Year 4 have had a very busy week indeed! Just like last week, Year 4 have spent much of this week reflecting and considering how they can be the best individuals they can possibly be and shine their light for all to see. Once again, we have been trying to be mindful of how to practise kind words and kind actions towards those around us as we strive towards our Christian values.

This week in Maths, we have continued practising our multiplication and division skills. We have spent the past week however, exploring our 7, 11 and 12 times tables and trying to master our understanding of these numbers. We spent more time using these numbers to solve problems that contain multiple steps and looking at how we know which operation to choose.

In English, we have continued exploring Narrative Verses through ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’. Year 4 spent time independently writing three verses for their narrative poem. We continued exploring how we could use powerful vocabulary to really engage the reader and use amazing, verbs, adverbs and adjectives! We also considered, as an extra challenge, how to make our verses rhyme to create an entertaining rhythm.

We also spent some time towards the end of our week practising our similes. Together we revised how a simile is a great way to paint a descriptive picture with words by comparing an object/living thing to something else, for example “The girl was as sad as rain.”.

In RE, Year 4 learnt all about The Parable of the Sower”. Year 4 learnt that Jesus told parables so that he could give us messages on how to be a true Christian through the stories he would tell his disciples. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus tells us that those of us who listen to and understand the true meaning of God are just like seeds that fall in good soil and grow well. Unfortunately, those that do not understand the message of God because they ignore it are like the seeds that fall by the path. Those that do not understand the message of God because they have let other obstacles stop them are like the seeds that fall on the rocks. Those that do not understand the message of God because they give it up when they face hardships or trouble are like the seeds that have fallen into the thorns.

In Science, we continued with our new Topic of Sound. Today we recapped on how sound is made by vibrations travelling through the air. Today Year 4 created their own exciting radio shows to explain how sound travels through the air, and through the ear t reach the brain using all their wonderful vocabulary. Year 4 also started learning the difference between volume and pitch. Through the help of a glockenspiel, Year 4 learnt that the volume, how loud or quiet a sound is, depends on how much pressure is used when hitting the keys on the glockenspiel. The class learnt that pitch, how high or low a sound is, depends on how big the key on the glockenspiel is. The smaller the key, the higher the sound and the bigger the key the lower the sound.

In History, Year 4 carried on learning about the Vikings. This week, we learnt how to debate! After learning about the most important Anglo-Saxon kings and the Most famous Viking kings, Year 4 were challenged to a “kingly debate”. In their learning partners, the class either adopted the persona of Alfred the Great or King Gustrum. They then had to formulate their very own arguments as to why they deserved to rule over the kingdoms within England. We had some very passionate medieval kings in the classroom!

This week, Year 4 carried on with their Paul Cezanne inspired fruit basket sketches. We recapped on how to make lighter shading and how to produce darker shading by the different pressures we could put on our pencil. We used these shading skills to cast shadows across our pieces of art and ad to the realism effect inspired by Paul Cezanne. We then explored how to sketch by lightly creating small lines to form bigger shapes.

A reminder for those undertaking the First Holy Communion that the Welcome Masses for the New Year are this weekend on Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 10:30am and to bring your “I Belong” books to school with you for Monday next week.

Congratulations to our Award Winners -

Golden Award - Zak.

Writing Award - Hallie.

Maths Award - Ola.

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead