Year 4 have made a great start to the new year! It has been wonderful getting to know one other and learning together over the last two weeks.

As a class, we have been working on our Golden Rules and how we can practise these in our day to day school life.

Our learning this week …

In English we have been exploring the key features of a dilemma story together and how we can navigate difficult decisions in our own everyday life. We have also been discussing what we think makes a story interesting. Some ideas we had were, using expression, powerful vocabulary and exciting punctuation. We are gradually working towards adding our own fictional chapters into our Lost or Stolen? dilemma story!

In Maths, we have been focusing on our place value columns, specifically up to 4 digit numbers. We have also been investigating number lines that go up to 10,000.

Mrs Parker has enjoyed getting to know the children during RE on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. The children have been impressing us with their creative and artistic skills to learn about the Bible during these sessions.

In Science, we have been learning how to group animals into different classifications, including the group in which humans belong to; Mammals. We have also been studying our body’s digestive system and all of the different organs we have that work to keep us healthy.

In Topic, we have successfully started learning about Ancient Egypt and we spent time last week exploring modern day Egypt on Google maps and comparing that to an Ancient map of Egypt. The class came up with some excellent similarities and differences!

The class and I have really enjoyed our Singing Spanish sessions, going over what they did last year and introducing some new phrases. These included phrases such as, “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” and “Good Evening” as well as extending our responses to “How are you?”.

Finally, in our PE, we have been lucky enough to be joined by a coach from Blackpool Football Club, helping us with our invasion and defending skills through some exciting games.

Congratulations to our award winners on Friday:

Golden Award - Poppy

Writing Award - Emma

Maths Award - Zak.

Just a quick reminder that the children will be given homework on a Friday that is due in on the following Tuesday. Also, Mrs Parker will be doing the class spelling tests on a Monday afternoon.

From all the teachers in Year 4.

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