What a World Book Day Year 4 have had! The costumes this year have been absolutely phenomenal with so many unique interpretations of different books!

This week, Year 4 embarked on practising their pilgrimage. We were so fortunate with the glorious sunny weather on Wednesday afternoon to have a first go at our walk for CAFOD. Year 4 were so respectful for the reasons we were walking and all thought beforehand about who they were walking their steps in the name of. Therefore, there will soon be slips coming home asking for your support for our cause through sponsorships. Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated!

Year 4 also really impressed all of the staff in Year 4, Mrs Ormerod and Fr Frank at church on Thursday when the Holy Communion participants went to practise receiving the unconsecrated host in preparation for receiving the body and blood of Christ. Year 4 were so calm and respectful of their surroundings and of Father Frank, it was lovely to see!

For homework this week, Year 4 have been given the topic of Area in Maths. We began this topic in the middle of this week and the class picked it up very quickly! Year 4 made a comparison between Area and Perimeter and what the difference is between the two. We used the base ten in class to work out how many ones could fill a shape. Year 4 had to use their knowledge of 2D shapes, for example we used our knowledge of squares to work out if the length of 8 cubes, the width would also have to measure 8 cubes as well, this helped us to see why square numbers are in fact called square numbers in the first place.

This week in English, Year 4 have started their new topic of persuasive writing. Year 4 have been investigating the different grammatical features that make a piece of non fiction writing persuasive. As a class we explored together; imperative verbs, rhetorical questions, repetition and expanded noun phrases. After becoming more confident with these concepts, we applied our knowledge to an advert for alien toothpaste and tried to identify these important features within the persuasive text.

In RE, Year 4 have been exploring the story of the Last Supper and the holy day of Maundy Thursday. Through exploring the different, significant parts of that day, Year 4 have developed their understanding of Jesus’ biggest sacrifice for us and how it unfolded. On Maundy Thursday, Jesus proved to us that he was here to serve selflessly, by washing the disciples feet. This was a sign, that despite being the king sent to earth, Jesus did not expect anything of us and his sole purpose was to help all living things. This was also the day that Jesus first gave himself to us through sharing that special meal with the disciples. Before Jesus made his ultimate sacrifice, he wanted to ensure we would remember him; “Do this in memory of me”. Therefore, from this, we as Catholics have been able to to receive the body and blood of Christ during the Liturgy of the Eucharist at Mass each Sunday.

Year 4 are looking forward to their trip to Gangsta Granny next Friday 1st April at the Grand Theatre. Thank you for all of the donations and fundraising support we have received to help us make this trip possible! Please make sure your child comes in in full school uniform that Friday and bring a water bottle.

Congratulations to our Golden Award winner this week; Amelia!

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead