This week in Year 4’s collective worship, we explored the idea that Jesus feeds us our daily bread. It does not matter what we do, Jesus will always care for us by feeding us and giving us everything we need; physically, emotionally and most importantly spiritually. As long as we trust in him, we will never be hungry.
Therefore, it is important that we as Christians not only understand this message and its meaning of Jesus’ never ending love and willingness to provide for us but also replicate it in our own daily lives. Just as Jesus tried to teach us, using himself as an example, when we see someone who is hungry or thirsty we must sustain them and give them what they need. As Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me”, therefore as Christians we need to make sure we are replicating Jesus’ actions to become closer to God.
Our learning this week:
Year 4 have continued exploring equivalent fractions. Year 4 have also started exploring the term simplify and its meaning regarding fractions. The class have begun to understand that finding a common factor of the numerator and the denominator then leads to correctly simplifying a fraction to its simplest form.
Year 4 have continued with their historical fiction topic and have created an Anglo Saxon character as well as starting to plan a setting their story could take place in. As a class, we spent time making sure our character would be historically accurate from the job they would have done down to the clothes they would have worn, even considering what their hair colour would have been! In regard to creating our setting, again we had to make sure it was somewhere believable for a story set in Anglo Saxon Britain. We then progressed onto coming up with a bank of adjectives that will be of use when including powerful vocabulary in our writing.
This week, Year 4 have been learning all about Jesus making Peter the head of the Church. This act from the son of God was another example of how powerful his forgiveness and mercy is. Despite Peter having previously denied knowing Jesus three times before Jesus was put to death on the cross, Jesus still had so much love for Peter and entrusted him in leading when he knew he would be gone.
When Peter undid his betrayal to Jesus by saying he loved him three consecutive times, this proved his loyalty and repentance for his previous mistake.
Year 4 have been soaring with their States of Matter topic, this week primarily investigating gases. Using lemonade as an example, we examined what makes a drink fizzy have bubbles? The answer, we discovered, is all to do with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is inserted into a liquid to make it fizzy and in a bottle of fizzy drink such as lemonade, the gas sits at the top of the bottle above the liquid in the small space which is why it hisses and fizzes when the bottle is unscrewed for the first time! Year 4 then created their own fizzy drink brand, creating a leaflet that not only tried to persuade people to buy there product but also explained how their drink was fizzy in the first place.
The children in Year 4 have continued their orienteering topic this week, demonstrating skills such as teamwork, communication, trust and following specific and detailed instructions.
Year 4 have been lucky enough to continue on the fit2go programme run by Blackpool Community Football Club. We had our third session on Thursday where the class spent time in their workbooks exploring the choices we can make to keep our bodies healthy. We also had a practical lesson of games in the hall.
Please return the permission slip next week to continue to partake in the fit2go programme.
As part of our school’s strong, zero tolerance anti bullying policy, Year 4 have been trying their best to stand up against all forms of bullying. This week we looked at all the different types of bullying, we explored what we should do if we think we are being bullied as well as what we should do if we see someone else being bullied.
The school as a whole would really appreciate you taking a few minutes out of your day to complete this online survey.
The different links are below.
For pupils:
For parents:
Thank you very much!
Congratulations to our Golden award winner this week, Scott!
Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.
Please ensure all times tables are being practised ready for the June Year 4 check, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!
Thank you from everyone in Year 4!