Welcome Back!
We hope you all enjoyed the Easter Break, it has been another busy week in school as we start the summer term together as a class…
Our Learning this week…
In Maths, we have been exploring how we can change fractions into decimals and vice versa. We have explored the place value of decimals, with a particular focus on tenths. In Shape, Space and Measure, we have been investigating reading an analogue clock in five minute intervals.
In English, the children have started to read ‘Anglo-Saxon Boy’, they have discussed the use of alliteration, and similes within the text. They were able to use this knowledge to produce some of there own writing to re-tell the story prologue. In GPS, the children have been investigating the use of adverbs, as a technique to add more detail in their own writing.
In Science, we have been developing our knowledge of Electricity and circuits. The children have been investigating how and why a closed circuit will work. We will be developing this further, to use equipment such as batteries, bulbs and wires to create our own - exciting!
In History, the children learnt about Sutton Hoo, investigating the artefacts found in the burial ship, and discussing their own ideas about what this might tell us about whether the person was a soldier, a rich person or clergy. The children were enthusiastic to express their own opinions!
In RE, we have been exploring ‘The Great Commission’ of Jesus, as He asked his disciples to go and spread the message of God’s love to all people. We thought about some ways we could be disciples and show Jesus’ messages in our own lives.
Reading Book Challenge…
Just a reminder, we are currently running our ‘Reading Book Challenge’, (from 24th March - 21st May)…
There will be a winner for the amount of words read in this time and also a competition with prizes for first, second and third, the winners will be drawn from a hat for the children who have read five times a week consistently throughout the duration of the challenge. So…. Keep reading and quizzing Year 4!!
Spellings and Times Tables…
The children will be having a spelling test and times tables on Friday 23rd April , the spellings have been sent home today. The times tables for this week is x9 , they could also use TT Rockstars to practise.
Golden Award winner this week… Maia
Maths Award… Abigail
Writing Award…Franchesca
Well done to all the children in Year 4, for another week of hard work!
Enjoy the weekend
Best regards
Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Debowska.