Year 4 have lots to look forward to in the coming weeks!
Next week, on Thursday 23rd June, Year 4 will be going to St. Mary’s for a very special Mass where they will be sharing worship with other Catholic schools across Blackpool.
On Monday 27th June, it is of course KS2 sports day! It will be very important that children come in with sun cream, hats and water bottles on this day especially if we are lucky with the sunshine.
On Tuesday 28th June, Year 4 have their very special sharing day at The Grand Theatre where they will be sharing their interpretation of Gangsta Granny with other schools on the main stage! Children will be out all day, getting the coach at 9am and arriving back at school at approximately 3:20pm.
Our learning this week:
Year 4 have spent this week exploring decimals further. Year 4 have worked so hard and excelled at investigating tenths and exploring these in comparison to hundreds, tens and ones. The class worked hard to then apply this place value knowledge to dividing whole numbers by ten.
Year 4 have been introduced to playscripts this week! We spent some time discussing what a playscript is and how it is different from a normal story, we explored that a playscript does not just tell a story but is a means to perform one. Year 4 investigated all of the features that make up a playscript such as; scenes, character lists, setting descriptions, stage directions and punctuation like colons. We highlighted that no inverted commas for speech are needed!
Year 4 then got into their own production teams and spent a lesson reading their group member’s Anglo-Saxon stories. Now they have chosen their favourite story, they are ready to adapt and produce it into a script to be performed.
Year 4 explored the sacrament of Baptism this week, examining the items involved in this special celebration and more importantly their symbolism. The class looked at the candle which symbolises Jesus’ light and when he died, the oil which is a blessing, the font which represents new life and finally the gown which symbolises embodying Jesus.
Year 4 then used this knowledge to explore the story of Jesus’ own Baptism by John the Baptist which showed us his willingness to lead by example. This symbolised a sense of rebirth not just for Jesus and his followers but for a new faith which had love right at its very core.
Year 4 have been continuing with Athletics this week, practising their running on the sports day track!
Year 4 have carried on with their Geography Topic, Evaluating the Local Environment. This week, Year 4 have delved deeper into the local town of Blackpool. Year 4 have been researching which County their town is in, the population of their town, local attractions and local points of nature.
Congratulations to our award winners this week -
Golden Award - Poppy
Writing Award - Bobby
Maths Award - William
Please make sure home reading is done regularly and recorded in reading records.
Please ensure all times tables are still being practised despite the check having been completed, ten minutes a day makes a big difference!
Please make sure children are coming into school with sun cream, sun hats and plastic water bottles as we progress further into the Summer.
Thank you and Happy Father’s Day from everyone in Year 4!