How the weeks have flown! Year 4 have been spending time reflecting on the different ways in which we can live out our Christian values and “love one another” every day.
In English last week, the children continued working on building their own independent dilemma stories and have been growing in confidence every day! We have worked on making our writing exciting using; similes, alliteration and powerful punctuation. We also spent time exploring the five senses and how we can use them to create a vibrant picture in the reader’s mind. Through studying dilemmas, we have also reflected on the difference between right and wrong and how sometimes the “right” decision is not always easy.
In maths, we did our first end of unit check and all of year 4 worked very hard! We have started looking at more than and less then with four digit numbers and adding and subtracting thousands using our Place Value columns and number lines.
In RE, year 4 looked at the story of David and Goliath with Mrs Parker as they continue to explore the Bible and the moral lessons we can learn that we can then live out in our day to day lives.
In Science we have been exploring more about animals including humans by continuing to look at the digestive system and the important organs that keep our body healthy. The children have also spent some of their Science time looking at climate change and how global warming can affect living things on planet Earth as part of CAFOD’s “Eyes of the World” Campaign to raise awareness for climate change.
In Topic, year 4 have successfully started to analyse different Ancient Egyptian pictures to investigate how the Ancient Egyptians would have lived their everyday lives. They also did very well in a game of “Beat the Teacher”, having to create their own Ancient Egyptian quiz to test me!
The children are still enjoying their Singing Spanish lessons just as much as the teachers! We have continued practising our greetings and have started to revise our counting from last year as well.
Mrs Parker also started the first Computing topic last week, teaching year 4 how to start to programme their very own animations!
Congratulations to our award winners last week:
Golden Award - Riley
Writing Award - Ola
Maths Award - Ayson
It has been so lovely getting to know the families of the school.
From all of the teachers in Year 4.