Year 4 have lots to look forward to in the coming weeks!

Next week, on Thursday 23rd June, Year 4 will be going to St. Mary’s for a very special Mass where they will be sharing worship with other Catholic schools across Blackpool.

On Monday 27th June, it is of course KS2 sports day! It will be very important that children come in with sun cream, hats and water bottles on this day especially if we are lucky with the sunshine.

On Tuesday 28th June, Year 4 have their very special sharing day at The Grand Theatre where they will be sharing their interpretation of Gangsta Granny with other schools on the main stage! Children will be out all day, getting the coach at 9am and arriving back at school at approximately 3:20pm.

Our learning this week:


Year 4 have spent this week exploring decimals further. Year 4 have worked so hard and excelled at investigating tenths and exploring these in comparison to hundreds, tens and ones. The class worked hard to then apply this place value knowledge to dividing whole numbers by ten.


Year 4 have been introduced to playscripts this week! We spent some time discussing what a playscript is and how it is different from a normal story, we explored that a playscript does not just tell a story but is a means to perform one. Year 4 investigated all of the features that make up a playscript such as; scenes, character lists, setting descriptions, stage directions and punctuation like colons. We highlighted that no inverted commas for speech are needed!

Year 4 then got into their own production teams and spent a lesson reading their group member’s Anglo-Saxon stories. Now they have chosen their favourite story, they are ready to adapt and produce it into a script to be performed.


Year 4 explored the sacrament of Baptism this week, examining the items involved in this special celebration and more importantly their symbolism. The class looked at the candle which symbolises Jesus’ light and when he died, the oil which is a blessing, the font which represents new life and finally the gown which symbolises embodying Jesus.

Year 4 then used this knowledge to explore the story of Jesus’ own Baptism by John the Baptist which showed us his willingness to lead by example. This symbolised a sense of rebirth not just for Jesus and his followers but for a new faith which had love right at its very core.


Year 4 have been continuing with Athletics this week, practising their running on the sports day track!


Year 4 have carried on with their Geography Topic, Evaluating the Local Environment. This week, Year 4 have delved deeper into the local town of Blackpool. Year 4 have been researching which County their town is in, the population of their town, local attractions and local points of nature.

Congratulations to our award winners this week -

Golden Award - Poppy

Writing Award - Bobby

Maths Award - William


Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.

Please ensure all times tables are still being practised despite the check having been completed, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!

Please make sure children are coming into school with sun cream, sun hats and plastic water bottles as we progress further into the Summer.

Thank you and Happy Father’s Day from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Welcome back from everyone in Year 4! We all hope everyone had a happy, healthy and restful May half term and Jubilee celebrations.

Year 4 finally had their official times tables check this week! The staff in Year 4 as well as Miss Haggerty are all immensely proud of how well the class did in their check. Every single person in the class gave the check their all and performed incredibly.

Our learning this week:


Year 4 spent this week exploring finding fractions of a quantity. We investigated this topic with the help of our times tables which Year 4 have become extremely proficient and fluent in. Year 4 then moved on to use their knowledge of fractions to begin learning about decimals. We used our knowledge of place value to investigate tenths.


Year 4 spent this week finishing off writing their stories with a historical setting. Our class’ chosen theme was Anglo-Saxon, inspired by our whole class guided reading book 'Anglo-Saxon Boy’. Year 4 have shown how far they have come with their writing this year, their stamina, resilience and independence in editing their work is now quite remarkable.


Year 4 explored the things in their life that make them who they are. Year 4 discussed the activities and hobbies in their lives that give them a sense of belonging.


Year 4 have been planning even more Science experiments! This time Year 4 are going to be observing the changing state of water from a solid into a liquid. Year 4 carefully planned all the details of the experiment such as; the equipment that will be needed, how we will make it a safe experiment, how we will make it a fair test and finally their predictions!

Year 4 also spent time exploring the scientific vocabulary for when water changes its state. This includes, melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation.


Year 4 have started their Athletics topic this week ready for the Summer and of course Sports Day! Our main focus this week has been on throwing; for both distance and accuracy. Year 4 participated in different stations that would help them refine their throwing and catching skills and were thoughtful in the kinds of throws they were using such as overarm and underarm throwing as well as selecting each one for each appropriate station.


Year 4 have started to evaluate the local environment in their new Geography topic. The class spent this week considering what the word ‘evaluate’ means before starting to explore what our ‘local environment’ is. We used maps to look at where our country is in the world before honing in on our specific locality in Lancashire. We then started to consider what about our environment is man made and which parts are natural.

Congratulations to our award winners this week -

Golden Award - Oscar

Writing Award - Scott

Maths Award - Charlotte


Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.

Please ensure all times tables are still being practised despite the check having been completed, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

This week in Year 4’s collective worship, we explored the idea that Jesus feeds us our daily bread. It does not matter what we do, Jesus will always care for us by feeding us and giving us everything we need; physically, emotionally and most importantly spiritually. As long as we trust in him, we will never be hungry.

Therefore, it is important that we as Christians not only understand this message and its meaning of Jesus’ never ending love and willingness to provide for us but also replicate it in our own daily lives. Just as Jesus tried to teach us, using himself as an example, when we see someone who is hungry or thirsty we must sustain them and give them what they need. As Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me”, therefore as Christians we need to make sure we are replicating Jesus’ actions to become closer to God.

Our learning this week:


Year 4 have continued exploring equivalent fractions. Year 4 have also started exploring the term simplify and its meaning regarding fractions. The class have begun to understand that finding a common factor of the numerator and the denominator then leads to correctly simplifying a fraction to its simplest form.


Year 4 have continued with their historical fiction topic and have created an Anglo Saxon character as well as starting to plan a setting their story could take place in. As a class, we spent time making sure our character would be historically accurate from the job they would have done down to the clothes they would have worn, even considering what their hair colour would have been! In regard to creating our setting, again we had to make sure it was somewhere believable for a story set in Anglo Saxon Britain. We then progressed onto coming up with a bank of adjectives that will be of use when including powerful vocabulary in our writing.


This week, Year 4 have been learning all about Jesus making Peter the head of the Church. This act from the son of God was another example of how powerful his forgiveness and mercy is. Despite Peter having previously denied knowing Jesus three times before Jesus was put to death on the cross, Jesus still had so much love for Peter and entrusted him in leading when he knew he would be gone.

When Peter undid his betrayal to Jesus by saying he loved him three consecutive times, this proved his loyalty and repentance for his previous mistake.


Year 4 have been soaring with their States of Matter topic, this week primarily investigating gases. Using lemonade as an example, we examined what makes a drink fizzy have bubbles? The answer, we discovered, is all to do with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is inserted into a liquid to make it fizzy and in a bottle of fizzy drink such as lemonade, the gas sits at the top of the bottle above the liquid in the small space which is why it hisses and fizzes when the bottle is unscrewed for the first time! Year 4 then created their own fizzy drink brand, creating a leaflet that not only tried to persuade people to buy there product but also explained how their drink was fizzy in the first place.


The children in Year 4 have continued their orienteering topic this week, demonstrating skills such as teamwork, communication, trust and following specific and detailed instructions.

Year 4 have been lucky enough to continue on the fit2go programme run by Blackpool Community Football Club. We had our third session on Thursday where the class spent time in their workbooks exploring the choices we can make to keep our bodies healthy. We also had a practical lesson of games in the hall.

Please return the permission slip next week to continue to partake in the fit2go programme.


As part of our school’s strong, zero tolerance anti bullying policy, Year 4 have been trying their best to stand up against all forms of bullying. This week we looked at all the different types of bullying, we explored what we should do if we think we are being bullied as well as what we should do if we see someone else being bullied.

The school as a whole would really appreciate you taking a few minutes out of your day to complete this online survey.

The different links are below.

For pupils:

For parents:

Thank you very much!

Congratulations to our Golden award winner this week, Scott!


Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.

Please ensure all times tables are being practised ready for the June Year 4 check, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Everyone in Year 4 hopes you had a very happy and restful Easter.

During these 50 days of Eastertide, it is important that we Christians do not end our time of reflection with Easter Sunday. During the weeks leading up to Pentecost, let us continue to remember the key Christian values that Jesus modelled for us when he died on the cross; forgiveness, compassion and humility.

We are all looking forward to celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion together starting this Sunday. The children who have undertaken this journey to receive our Lord have been preparing for a long time and after attending their Tuesday after school sessions and practising how to receive the host, are finally ready!

Our learning this week:


Year 4 have continued with their fractions topic after successfully exploring tenths and hundredths. We spent more time consolidating our vocabulary such as; numerator and denominator. We investigated how we could work out the numerator and denominator of a fraction and have gained much more confidence with this aspect. Year 4 have also started exploring equivalent fractions. We spent time looking at the word ‘equivalent’ and what it means before diving deeper and using fraction walls to find and identify fractions that have different numerators and denominators but are actually equivalent. The class really found this a difficult concept to master however their resilience and determination shone through and in the space of two days, great progress has been made.


Year 4 are ready to write their final version of their persuasive letter to the school’s local MP, Scott Benton. This letter is appealing to our local representative to consider how our country’s use of fossil fuels and other forms of unsustainable energy is damaging our Earth. As a class, we are trying to convince them to use his voice in parliament to speak up for the benefits of power such as solar, hydro and wind.


Year 4 explored the story of ‘The Road to Emmaus’ and its meaning. This story is one of the most important to engage with during Eastertide as it is one of the early resurrection appearances of Jesus after his death on the cross. We see more evidence of Jesus being the son of God while still remaining a mystery to Christians because of all the wonderful and unexplainable things he can do. Despite this mystery, we Christians still choose to believe.


As Year 4 came to the end of their Electricity topic in Science, we explored how switches work in a circuit. To fully understand the role of a switch in an electrical circuit, we revised our knowledge of what makes a circuit complete and incomplete. We then investigated how a switch works in a circuit by causing a break in a complete circuit and stopping the electrons from travelling through. Finally we also looked at the different types of switches and why there are so many. For example, a dimmer switch allows you to control the level of light in a room or a key switch gives you control of who can turn that switch.


Year 4 have been lucky enough to be enrolled on the fit2go programme run by Blackpool Community Football Club. We had our first session on Thursday where the class spent time in their brand new workbooks exploring the choices we can make to keep our bodies healthy. We then had an hour of games outside despite the wind!

Please return the permission slip next week to continue to partake in the fit2go programme.


This week, Year 4 looked at community and why it is important to have a sense of belonging to live healthy and resilient lives. We used the idea of community to help us understand God as a whole and the Holy Trinity. We decided that just like we have parts of ourselves that make up who we are, God has three important qualities; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.

Please ensure all times tables are being practised ready for the June Year 4 check, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!

High Five lunchtime club has now been changed from a Friday to a Monday, please can those children that are taking part come in PE kits on a Monday.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

The class of Year 4 would like to wish everyone a happy and a holy Easter!

It is important as we approach Holy Week, to remember the real meaning behind our Easter holidays. Of course, we will celebrate with chocolate eggs and Easter hunts however let us also remember that it is a time for family and forgiveness. God has given us many great things in his glory however during this season we remember his greatest gift of all; his only son. Jesus came as a gift to us, to show us God in human form, to teach us the way, the truth and the life and finally to ultimately save us through his sacrifice. As humans we all make mistakes but what is so special about Lent is the opportunity to reconcile ourselves with God and remember together what it was that saved us. During Holy Week, let us reflect on the true sentiment of Easter and enjoy it with those we love.

Year 4 wowed Our Lady’s Parish once again at Mass on Thursday. The class behaved beautifully, joining in with the responses and participating with the Mass as a whole. Our readers all read their rather challenging readings beautifully.

In English this week, Year 4 have continued with their persuasive writing. We have started to write the middle section of our persuasive letters against using energy that is not renewable or sustainable such as fossil fuels and fracking. Year 4 were challenged to give evidence that this way of generating electricity is harmful to our environment and contributing to global warming. This evidence consisted of; the ice bergs melting, wild fires and animals becoming endangered or losing their habitats.

In Maths, Year 4 have begun their work on fractions. We explored tenths and hundredths and used hundreds squares to investigate the different amounts of tenths and hundredths we could make. Year 4 also started looking at the word “equivalent” and examining its meaning in relation to fractions.

In Science, Year 4 put their lab coats back on again after flourishing with their Sound experiments. This passion for exploring was than transferred to our Electricity topic and the class learnt all about what a circuit is, quickly moving on to identifying a complete circuit and an incomplete circuit. Year 4 were then able to analyse different circuits and explain coherently what made one circuit complete and another incomplete. We then spent time naming all of the different equipment we were going to use in our circuits before the children were able to get busy with their own. It was a miracle as every single bulb and every single battery worked first time! The children then started getting creative, joining up their circuits to make them bigger and exploring the different combinations they could make when they collaborated with other teams and their equipment.

A few quick notices:

As summer gets ever closer and the weather gets warmer, please make sure children are bringing in a plastic water bottle each day.

Times tables club will continue on a Thursday after Easter as normal.

Congratulations to our Golden Award winner, Isabella!

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

As we progress ever closer to Holy Week, it is important that as Christians we use this remaining time in Lent to continue to be reflective of our selves and our ability to be forgiving to all others. This spirit of self reflection and forgiveness can be harnessed by all Catholics by regularly receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist at Mass each week or through the Sacrament of Reconciliation by going to Confession.

A wonderful group of our Year 4 children captured this spirit at the Catholic Primary Lenten Liturgy on Tuesday. The 13 children that came performed so beautifully that some of the audience were moved to tears! The theme of our scene was the washing of the disciples feet at the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday. The children presented themselves so respectfully and behaved so well throughout the service that the staff at Our Lady’s could not have been more proud.

This was the week that we finally got to go and watch the Gangsta Granny performance! The class of Year 4 had a marvelous time watching our beloved class book and some of our favourite fictional characters being brought to life live on stage. Once again Year 4 really rose to the occasion and represented their school at the Grand Theatre very well indeed.

We have been using the story of Gangsta Granny in partnership with the ‘Knotted Project’ theatre group that help us with our ‘Tales Retold’ workshop on Monday mornings. Joining it with our resilience framework, we have used scenes and characters from Gangsta Granny to help ourselves become more resilient individuals. We have also used it to improve our Drama and acting skills, increasing our confidence, teamwork and expression. Year 4 have come a long way in these skills since September!

In Maths this week, Year 4 have continued looking at how to calculate the area of a shape. We have focused the past few days on exploring how to form and calculate the area of a rectilinear shape. We have also spent time learning how to compare different shapes based on their area. Our greater than and less than symbols came in really handy during our comparison investigations!

In English, Year 4 have started the process of writing their persuasive letters. As a class we are using all of the features we have learnt that make a piece of writing persuasive such as; rhetorical questions, repetition, imperative verbs and expanded noun phrases, in our writing. Our main goal is to incorporate our current Science topic into our writing and write a letter to our local Member of Parliament explaining to him of our concern of the danger our environment is in at the moment and to try and persuade him to do more to promote renewable and sustainable ways of generating electricity such as; solar, wind and hydro power. We started the introduction for our letters this week, informing the reader of our purpose and using rhetorical questions to get the reader thinking. We hope to soon have lots of freshly sealed envelopes on their way to our local MP!

In Topic we spent our last Anglo-Saxon/Vikings lesson exploring the Battle of Hastings. We decided to incorporate our Drama skills into the lesson and retell the story through freeze frames. The class were split into four groups and each group was given a different section of the story we had gone through together. Each group then had to create a dramatic frozen scene representing their section of the story. The first scene showed us Harold and the Anglo-Saxons defending the English line well. The second showed the Anglo-Saxon’s fatal mistake in breaking their line to chase after retreating Normans. The third scene showed us William the Conqueror’s Norman cavalry coming in and dominating the English. Finally, the last scene represented poor Harold getting an arrow in his eye and the Anglo-Saxon’s defeat by the Norman invaders.

Congratulations to our award winners this week:

Golden Award - Ola.

Writing Award - Zak.

Maths Award - Hallie.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4.

AuthorKatie Whitehead

What a World Book Day Year 4 have had! The costumes this year have been absolutely phenomenal with so many unique interpretations of different books!

This week, Year 4 embarked on practising their pilgrimage. We were so fortunate with the glorious sunny weather on Wednesday afternoon to have a first go at our walk for CAFOD. Year 4 were so respectful for the reasons we were walking and all thought beforehand about who they were walking their steps in the name of. Therefore, there will soon be slips coming home asking for your support for our cause through sponsorships. Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated!

Year 4 also really impressed all of the staff in Year 4, Mrs Ormerod and Fr Frank at church on Thursday when the Holy Communion participants went to practise receiving the unconsecrated host in preparation for receiving the body and blood of Christ. Year 4 were so calm and respectful of their surroundings and of Father Frank, it was lovely to see!

For homework this week, Year 4 have been given the topic of Area in Maths. We began this topic in the middle of this week and the class picked it up very quickly! Year 4 made a comparison between Area and Perimeter and what the difference is between the two. We used the base ten in class to work out how many ones could fill a shape. Year 4 had to use their knowledge of 2D shapes, for example we used our knowledge of squares to work out if the length of 8 cubes, the width would also have to measure 8 cubes as well, this helped us to see why square numbers are in fact called square numbers in the first place.

This week in English, Year 4 have started their new topic of persuasive writing. Year 4 have been investigating the different grammatical features that make a piece of non fiction writing persuasive. As a class we explored together; imperative verbs, rhetorical questions, repetition and expanded noun phrases. After becoming more confident with these concepts, we applied our knowledge to an advert for alien toothpaste and tried to identify these important features within the persuasive text.

In RE, Year 4 have been exploring the story of the Last Supper and the holy day of Maundy Thursday. Through exploring the different, significant parts of that day, Year 4 have developed their understanding of Jesus’ biggest sacrifice for us and how it unfolded. On Maundy Thursday, Jesus proved to us that he was here to serve selflessly, by washing the disciples feet. This was a sign, that despite being the king sent to earth, Jesus did not expect anything of us and his sole purpose was to help all living things. This was also the day that Jesus first gave himself to us through sharing that special meal with the disciples. Before Jesus made his ultimate sacrifice, he wanted to ensure we would remember him; “Do this in memory of me”. Therefore, from this, we as Catholics have been able to to receive the body and blood of Christ during the Liturgy of the Eucharist at Mass each Sunday.

Year 4 are looking forward to their trip to Gangsta Granny next Friday 1st April at the Grand Theatre. Thank you for all of the donations and fundraising support we have received to help us make this trip possible! Please make sure your child comes in in full school uniform that Friday and bring a water bottle.

Congratulations to our Golden Award winner this week; Amelia!

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

This week in Year 4 we have been trying to incorporate the spirit of Lent in everything we do, that of forgiveness. We have been trying to understand that the purpose of Lent is to remember and reflect on Jesus’ biggest sacrifice for us; to forgive us of all of our sins and make us pure again. As part of our Lenten activities, Year 4 have decided to undertake their very own pilgrimage around the school grounds. The purpose of this journey will be to try to walk in somebody else’s shoes, to walk for the people who face prejudice and hardship in their everyday lives.

To prepare for Lent, the class also spent some of their RE time writing their own, independent Lenten prayers. In these prayers, the children in Year 4 made their own promises to better themselves during this holy time. These promises consisted of acts such as helping others in ordinary day-to-day life, being more caring and to take opportunities to do good deeds such as giving to charity. The class also readied for Lent during their RE time by exploring the story of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday together. The class looked at three main points of; where the story took place, what the story was about and how the story ended. Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, as described in all four canonical Gospels, on a donkey was a public affirmation that he was in fact the son of God and the beginning of our blessed Holy Week.

In Maths this week, Year 4 have continued mastering the skill of dividing 2 digit and 3 digit numbers with the possibility of a remainder. We have used our times tables (which continue to get even better as time passes) to help us work out with fluency how many times a number can be shared out equally with remainders left over. We have also used part whole models to help us and explored the multiple ways in which we can partition a whole number to then do more smaller divisions and therefore help us in tackling dividing bigger 3 digit numbers.

In English, Year 4 have put their author’s caps on and have written their fictional stories inspired by tales from another culture. We worked together during our writing, doing a small section of our stories each day to ensure we were taking care with and pride in our pieces. We made sure we were including; powerful adjectives and adverbs, similes, fronted adverbials and the correct punctuation. We had some fantastic work as well, Year 4’s writing is only getting better and better with each piece they produce.

In Science, we continued with our new electricity topic. We spent this week spending time revising the different places we get our electricity from; the mains and batteries. We identified appliances that used each type of source of electricity to function correctly. The class then went on to explore the dangers of electricity. On the interactive board, we looked at different scenarios in a normal family home and identified the risks we could see together such as electrical appliance being right next to a bath full of water! The class then switched on their independent working brains and used pictures in their book to identify all of the electronic dangers they could see in that everyday scenario and why they thought that might be a hazard.

In History, we continued looking at the last Anglo-Saxon Kings! We explored more about Edward the Confessor’s life and his close relationship with William Duke of Normandy while in exile. This then led to us exploring more about William the Conqueror and the reasons he had that made him feel he had a right to the throne over poor Harold!

Please can Holy Communion participants remember to bring their ‘I Belong’ books for Tuesday’s afterschool session.

Also a reminder that World Book Day is on 25th March next Friday!

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Year 4 have been trying very hard this week to maintain their strength and resilience. This has largely been through the renewal of our ‘Tales Retold project’ and working as teams to produce practical and hands on pieces of work. The class have tried very hard to be vigilant in making the right choices and try their best and this improvement in their resilience has been so clear to see!

In Maths this week, Year 4 have continued practising their times tables daily. As a class, we have been primarily focusing on our challenging 7 and 8 times tables. Using The Daily Ten from Topmarks and TT Rockstars has been invaluable in boosting the class’ confidence and their fluency with their tables so please continue using such resources to practise at home. Also this week, Year 4 have started looking at remainders. This again has been testing the speed in which they can recall their times tables as well as then being able to apply those to number problems as we have been looking at how one number is divisible by another. Year 4 definitely found this new topic of Maths work a challenge however the resilience they have shown through the week in trying to master remainders is truly inspiring!

In English, Year 4 have started thinking about how the Aboriginal Dreamtime stories can inspire them to write their own animal creation story. As we spent last week looking at stories such as ‘How the Turtle got its Shell’ and "‘How the Birds got their Colours’, the class have had a lot of help in writing their own story explaining how an animal got their significant feature. We had all sorts of fabulous ideas such as ‘Why the sausage dog has a long body’, ‘How the snow leopard got its spots’ and ‘Why the hamster is so tiny’! Year 4 spent this week planning and describing their main character, creating their setting based on their animal’s habitat and finally starting to write the opening of their story. The staff in Year 4 were blown away by the amazing opening paragraphs that the children were able to come up with.

In RE this week, Year 4 spent time exploring why Jesus died on the cross for us and what this meant. The class tried to understand the magnitude of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and selfless choice of giving his life to save us. The class then focused on the phrase ‘Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us’. Those children undertaking Holy Communion really recognised this as they say it in Mass every week. The class examined the meaning behind these words, how Jesus is the lamb of God because he sacrificed himself like lambs would have been sacrificed at the time Jesus was alive. That he takes away our sins through this sacrifice of himself and that because of this we need to be merciful and show gratitude.

In Science this week, Year 4 started their new topic of electricity! Year 4 learned that electricity is a natural source of power and is found all over the place such as; lightning, in bioelectricity found in living things and static electricity. We then explored how scientists spent years discovering how to utilise this electricity for people’s benefit. The class also learnt about the difference of alternating current and direct current, AC referring the the current in mains electricity and DC regarding the current in batteries.

In Topic this week, we have been looking at the last Anglo Saxon kings. As a class, we tried very hard to remember the chronology of the last kings to rule up to 1066 and the Battle of Hastings and William the Conqueror’s reign. We examined how mean and brutal these kings were to each other and their subjects!

A reminder that our World Book Day is on the 25th of March this year!

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Golden Award - William.

Writing Award - Poppy.

Maths Award - Joshua.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Year 4 have gone into Lent, this week, with open hearts. The class are ready to step into this time of fasting and sacrifice with respect and sincerity. Year 4 behaved with such consideration during Wednesday’s Mass, receiving their ashes with consideration for everyone around them. A big congratulations to our four readers; Emelia, Charlotte, Joseph and Elsie!

In Maths this week, Year 4 have maintained their stamina in regards to their times tables. The class have been practising for up to twenty minutes first thing every day and the progress is now becoming visible! Please remember to keep practising for short spurts at home to make sure Year 4 can maintain their fluency and speed ready for June’s times tables check. Year 4 spent their main Maths lesson time exploring more about factors. Year 4 then used their developing knowledge of factors and applied them to their Maths questions. Year 4 looked at examples such as 55 X 5 and how this can also be written as 11 X 5 X 5.

In English this week, Year 4 have continued looking at the Aboriginal Dreamtime stories. Year 4 explored and responded to the story of ‘Why the Koala Bear has a Stumpy Tail’. We spent more time breaking down the main points within the story which helped us to understand the characters motives and their personalities. The class then delved into what they thought the message of the story is and how such Dreamtime stories do have deeper meanings to them as they are the Aboriginal tribes’ creation stories. Year 4 then created their own storyboards to map out and retell the Dreamtime story through art, a method the Aboriginals have always used.

Following our Aboriginal theme, the class produced even more art. Using real Aboriginal paintings as inspiration, we used natural coloured paints, all in dotted shapes, to try and pay homage to nature through art work.

Year 4 also used their creative sides during their DT/Science work. After all of the class’ learning during their Sound topic, we finished it off by making our own guitars. Year 4 focused solely on making the base today. The class focused on two main points; making sure there were no holes or gaps apart from the main space under the strings and making sure their strings (elastic bands) were not all the same length. The first point was to make sure the sound waves would not have too much space to escape, the second point was to ensure the guitars could have different pitches.

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Golden Award - Emma.

Writing Award - Scott.

Maths Award - Zak.

Thank you, from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

As Lent is almost upon us, it is important that we use this period of time to reflect on our lives, just as Jesus reflected and fasted in the desert. As Catholics it is important that we consider everything we are so fortunate to have in our lives as well as trying and make significant sacrifices. Hopefully through doing this, we will be able to acknowledge that not everyone in the world is as privileged and advantaged as many are in this country.

Lent gives us the time and opportunity to reawaken our faith in the days leading up to Jesus’ ultimate gift to the world; his forgiveness. Therefore, through our own sacrifices of what is important to us in our lives, we can truly become closer to Jesus as we understand what it is like to give up something in aid of others.

As well as readying ourselves for Lent, Year 4 have had a very busy week involving their Viking projects. The staff in class were all blown away by the creativity and passion displayed through the children’s home learning.

In Maths this week, Year 4 have spent time using their developed skill of written multiplication to solve problems. This has required them to recognise a problem, decide which operation and method they are going to use to solve it and follow multiple steps to get to a final answer. The class are getting much more confident at answering these sorts of questions independently! Year 4 have also been deepening their knowledge of multiplication by looking at number factors . The class have been broadening their understanding of number and investigating the different numbers, that paired together, multiply to make the same number.

In English, Year 4 have begun a brand new topic based around stories from another culture. The class have been learning all about the native tribes of Australia; the Aborigines. We learnt a little bit about their history and how these groups of people believe in the time of the Dreaming. This period of time, they believe, is when their ancestor’s spirits went through the land creating life and important points of the natural world before they themselves turned into this nature. We learnt that the Aboriginal People pass their cultural beliefs, their laws and their stories on through their words. They also pass this down through art, dancing and music. Year 4 then progressed onto beginning to look at some of these stories from the time of the Dreaming including; “How the Turtle got its Shell” and “How the Birds got their Colours”. Together, we explored these texts and the important messages they pass down to the people that read and believe them.

In RE, the class explored the idea that Jesus was both truly human as well as being truly God. This is a difficult concept to understand as it is hard to acknowledge that someone can be both human and God at the same time! We know that Jesus was inherently human as he was born to a young girl called Mary and took human form, he showed human emotions such as sadness when his close friend Lazarus died and he understood us as humans. However, Jesus was also the son of God and therefore a vital part of the Holy Trinity. Of course he also showed us willingly that he was truly God through all of the marvellous miracles he performed in aid of other people.

In PE, the class have begun their ball games topic and have been focusing this week on their passing and throwing. Year 4 primarily focused on chest pass today, exploring the shape your arms make to throw from your chest correctly. We also spent time considering how to aim correctly, throw the ball in the correct direction and maintain the right amount of power behind our throws. Year 4 showed real resilience during their PE time and worked together really well, even helping one another when they were struggling. They really let their Christian values shine through in this way!

Also please don’t forget to get your tickets for ‘Much Ado About Nothing’! Year 5 have been working so hard on all their scenes and are ready and raring to go!

Congratulations to our award winners:

Golden Award - Ruby.

Writing Award - Riley.

Maths Award - Joseph.

Please remember to keep up the home reading, especially as it is nearly World Book Day!

Also, those on the Holy Communion course please remember your books for Tuesday’s after school session.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Everybody in Year 4 would like to wish all families a very happy half-term break!

This week in Year 4, the class have been getting extremely busy with their learning.

During PE, they finally got to film their final Sound sequences using all of the gymnastics skills they have learnt over this half term. All of Year 4 were impressive, here were our winners!

Year 4 carried on expanding upon their creativity in their Maths work. After spending the week working on mastering their written multiplication with three digit numbers and working hard on our times tables facts, Year 4 got very busy indeed! The class worked in teams to plan, design, write instructions for and make their very own times tables games. Year 4 used pre existing games to inspire them and then created bigger and better activities of their own!

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Golden Award - Isabella.

Writing Award - Avie.

Maths Award - Rion.

Thank you and have a happy half term, from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

How quickly this half term has flown by! Year 4 have completed half of their year already and will be in Spring Two will be here before we know it!

Congratulations to Year 4’s new School Council members Zak and Avie! The votes were counted and verified and the class had two clear winners! Year 4 are confident they will do a fantastic job.

In Maths this week, Year 4 have spent the week mastering their formal written multiplication. Year 4 spent more time exploring what it means to partition numbers into parts based on their ones and tens. Year 4 used part whole models to explore how a whole number can be split up into two different parts. Having a deeper understanding of how and why numbers are partitioned really aided the class in their written multiplication. In addition to this, Year 4’s times tables skills have really been improving! This has been another factor in helping Year 4 become more confident in practising the written multiplication.

In English, Year 4 have spent the week writing their explanation texts. Year 4 made sure they included the exciting adverbs and conjunctions they had previously collected in their books as well as using as much of the key scientific vocabulary surrounding the topic of Sound. Then, Year 4 started to write out their paragraphs, explaining all about; how sound is made, vibrations, sound waves, how sound travels through the ear and pitch and volume. The class’s writing was very impressive, the best piece they have produced so far this year! Handwriting is improving consistently, so much care is being taken with spelling and their subject knowledge about Sound really shone through their work.

In RE, Year 4 explored the eight Beatitudes attributed to Jesus. The class discussed these proclamations together and then carefully translated their meanings. As Christians, it is important that we understand why Jesus gave us these messages to help guide us in our journey to become closer to God. These proclamations, give us clear signs of the values Jesus wanted us to maintain such as; patience, kindness, mercy, honesty, fairness and many more.

In Science, Year 4 had a wonderful time testing the theory that distance affects the volume of a sound. We discussed why we thought that a sound is quieter at a longer distance and louder at a shorter distance, exploring how air particles affect how loud or quiet a noise is. To put this to the test, the class created their own cup and string telephones and practised communicating from close together and far apart.

Year 4 discussed how we could make sure the experiment was a fair test by using the same volume when we were communicating close together and far away. We also discussed how our experiment possibly was not fair, some cups ended up with bigger holes than others and we agreed together that that could affect how and where the sound traveled to.

In History, Year 4 carried on exploring King Ethelred and how he payed the Vikings not to invade Britain. The class used a Viking poem to bring out their acting abilities to act out the story of King Ethelred the ‘Unready’ failing in his fight against the Vikings! Everyone was split into five groups and each group were given a verse to bring to life. The class worked so well together, show casing how much they have developed their resilience and team work skills.

In Geography, Year 4 have been looking at where our food comes from. We looked at different types of food and which countries Great Britain get their imported food from. We were surprised to learn we get a lot of our produce all the way from China and India! Year 4 then looked at the negatives at importing so much of our country’s food. Some of the negative impacts we discovered were the effect food miles has on global warming in producing so much carbon dioxide, creating less work for local British farmers and how we may lose understanding of where our food specifically comes from. The class then ordered the nine negative facts about food miles from what they thought was the most serious down to what they believed to be the least serious.

If you are on the Holy Communion programme, please remember to bring your ‘I Belong’ book on Monday ready for Tuesday’s session.

Congratulations to our award winners:

Golden Award - Bobby.

Writing Award - Emma.

Maths Award - Charlotte.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

The days are getting longer and the sun is staying out more and more, at last! January is almost done and it is not just our nights that are getting brighter everyday, but Year 4’s own light has been shining even more as each day passes. Year 4 have had a very positive week and have been trying everyday to make themselves the best they can be through their resilience and improving selflessness. They need to keep up the good work!

In Maths this week, Year 4 have moved on to learning all about written multiplication. It has been quite a challenge! The class started at the very beginning by practising their partitioning, using their place value skills excellently. Once Year 4 felt as confident as they could with their partitioning, they then proceeded to move on to the formal written method, using columns to multiply a two digit number by a one digit number. This written multiplication has really been putting Year 4’s times tables knowledge to the test! Please remember to keep practising times tables at home!

In English, Year 4 have started working on their brand new topic! We have joined our Science topic up with English so that we can work towards writing an explanation text about the Science of Sound. We have started to prepare ourselves for independently writing our own explanation texts by brainstorming all of the features we believe make an explanation text good at explaining a piece of information. These features include having headings and subheadings, direct questions, key vocabulary, adverbs, conjunctions, diagrams and lots more! We have also worked together to identify and record the key vocabulary that the class will use when they come to write an explanation text all about Sound.

In RE, Year 4 have been exploring ‘The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant’ and the messages that this parable gives to Christians. The main message in the story is all about forgiveness and how it is our responsibility as part of God’s family to make sure we forgive those that trespass against us as many times as they may need, just like God always forgives us. This particular parable really makes us think about the qualities and values that Christians can adopt to make them more forgiving and empathetic individuals.

In History, Year 4 learnt all about King Ethelred the Unready and his troubles with those pesky Vikings! Year 4 expanded upon their debating skills from last week week and showed off how much they have improved! Year 4 created arguments for and against the question; ‘Is it fair King Ethelred was called unready?’. Then the class learnt all about how King Ethelred would pay the Vikings to not invade Britain, this was called “paying the Dane”! We then challenged ourselves to even more civilised debating with the question; ‘Was King Ethelred right when he was “paying the Dane”?

This week Year 4 have also combined their Science topic of Sound into their PE lessons, using all the skills they have learnt throughout gymnastics. Year 4 spent two lessons creating their very own sequences and were challenged to use travelling, balances, rolls and jumps in these sequences. Year 4’s sequences represented how sound travels from being a vibration all the way through to being sound waves, electrical signals until it reaches the brain which tells us all about the sound we are hearing. Year 4 were wonderful! They not only created fantastic, technical sequences but also developed their teamwork skills as well as their independent resilience. The staff in school and from Blackpool Football Club could not have been more proud.

This week, Year 4 have been challenged to a brand new piece of sheet music for their recorders which they should have received on Thursday! Please remember to keep practising and to bring recorders every Wednesday.

Also a big well done to our Year 4s undertaking Holy Communion sessions, everyone was extremely impressed with the positive and respectful way in which the children conducted themselves. The groups spent time working through the order of the Mass and completing Chapter Five of their ‘I Belong’ books. Please remember to bring these books in on Monday!

Congratulations to our Award Winners:

Golden Award - Oscar.

Writing Award - Max.

Maths Award - Oscar.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Year 4 have had a very busy week indeed! Just like last week, Year 4 have spent much of this week reflecting and considering how they can be the best individuals they can possibly be and shine their light for all to see. Once again, we have been trying to be mindful of how to practise kind words and kind actions towards those around us as we strive towards our Christian values.

This week in Maths, we have continued practising our multiplication and division skills. We have spent the past week however, exploring our 7, 11 and 12 times tables and trying to master our understanding of these numbers. We spent more time using these numbers to solve problems that contain multiple steps and looking at how we know which operation to choose.

In English, we have continued exploring Narrative Verses through ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’. Year 4 spent time independently writing three verses for their narrative poem. We continued exploring how we could use powerful vocabulary to really engage the reader and use amazing, verbs, adverbs and adjectives! We also considered, as an extra challenge, how to make our verses rhyme to create an entertaining rhythm.

We also spent some time towards the end of our week practising our similes. Together we revised how a simile is a great way to paint a descriptive picture with words by comparing an object/living thing to something else, for example “The girl was as sad as rain.”.

In RE, Year 4 learnt all about The Parable of the Sower”. Year 4 learnt that Jesus told parables so that he could give us messages on how to be a true Christian through the stories he would tell his disciples. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus tells us that those of us who listen to and understand the true meaning of God are just like seeds that fall in good soil and grow well. Unfortunately, those that do not understand the message of God because they ignore it are like the seeds that fall by the path. Those that do not understand the message of God because they have let other obstacles stop them are like the seeds that fall on the rocks. Those that do not understand the message of God because they give it up when they face hardships or trouble are like the seeds that have fallen into the thorns.

In Science, we continued with our new Topic of Sound. Today we recapped on how sound is made by vibrations travelling through the air. Today Year 4 created their own exciting radio shows to explain how sound travels through the air, and through the ear t reach the brain using all their wonderful vocabulary. Year 4 also started learning the difference between volume and pitch. Through the help of a glockenspiel, Year 4 learnt that the volume, how loud or quiet a sound is, depends on how much pressure is used when hitting the keys on the glockenspiel. The class learnt that pitch, how high or low a sound is, depends on how big the key on the glockenspiel is. The smaller the key, the higher the sound and the bigger the key the lower the sound.

In History, Year 4 carried on learning about the Vikings. This week, we learnt how to debate! After learning about the most important Anglo-Saxon kings and the Most famous Viking kings, Year 4 were challenged to a “kingly debate”. In their learning partners, the class either adopted the persona of Alfred the Great or King Gustrum. They then had to formulate their very own arguments as to why they deserved to rule over the kingdoms within England. We had some very passionate medieval kings in the classroom!

This week, Year 4 carried on with their Paul Cezanne inspired fruit basket sketches. We recapped on how to make lighter shading and how to produce darker shading by the different pressures we could put on our pencil. We used these shading skills to cast shadows across our pieces of art and ad to the realism effect inspired by Paul Cezanne. We then explored how to sketch by lightly creating small lines to form bigger shapes.

A reminder for those undertaking the First Holy Communion that the Welcome Masses for the New Year are this weekend on Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 10:30am and to bring your “I Belong” books to school with you for Monday next week.

Congratulations to our Award Winners -

Golden Award - Zak.

Writing Award - Hallie.

Maths Award - Ola.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

How time is flying! Year 4 have spent much of this week reflecting on how we can be the best individuals we can possibly be. We have considered how to practise kind words and kind actions towards those around us as we strive to fulfil our Christian values.

This week, our collective worship focused on this Sunday’s Gospel; The Wedding at Cana. We discussed how this was Jesus’ first public miracle and explored that this was an early sign from Jesus that he was the Messiah that the world had been promised. We thought about how Gospel readings each have their own message, teaching the values that God wants to see shining through us. We also thought about how reading and really understanding these stories is a beautiful way to bring us closer to God and into his family.

This week in Maths, we have spent more time practising our multiplication and division skills. We have spent the past week focusing primarily on our 6s and our 9s and trying to gain a deeper understanding of these two numbers. We spent time focusing on what the operations of multiplication and division actually mean and why these operations are the inverse of one another.

In English, we have continued exploring Narrative Verses through ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’. Year 4 spent time utilising their artistic skills to create a story map of this Narrative Verse. Using pictures really helped the class understand the chronology of the story and was a fun way at remembering the poem and key moments within it. Following this, we then started to gradually plan out our own verses. Firstly, everyone came up with their own main character, including their name and which species they belong to. Then, Year 4 planned how their character would travel, using some amazing adjectives to add sparkle to their writing. Finally, Year 4 planned where their character would go on their adventures and most importantly, why they were going there.

In RE, the class learnt all about Jesus’ first presentation at the Temple. The children wrote wonderful newspaper articles, reporting about Jesus’ memorable presentation at the Temple. Year 4 also explored who Simeon was and his amazement at seeing the chosen one, God on earth. Year 4 used their previously learnt skills of writing a newspaper to make their work stand out.

In Science, we continued with our new Topic of Sound. Today we recapped on how sound is made and expanded upon this further with how sound is heard. Year 4 learnt about how vibrations made travel through the air as sound waves, hitting particles as they go along. Once they get to the ear, they travel through the ear canal and are turned into electrical signals by special cells in our ears, these electrical signals then go to our brain. The children were so enthusiastic about this process, all desperate to answer the questions during our discussion. We even acted out this process, one pupil was our ear, one our brain and the other moved around as electrical signals! Year 4 really are becoming scientists.

In History, Year 4 carried on learning about the Vikings. We tested ourselves as a class to see how much we could remember about the Vikings from last week. We managed to remember that the they came from Scandinavia on long boats, invaded Great Britain from the North and that they raided and pillaged Monasteries for their valuable goods. Some children even remembered that the Vikings stole Bibles and sold them back to the Priests they had taken them from! Year 4 then used this knowledge to create their own Vikings factual poster, as well as having a go at drawing what they thought they would have looked like. (Much to our disbelief, they did not actually have those infamous horns on their helmets)!

This week, we also had a look at the artist Paul Cézanne and some of his favourite still life work, particularly that of his famous Still Life with Fruit Basket. We discussed how realistic his paintings were and that their melancholy feel was probably because of how miserable Paul Cézanne was in his life! We then talked about the different colours he used and what effect that has on an audience. Finally, we got out our pencils and had a go at practising our tonal shading. We explored how a lighter grip on your pencil will create a lighter shade and pressing down hard will make the shade darker. Year 4 then tried to gradually transition from one shade to the next, getting ready for doing the final piece!

Congratulations to our Award Winners -

Golden Award - Chase.

Writing Award - Jack.

Maths Award - Rion.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!"

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Happy New Year! Everyone in Year 4 hopes you all had a very merry Christmas and happy start to 2022.

There have been lots of wonderful tales from over the Christmas period and even some photographs of amazing creations! Thank you so much to Joseph who spent his holidays reflecting on the Nativity scene.

This week in Year 4 we have spent time exploring the story of the three wise men and their journey from the East, all the way to Bethlehem to visit Jesus. Father Frank and Miss Haggerty were particularly impressed with Year 4 when attending Mass for the Feast of the Epiphany on Thursday. The class answered lots of questions about the three wise men’s journey and their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Father even asked if we had brought over our most sensible class to Church that day!

In English, we spent some time writing about the Epiphany story, retelling the narrative of the three kings using all the skills they have learnt so far in Year 4 such as using paragraphs, adjectives and similes!

In English, we also began our brand new Narrative Verses Topic. We have begun looking at an old favourite to help us in our understanding of Narrative Verses; The Owl and the Pussy Cat! We have used this poem to practise our expression when reading aloud, to identify adjectives and adverbs in a text and to guide us in understanding how a Narrative Verse tells a story.

We also looked at the context of The Owl and the Pussy Cat, written in 1871 by Edward Lear who loved making up nonsense words such as “runcible” and “piggy-wig”. Hopefully, Year 4 will be able to use the examples of the Narrative Verses they have read to eventually plan and write their very own!

In Maths, the class have spent time mastering multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We have used place value charts to help us understand our thousands, hundreds, tens and ones and the value of each depending on an amount. Year 4 have also worked very hard at understanding how a number may become greater than or less than depending on if it is multiplied or divided by 10, 100 or 1000. It is not adding or taking away a zero! Year 4 then utilised this skill of something being 10, 100 or 1000 times greater or less than in their multiplication and division. For example, we looked at number facts such as 12 divided by 4 equals 3 to then establish what 120 divided by three would be?

In Science, we started our brand new topic of Sound! We spent time learning about how sound is made from vibrations that travel through the air as sound waves. Year 4 then put on their investigating caps and had a lesson of exploration, making different sounds from different objects and comparing them in a school sound survey! We also witnessed how the sound from the banging of a drum can travel through the air to make rice dance on a piece of cling film.

In History, we began learning about the Viking invasion in England. Beginning in the late 8th century, the class ordered their own timelines to learn about an initial overview of the chronology of the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons up until 1066 at the Battle of Hastings. We also learnt about how the Vikings were raiders and invaders who came from modern day Scandinavia (such as Norway, Sweden and Denmark) to pillage other nations.

In PE, we have been very lucky to keep our Friday sessions from Blackpool Football Club for another term! We have started a brand new topic on Gymnastics. Year 4 learnt more about how to properly warm up our bodies for exercise through different stretches and have spent this week focusing on different types of balances through working with a partner to mirror and counterbalance. Year 4 then performed the sequences they came up with in front of the class.

Congratulations to our Award Winners!

Golden Award - Rion.

Writing Award - Elsie.

Maths Award - Chase.

Just a reminder during these uncertain times to remain vigilant against the spread of COVID 19. Please keep testing regularly especially if there are signs of symptoms and keep up with the government guidance.

Thank you, from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead

Merry Christmas everyone!

Year 4 have had an exciting week of music, crafts and Christmas competitions.

Please find attached our school link for Year 4, 5 and 6’s Carol Service here:

Our Golden Award winner this week was Scott!

Thank you to all the families who have supported Year 4 in our Autumn term, all of the staff from Year 4 wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

AuthorKatie Whitehead