The class of Year 4 would like to wish everyone a happy and a holy Easter!

It is important as we approach Holy Week, to remember the real meaning behind our Easter holidays. Of course, we will celebrate with chocolate eggs and Easter hunts however let us also remember that it is a time for family and forgiveness. God has given us many great things in his glory however during this season we remember his greatest gift of all; his only son. Jesus came as a gift to us, to show us God in human form, to teach us the way, the truth and the life and finally to ultimately save us through his sacrifice. As humans we all make mistakes but what is so special about Lent is the opportunity to reconcile ourselves with God and remember together what it was that saved us. During Holy Week, let us reflect on the true sentiment of Easter and enjoy it with those we love.

Year 4 wowed Our Lady’s Parish once again at Mass on Thursday. The class behaved beautifully, joining in with the responses and participating with the Mass as a whole. Our readers all read their rather challenging readings beautifully.

In English this week, Year 4 have continued with their persuasive writing. We have started to write the middle section of our persuasive letters against using energy that is not renewable or sustainable such as fossil fuels and fracking. Year 4 were challenged to give evidence that this way of generating electricity is harmful to our environment and contributing to global warming. This evidence consisted of; the ice bergs melting, wild fires and animals becoming endangered or losing their habitats.

In Maths, Year 4 have begun their work on fractions. We explored tenths and hundredths and used hundreds squares to investigate the different amounts of tenths and hundredths we could make. Year 4 also started looking at the word “equivalent” and examining its meaning in relation to fractions.

In Science, Year 4 put their lab coats back on again after flourishing with their Sound experiments. This passion for exploring was than transferred to our Electricity topic and the class learnt all about what a circuit is, quickly moving on to identifying a complete circuit and an incomplete circuit. Year 4 were then able to analyse different circuits and explain coherently what made one circuit complete and another incomplete. We then spent time naming all of the different equipment we were going to use in our circuits before the children were able to get busy with their own. It was a miracle as every single bulb and every single battery worked first time! The children then started getting creative, joining up their circuits to make them bigger and exploring the different combinations they could make when they collaborated with other teams and their equipment.

A few quick notices:

As summer gets ever closer and the weather gets warmer, please make sure children are bringing in a plastic water bottle each day.

Times tables club will continue on a Thursday after Easter as normal.

Congratulations to our Golden Award winner, Isabella!

Thank you from everyone in Year 4!

AuthorKatie Whitehead