In the gospel this week, we hear about how in the middle of a great storm Jesus calmed the wind and the sea. He tells the disciples to have courage and to have faith. Year 4 will be reflecting on the messages for Christians, of trust, and the belief that God will always be there to help us as we journey through our lives’.
Rainbow Day..;
It was great to see all the children in bright colours as a celebration of ‘Rainbow Day’ and thank you for all the kind donations. They have been received gratefully.
Year 4 have started the Gulp Challenge as part of Fit2Go.
Their challenge is to complete 21 days of 'pop' free living by using the drink diary and water bottle sent home today. The diary needs to be completed daily and handed back into school at the end of the 21 days for the 'pop' free days to be counted. This challenge is being run across Blackpool and the class with the highest number of 'pop' free days will be rewarded with a complimentary trip to Blackpool High Ropes at Stanley Park.
So come on, put down the pop and start drinking only milk and water for the next 21 days. We CAN do it!
Our learning this week…
In English, we have been exploring the story ‘ Sugarcane juice’, we have been acting out a part of the story and then writing our own dialogue linked to our understanding of the story and the characters. In our spellings, we have been focusing on suffixes and how this can often change the root word.
In Maths, we have been exploring decimals, and how to convert decimals into fractions, we used number lines and other resources to help us to understand the meaning. In Shape, Space and Measures, we have been learning more about hours, minutes and seconds, solving a range of word problems to consolidate our understanding.
In RE, we are continuing with our topic ‘Belonging to the Church’. We discussed the meaning of belonging to the Christian Family, and we explored the structure of the church community within parishes and dioceses. We then researched the church website of Our Lady’s to find out more about our own parish community.
In music, we enjoyed the opportunity to play the glockenspiel this week. Well done to Year 4, there are some very talented musicians!
In PE, the children practiced the events for our class sports day on 24th June. Even though this event can not be attended by parents/ family, it was great to see how enthusiastic the children were to take part in the activities.
Reading Book Challenge….
Just a reminder, due to the success of our last challenge, we have decided to begin a new ‘Reading Book Challenge’,
There will be prizes for first, second and third, the winners will be drawn from a hat for the children who have read five times a week consistently throughout the duration of the challenge. Last time the prize was cake with Mrs Ormerod! So…. Keep reading and quizzing Year 4!!
Reading Record Reminder:
Please sign your child’s reading record so we are clear that their book needs changing - Many thanks
Spellings and Times Tables…
The children will be having a spelling test and times tables on Friday 25th June , the spellings have been sent home today . The times tables test for Friday 25th June will be x6 and x11, they could also use TT Rockstars to practise.
The children have been using this website ‘Maths Frame’ in class to practise their times tables, please follow the link to complete more practise at home… Times Table
Also the children will be having another Times Table competition in class on Thursday, so please support your child in practising their tables this week.
Homework; Learning By Questions
This weeks activities can be accessed by following this link :
Today’s password is: 2hdx
REMINDER The link will only remain live for the rest of today.
Golden Award winners this week… Lily and Millie
Maths Award… Leo
Enjoy the weekend!
Best regards
Mrs Parker, Mrs Ormerod and Mrs Debowska.