Everyone in Year 4 hopes you had a very happy and restful Easter.
During these 50 days of Eastertide, it is important that we Christians do not end our time of reflection with Easter Sunday. During the weeks leading up to Pentecost, let us continue to remember the key Christian values that Jesus modelled for us when he died on the cross; forgiveness, compassion and humility.
We are all looking forward to celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion together starting this Sunday. The children who have undertaken this journey to receive our Lord have been preparing for a long time and after attending their Tuesday after school sessions and practising how to receive the host, are finally ready!
Our learning this week:
Year 4 have continued with their fractions topic after successfully exploring tenths and hundredths. We spent more time consolidating our vocabulary such as; numerator and denominator. We investigated how we could work out the numerator and denominator of a fraction and have gained much more confidence with this aspect. Year 4 have also started exploring equivalent fractions. We spent time looking at the word ‘equivalent’ and what it means before diving deeper and using fraction walls to find and identify fractions that have different numerators and denominators but are actually equivalent. The class really found this a difficult concept to master however their resilience and determination shone through and in the space of two days, great progress has been made.
Year 4 are ready to write their final version of their persuasive letter to the school’s local MP, Scott Benton. This letter is appealing to our local representative to consider how our country’s use of fossil fuels and other forms of unsustainable energy is damaging our Earth. As a class, we are trying to convince them to use his voice in parliament to speak up for the benefits of power such as solar, hydro and wind.
Year 4 explored the story of ‘The Road to Emmaus’ and its meaning. This story is one of the most important to engage with during Eastertide as it is one of the early resurrection appearances of Jesus after his death on the cross. We see more evidence of Jesus being the son of God while still remaining a mystery to Christians because of all the wonderful and unexplainable things he can do. Despite this mystery, we Christians still choose to believe.
As Year 4 came to the end of their Electricity topic in Science, we explored how switches work in a circuit. To fully understand the role of a switch in an electrical circuit, we revised our knowledge of what makes a circuit complete and incomplete. We then investigated how a switch works in a circuit by causing a break in a complete circuit and stopping the electrons from travelling through. Finally we also looked at the different types of switches and why there are so many. For example, a dimmer switch allows you to control the level of light in a room or a key switch gives you control of who can turn that switch.
Year 4 have been lucky enough to be enrolled on the fit2go programme run by Blackpool Community Football Club. We had our first session on Thursday where the class spent time in their brand new workbooks exploring the choices we can make to keep our bodies healthy. We then had an hour of games outside despite the wind!
Please return the permission slip next week to continue to partake in the fit2go programme.
This week, Year 4 looked at community and why it is important to have a sense of belonging to live healthy and resilient lives. We used the idea of community to help us understand God as a whole and the Holy Trinity. We decided that just like we have parts of ourselves that make up who we are, God has three important qualities; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.
Please ensure all times tables are being practised ready for the June Year 4 check, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!
High Five lunchtime club has now been changed from a Friday to a Monday, please can those children that are taking part come in PE kits on a Monday.
Thank you from everyone in Year 4!