Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their special dance day today! The staff in class could not have been prouder of the way the children threw themselves into the day despite nerves and uncertainty. The whole of Year 4, staff included, enjoyed a morning of Zumba with Hazel in which we learnt a dance originating from Puerto Rico. Then followed a session of traditional Country dancing on the field with Mrs Ormerod. The class really displayed the depth of their resilience and how much this has developed since the start of the year, not giving up even when they found the day hard. Our dance day also included performances from certain dancers in the school, children from across the Key Stages wowing us all with routines ranging from Ballet, Irish dancing, Hip Hop, Modern dance and many more.
We are continuing to look forward to celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion together this Sunday with our second group of children. The children who have undertaken this journey to receive our Lord have been preparing for a long time and after attending their Tuesday after school sessions and practising how to receive the host, are finally ready!
Our learning this week:
Year 4 have continued with their fractions topic after successfully exploring tenths and hundredths. Year 4 have continued exploring equivalent fractions. We have spent time using the interactive whiteboard and shapes to see clearly how certain fractions are equivalent despite having different numerators and denominators.
Year 4 wrote up their final written piece of persuasive writing this week and hopefully we will have some letters to send to our local MP Mr Benton soon! We have been trying to convince him to be more proactive in promoting renewable energy to replace fossil fuels as we as a class are concerned that our planet is not being protected from global warming and other serious issues that affect our environment.
As another topic finished, another has started. Year 4’s next English area is fictional stories with a historical setting. As we spent so much time recently studying the Anglo-Saxons we decided it would be a good setting for our historical fiction. Year 4 spent Friday’s lesson exploring what historical fiction is and why it is such a popular genre. We also tried to understand that this genre requires a balanced blending of creativity and imagination as well as fact and research.
Year 4 continued exploring the story of ‘The Road to Emmaus’ and its meaning. The class’ challenge was to write a diary entry from the point of view of one of the men on the road to Emmaus who saw Jesus. The class made sure they understood that Jesus’ friends did not recognise him at first however showed their selflessness by not allowing this to prevent them from inviting him to eat dinner with them. They had followed Jesus’ teachings and provided empathy for their fellow man with no want of praise or reward.
Year 4 have now begun their new States of Matter topic. They spent this week exploring the difference between solids, liquids and gases and using real life examples to aid in their understanding. The class then also spent time examining how the particles behave differently depending on what state they are in. A solid’s particles will be pressed together in a neat arrangement and vibrate, a liquid’s particles will be starting to move around and no longer in a uniformed order and finally a gas’ particles will be flying around quickly. The class seemed to enjoy this topic immensely and moved swiftly through their work.
Year 4 have been lucky enough to continue on the fit2go programme run by Blackpool Community Football Club. We had our second session on Thursday where the class spent time in their workbooks exploring the choices we can make to keep our bodies healthy. We also had a practical lesson of games in the hall.
Please return the permission slip next week to continue to partake in the fit2go programme.
Year 4 have continued looking at the Holy Trinity and how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all contribute to God as one being as a whole. This is just like us as people, we all have different qualities that make us who we are, we are not just one thing.
Congratulations to our Golden award winner this week, Jack!
Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.
Please ensure all times tables are being practised ready for the June Year 4 check, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!
Thank you from everyone in Year 4!