
We have been very lucky in our English to be joined by professionals from the Grand Theatre who have been leading a workshop focusing on story led resilience! Year 4 have had lots of fun during the drama games and activities exploring some of their favourite stories. We have also used this workshop as an opportunity to examine the differences between fiction and non fiction stories in class.
In Maths, we have been spending lots of time on practising how to round to the nearest thousand using our place value columns. The class have been rising to real challenges such as rounding using five digit numbers! We have also been spending time on our times tables and working hard on remembering them as quickly as possible.
In RE, the children have been continuing looking at their Bible stories and have been exploring Jonah and the Whale. In class, we have also been keeping mindful of October being the month of the Holy Rosary and discussing how important these different prayers are to Catholics all over the world.
In Science, the children have been doing more work as Eco Warriors, fighting together to try and find small ways in which they can raise awareness to save their planet. We have also joined this thinking with the season of Creation that has just passed. As a class we have been trying to understand how important God’s creations are and the importance of looking after the world that has been given to us.
In Topic, we have had a very exciting week studying mummification in Ancient Egypt. The children got to see a process similar to mummification when we preserved a tomato in class and they cannot wait to see how the experiment develops over the next coming weeks. They also enjoyed hearing all about the gory process the Egyptians would have used thousands of years ago to mummify real people.
Thank you to all the support from home, it has been wonderful continuing getting to know families these last few weeks.
Thank you from everyone in Year 4.