How time is flying! Year 4 have spent much of this week reflecting on how we can be the best individuals we can possibly be. We have considered how to practise kind words and kind actions towards those around us as we strive to fulfil our Christian values.
This week, our collective worship focused on this Sunday’s Gospel; The Wedding at Cana. We discussed how this was Jesus’ first public miracle and explored that this was an early sign from Jesus that he was the Messiah that the world had been promised. We thought about how Gospel readings each have their own message, teaching the values that God wants to see shining through us. We also thought about how reading and really understanding these stories is a beautiful way to bring us closer to God and into his family.
This week in Maths, we have spent more time practising our multiplication and division skills. We have spent the past week focusing primarily on our 6s and our 9s and trying to gain a deeper understanding of these two numbers. We spent time focusing on what the operations of multiplication and division actually mean and why these operations are the inverse of one another.
In English, we have continued exploring Narrative Verses through ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’. Year 4 spent time utilising their artistic skills to create a story map of this Narrative Verse. Using pictures really helped the class understand the chronology of the story and was a fun way at remembering the poem and key moments within it. Following this, we then started to gradually plan out our own verses. Firstly, everyone came up with their own main character, including their name and which species they belong to. Then, Year 4 planned how their character would travel, using some amazing adjectives to add sparkle to their writing. Finally, Year 4 planned where their character would go on their adventures and most importantly, why they were going there.
In RE, the class learnt all about Jesus’ first presentation at the Temple. The children wrote wonderful newspaper articles, reporting about Jesus’ memorable presentation at the Temple. Year 4 also explored who Simeon was and his amazement at seeing the chosen one, God on earth. Year 4 used their previously learnt skills of writing a newspaper to make their work stand out.
In Science, we continued with our new Topic of Sound. Today we recapped on how sound is made and expanded upon this further with how sound is heard. Year 4 learnt about how vibrations made travel through the air as sound waves, hitting particles as they go along. Once they get to the ear, they travel through the ear canal and are turned into electrical signals by special cells in our ears, these electrical signals then go to our brain. The children were so enthusiastic about this process, all desperate to answer the questions during our discussion. We even acted out this process, one pupil was our ear, one our brain and the other moved around as electrical signals! Year 4 really are becoming scientists.
In History, Year 4 carried on learning about the Vikings. We tested ourselves as a class to see how much we could remember about the Vikings from last week. We managed to remember that the they came from Scandinavia on long boats, invaded Great Britain from the North and that they raided and pillaged Monasteries for their valuable goods. Some children even remembered that the Vikings stole Bibles and sold them back to the Priests they had taken them from! Year 4 then used this knowledge to create their own Vikings factual poster, as well as having a go at drawing what they thought they would have looked like. (Much to our disbelief, they did not actually have those infamous horns on their helmets)!
This week, we also had a look at the artist Paul Cézanne and some of his favourite still life work, particularly that of his famous Still Life with Fruit Basket. We discussed how realistic his paintings were and that their melancholy feel was probably because of how miserable Paul Cézanne was in his life! We then talked about the different colours he used and what effect that has on an audience. Finally, we got out our pencils and had a go at practising our tonal shading. We explored how a lighter grip on your pencil will create a lighter shade and pressing down hard will make the shade darker. Year 4 then tried to gradually transition from one shade to the next, getting ready for doing the final piece!
Congratulations to our Award Winners -
Golden Award - Chase.
Writing Award - Jack.
Maths Award - Rion.
Thank you from everyone in Year 4!"