This week in Year 4 we have been trying to incorporate the spirit of Lent in everything we do, that of forgiveness. We have been trying to understand that the purpose of Lent is to remember and reflect on Jesus’ biggest sacrifice for us; to forgive us of all of our sins and make us pure again. As part of our Lenten activities, Year 4 have decided to undertake their very own pilgrimage around the school grounds. The purpose of this journey will be to try to walk in somebody else’s shoes, to walk for the people who face prejudice and hardship in their everyday lives.

To prepare for Lent, the class also spent some of their RE time writing their own, independent Lenten prayers. In these prayers, the children in Year 4 made their own promises to better themselves during this holy time. These promises consisted of acts such as helping others in ordinary day-to-day life, being more caring and to take opportunities to do good deeds such as giving to charity. The class also readied for Lent during their RE time by exploring the story of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday together. The class looked at three main points of; where the story took place, what the story was about and how the story ended. Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, as described in all four canonical Gospels, on a donkey was a public affirmation that he was in fact the son of God and the beginning of our blessed Holy Week.

In Maths this week, Year 4 have continued mastering the skill of dividing 2 digit and 3 digit numbers with the possibility of a remainder. We have used our times tables (which continue to get even better as time passes) to help us work out with fluency how many times a number can be shared out equally with remainders left over. We have also used part whole models to help us and explored the multiple ways in which we can partition a whole number to then do more smaller divisions and therefore help us in tackling dividing bigger 3 digit numbers.

In English, Year 4 have put their author’s caps on and have written their fictional stories inspired by tales from another culture. We worked together during our writing, doing a small section of our stories each day to ensure we were taking care with and pride in our pieces. We made sure we were including; powerful adjectives and adverbs, similes, fronted adverbials and the correct punctuation. We had some fantastic work as well, Year 4’s writing is only getting better and better with each piece they produce.

In Science, we continued with our new electricity topic. We spent this week spending time revising the different places we get our electricity from; the mains and batteries. We identified appliances that used each type of source of electricity to function correctly. The class then went on to explore the dangers of electricity. On the interactive board, we looked at different scenarios in a normal family home and identified the risks we could see together such as electrical appliance being right next to a bath full of water! The class then switched on their independent working brains and used pictures in their book to identify all of the electronic dangers they could see in that everyday scenario and why they thought that might be a hazard.

In History, we continued looking at the last Anglo-Saxon Kings! We explored more about Edward the Confessor’s life and his close relationship with William Duke of Normandy while in exile. This then led to us exploring more about William the Conqueror and the reasons he had that made him feel he had a right to the throne over poor Harold!

Please can Holy Communion participants remember to bring their ‘I Belong’ books for Tuesday’s afterschool session.

Also a reminder that World Book Day is on 25th March next Friday!

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead