Welcome back from everyone in Year 4! We all hope everyone had a happy, healthy and restful May half term and Jubilee celebrations.
Year 4 finally had their official times tables check this week! The staff in Year 4 as well as Miss Haggerty are all immensely proud of how well the class did in their check. Every single person in the class gave the check their all and performed incredibly.
Our learning this week:
Year 4 spent this week exploring finding fractions of a quantity. We investigated this topic with the help of our times tables which Year 4 have become extremely proficient and fluent in. Year 4 then moved on to use their knowledge of fractions to begin learning about decimals. We used our knowledge of place value to investigate tenths.
Year 4 spent this week finishing off writing their stories with a historical setting. Our class’ chosen theme was Anglo-Saxon, inspired by our whole class guided reading book 'Anglo-Saxon Boy’. Year 4 have shown how far they have come with their writing this year, their stamina, resilience and independence in editing their work is now quite remarkable.
Year 4 explored the things in their life that make them who they are. Year 4 discussed the activities and hobbies in their lives that give them a sense of belonging.
Year 4 have been planning even more Science experiments! This time Year 4 are going to be observing the changing state of water from a solid into a liquid. Year 4 carefully planned all the details of the experiment such as; the equipment that will be needed, how we will make it a safe experiment, how we will make it a fair test and finally their predictions!
Year 4 also spent time exploring the scientific vocabulary for when water changes its state. This includes, melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation.
Year 4 have started their Athletics topic this week ready for the Summer and of course Sports Day! Our main focus this week has been on throwing; for both distance and accuracy. Year 4 participated in different stations that would help them refine their throwing and catching skills and were thoughtful in the kinds of throws they were using such as overarm and underarm throwing as well as selecting each one for each appropriate station.
Year 4 have started to evaluate the local environment in their new Geography topic. The class spent this week considering what the word ‘evaluate’ means before starting to explore what our ‘local environment’ is. We used maps to look at where our country is in the world before honing in on our specific locality in Lancashire. We then started to consider what about our environment is man made and which parts are natural.
Congratulations to our award winners this week -
Golden Award - Oscar
Writing Award - Scott
Maths Award - Charlotte
Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.
Please ensure all times tables are still being practised despite the check having been completed, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!
Thank you from everyone in Year 4!