It has been so lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. We had missed them so much. I must say, I am so impressed with how well the children have settled back in to our school routines after so long away. This just proves how resilient they are and what a fantastic job you have done with them at home. It now feels as if we have never been away! The children are all tired now and deserve a good rest this weekend.

We have done lots of work this week on our well being. I thought it was important to focus on this with the children having been away from school for so long and because the Covid situation has been ongoing for such a long time. We created self-esteem wheels where we wrote down our best qualities. The children are going to keep these in their trays for days when they are feeling a little sad so that they can be reminded of how fantastic they are. We also created a bag for our worries and places our worries inside. Finally, we have completed a well being journal each day which the children will be bringing home with them this afternoon.

What we have been up to this week

English - we completed our well being journals.

Maths - we have had a recap of column addition and subtraction followed by a test today.

Science - we recapped the different parts of a plant and completed a booklet to showcase our knowledge.

History - we started our Romans topic and looked at the start of the Roman Empire.

Music - we practiced playing the a and b notes on our recorders and then attempted to play along with a song called ‘Hey You’ on Charanga.

P.E. - we had a handball tournament and completed a daily mile.

R.E. - we created our Lenten promises.

Art - we have started an Art project which will take us up to the Easter break based on daffodils. This week the children learnt how to draw daffodils from different angles.

I am so impressed with everything the children have managed to achieve this week.


Here are our award winners for this week. It was so hard to choose as the children have worked so hard and settled back in to school so well.

Golden - Poppy

Writing - Amy

Maths - Amelia

I also want to say congratulations to Jacob who was our class winner for the bookmark competition.

Reading Folders

Quite a few children came back in to school this week stating that their reading folders had been lost. We have replaced these with a new reading folder and reading record. However, this does mean that a few school reading books have been misplaced. I have told the children that if this happens again there will unfortunately be a charge issued to parents for the misplaced books. We are willing to forego this on this occasion due to the extended period of time that the children have been away and the nature of the absence. It is important that the children learn to take responsibility for their things and I would appreciate your support with this.


Now we are back in school we will revert back to our weekly homework set through Class Dojo. There will be a reading, Maths and English task (I usually include a word search too for the children to have a go at). Homework is due in on a Tuesday.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Thank you!

I just want to start by saying a massive thank you to all of you. Over the last few months, you have truly been incredible and have made me very proud. The resilience you have all shown and the hard work that you have put in week on week has been amazing and I thank you so much for that. I also thank your parents for the support they have given you in your work and for keeping me updated on what you have been doing. You have not only supported your children through this difficult time but me too and I will never be able to thank you enough for that. Your children are extremely lucky to have you.

I have loved receiving photos of your smiling faces and they have really helped keep us connected whilst we’ve been apart. I now look forward to next week when we can all come back together in the classroom once again. It might feel a little bit strange coming back to school but we’ve got some lovely things to look forward to over the next few weeks. I will make sure you all feel back at home on our first day back, and I will hopefully settle those nerves within minutes! I think after our first day, it will feel like you have never been away!

Return to school

ALL children will be welcomed back to school on Monday 8th March. Drop off and pick up times will be the same as before for all of Year 3. 9am drop off at Thornhill Close gates, and 3.30pm pick up from the same place. For our family groups, drop off will be at 8.40am at Thornhill Close and pick up will be from the same place at 3.15pm. On Fridays, pickup will still be at 1.15pm for all of the class; apart from our family groups who need to be collected at 1:05pm. Our PE days will still be Tuesdays and Thursdays. Miss Haggerty has but a detailed blog up on the News page, with more in-depth information about our return to school and the safety measures that will be in place-it is important that you read this before the children’s return. Click here to read this.

With this message in mind, please ensure that if your child is unwell, you keep them off school and arrange a test. We will continue to screen children in school and if we think they are unwell or the children complain of feeling unwell, we will be sending them home for a test to be arranged before they can re-enter school. As the virus changes, the symptoms that we have to keep an eye for are also changing. It is no longer just a case of a cough, fever or change in taste/smell - please keep an eye out for the following symptoms……


All staff will continue to do TWO COVID tests each week, so please be mindful that things in school COULD change with very short notice. Everyone needs a back up plan in case our bubble has to close with little notice. In the event of our Bubble having to close, we will revert to Home Learning set through the HOME LEARNING page, the google drive and Class Dojo.

World Book Day

It was so lovely to see you all yesterday in school and on zoom. You all looked fantastic and I loved sharing a story with you. I hope you all managed to complete some of the World Book Day activities that I put on the google drive for you…as well as lots of reading of course! In school, we read outside and learnt how to draw with Rob Biddulph. We also created our own bookmarks and book covers. It was a busy but fun day!


Year 3, I am so VERY proud of all of you for how hard you have worked at home and in school over the past eight weeks. For those of you at home, your Class Dojo Portfolios look amazing and are a super record of all you have done at home during lock down. For those of you who have been at school, your folders look super too!! I am amazed by all your dojo points too. Here are our award winners for this week…

Learners of the week: Lexi Rose and Elsie

Busy Bee award: Ola and Joshua

Shining Light award: Oscar O’C and Jacob


I would also like to take this opportunity to say a massive THANK-YOU to my wonderful teaching assistants, Mrs Hodgkiss, Mrs McCooey and Mrs Dunford without whom none of this would have worked. These wonderful ladies have pulled together and taught the children in school three days a week which has enabled me to work from home and support my son through his home schooling. They are absolutely wonderful (which I always knew anyway!) but I will never forget their commitment during this time.

Have a wonderful weekend and I can’t wait to see you all on Monday!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

On Tuesday, February 2nd, the Church marks the feast of Candlemas, or the Presentation of the Lord. This marks 40 days since Christmas and the end of the Christmas period in the Church. The Gospel of Luke says that Jesus was met in the temple by Anna and Simeon where Simeon held the baby Jesus and called him a Light to the World.

The festival is called Candlemas because this was the day that all the Church's candles for the year were blessed. On Candlemas night, people often placed lit candles in their windows at home - I thought this was something that we could all do this year to welcome the Light of the Lord into our homes. Let’s Shine Our Lights for Jesus! In the RE tasks I have set this week, I have focused on Candlemas as a theme so there are some lovely activities for your child to have a go at.


Next week also marks the beginning of Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme is Express Yourself. There has never been a more important time to focus on supporting the mental wellbeing of our children. On this website there are links to assemblies and resources which can be completed and looked at at home to support resilience and mental health discussions. Please take a look. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good. This year they are asking children to ‘dress to express’ and this will be the theme of our creative task on class dojo this week.

mental health week.png

A huge well done to you all for your hard work both at home and in school this week. To say that I am proud is an understatement! You are all working incredibly hard, which makes it very tricky for me to choose my two learners of the week; however it was Rion and Jacob who I chose today. Well done boys! Miss Benson has also chosen two ‘Music stars of the week’ and these awards went to Charlotte and Isabella. Well done!

Here are some instructions from Miss Benson about this week’s Music sessions on Yumu/Charanga:

How did you all get on with the ‘Listen Out’ task last week? How many instruments did you hear? Well…there weren’t any! Everything you heard in‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’ was Bobby McFerrin using just his voice and body percussion! Do you think you could do that?

This week, I’d like you to start by listening to ‘54-46 was my number.’ Work through the questions under the ‘questions’ tab. Click ‘next’ to see each question. There are 4 questions to answer. This is another example of reggae.

Next is a fun task – yes it’s another ‘listen out’ task! This is on ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling.’ Click on each instrument and really listen to how it sounds. Each instrument has its own sound. Then see if you can pick out which of these can be heard in the short extract. Select the ones you can hear and submit – are you correct?

Finally, please refer to the home learning tab in the Year 3 section of the website for my google drive link where you will find all the resources for this week’s home learning. As always, the matching tasks will be on Class Dojo by Monday for you to upload your children’s work once complete.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

I can’t believe we have come to the end of week 3 of blended learning! I continue to be so impressed and humbled by the effort the children are making with their work and by the support from parents and carers. This is an unbelievably tricky time and so many of you will also be juggling working from home on top of home schooling your children. It’s an impossible task so you should all be extremely proud of yourselves! I just want you to know how grateful I am for your kindness during this time. It makes the current situation a whole lot easier!

We have now established a good routine and you are all aware of my expectations each week for work and also where to find the resources you will need. Each week, I will update the home learning section on the year 3 part of the website with my google drive link where you can find all of the materials you will need for the week ahead. I also post regularly on Class Dojo and that is how I mark the children’s work. I can, however, also be contacted via e-mail (

We have also established a good routine in school now, and whilst it really isn’t the same without all of the class being there, the children are working hard and are completing exactly the same work that the children at home are doing. I would ask that if your child attends school but doesn’t attend full time, that they complete the home learning tasks for the days they are not in school. The tasks can be found on the weekly timetable.

This week I have awarded my first ‘learners of the week’. I will pick two children every Friday (one from home and one from school) who will be awarded a certificate and 20 dojos. These awards will be given to the children who that week have really blown me away with their effort and the quality of their work. It is important to remember that just because we are not in school doesn’t mean we can’t put 100% in to the work we are doing. My winners this week were Joshua and Charlotte.

I hope you have all had a go at logging on to Yumu/Charanga and that you have managed to have a go at the activities that Miss Benson has set for you. She has passed on a message for you for this week:

This week I want you to listen to “Jamming” by Bob Marley. Like last week’s song, this is an example of reggae. Work through the questions under the ‘questions’ tab. Click ‘next’ to see each question. There are 4 questions to answer. Do you know what a ‘jamming’ is? Click on “about the song” to find out!

Next is a fun task – yes it’s a ‘listen out’ task! This is on ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’ by Bobby McFerrin. Click on each instrument and really listen to how it sounds. Each instrument has its own sound. Then see if you can pick out which of these can be heard in the short extract. Select the ones you can hear and submit. This is a really tricky one!

Good luck!

This sounds fun Year 3! Let me know how you get on. Well done to Hallie and Isabella for completing the work on Yumu/Charanga. Miss Benson and I are very impressed! I am going to award you 5 dojos each for your hard work.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and stay safe! Please contact me if you need anything at all.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

I must begin by saying a huge thank you to you all. Your support is truly appreciated, and I am so pleased to see that you have all established new routines, and have adjusted to your new ‘classrooms’. I have been so impressed with the work I have been sent this week and the work produced by those in school. This week, I am going to try to record instructions to each task I set on Class Dojo. This should give you and your child a bit more information as to what I am expecting.

From now on, Miss Benson will be providing music tasks for the class to complete on YUMU/Charanga. I have sent login details, via email or Dojo, to all parents with each child’s login details.

It is a requirement that we have regular contact with parents/children with regards to work being completed at home. I know how challenging it has been for so many (if not al!) of you parents trying to establish your own routines, now you have your child(ren) learning from home. With this in mind, I am very flexible in terms of when their work is sent. It is, however, important that I have communication with you regularly. As always, thank you for your support with this.

Please find the google drive link, with all resources for this week, on the home learning tab on the year 3 section of the website.

On a final note, whilst we are all going through a very rocky period of time, this too shall come to pass eventually.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

This too shall pass.jpg
AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Thank you so much parents and carers for your support this week while we got everything up and running for home learning. It has certainly been a tricky week but I am so proud of all the children for how well they have taken everything in their stride. They have worked hard and I am so impressed with the standard of work that has been submitted so far. By Monday morning each week the new home learning post will be available on the school website (under the home learning tab) and the activities will have been updated on Class Dojo for the children to complete. If you are struggling to bring some structure to your day, I have also included a weekly timetable on my google drive that you might like to follow.

The children who are in school will be completing the same work that I set for the children at home. That way, when we do all come back together, I know where we are all up to. Each week, there will be the following home learning to complete:

  • A daily maths worksheet with a matching video link explaining the concept for that day

  • A talk for writing booklet (the whole booklet is to be completed over the week)

  • 1/2 RE tasks

  • 1/2 Geography tasks

  • 1/2 Science tasks

  • A creative task

  • 2 Reading tasks (this will usually be me asking you to record your child reading). Outside of this, I do expect the children to be reading daily

As I said on Class Dojo earlier this week, I understand that there will be some days where the children are having a bad day or you may have a lot of work on yourself and therefore home learning has to take a back seat for the day. That is absolutely fine - please just let me know. In any case, if you’re in a situation where you are wondering what tasks to prioritise, I would always suggest the Maths and English tasks. I can be contacted on Class Dojo or via e-mail ( if you need anything.

At the start of next week I will be e-mailing to you your child’s login details from Miss Benson for a music website called Charanga which is fun to use and will support their music learning. Miss Benson will be uploading activities on there for the children to do with their recorders and the site also gives access to Charanga Music World which is a fun journey through music with the recorder. I will certainly be taking a look and having a go as I am also learning how to play the recorder along with the children!

I am really looking forward to the time when we can be together again. Please stay safe and know that I am thinking of you all.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Please find below our Nativity that we filmed this week. I am SO proud of all of the children for how hard they have worked to learn their lines and the words to the songs. Well done Year 3! Thank you for all the hard work you put in at home with your children. A big thank you also to Father Jim who put this video together for us.

The Nativity the children have performed was created for a charity called Mary’s Meals by Frank and Denise Cottrell-Boyce. If you would like to find out more about this charity please follow this link: The PTA have kindly made a donation to this charity on Year 3’s behalf.

I wish you all a healthy and happy Christmas with your families. Thank you for all your support so far this year and I will look forward to seeing the children again in the New Year.

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorGuest User

Good evening,

Firstly, I do apologise in the delay in getting this blog to you. Due to a technical issue at home over the weekend, I was unable to upload it when planned! Last week was great, and here is what the children got up to…

-Maths: we did lots more work on column addition and subtraction. We started to focus more on column subtraction where two lots of regrouping is required. This is really tricky but the children are rising to the challenge and I am so proud of them!

-English: we started our vocabulary focus for our stories with gardens topic. We used an online dictionary to find out the meanings of words we didn’t know.

-Science: we learnt the name of the main muscles in our body and where they are located.

-History: we learnt about how bronze was made in the Stone Age. See if your children can remember what this process is called (smelting).

-Music: we are continuing to learn the ‘b’ note on our recorders (I’m learning along with the children!)

-R.E: we retold the Annunciation and made our very own Angel Gabriels.

-P.E: we played a match of handball! We just need to remember all the rules now.


  • FRIDAY 27TH NOVEMBER - Silly Socks Day organised by the PTFA. Wear your silliest socks for the day - girls, you can wear silly tights, or your socks over your tights for extra warmth! Please can we ask that the children bring in a donation of £1 in a named sealed envelope so no-one has to touch the money when it comes into school. Many thanks.

  • CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY FRIDAY 11TH DECEMBER - we would like to invite the children to wear their Christmas jumper for the day to school - over their usual school uniform. We ask that this is a JUMPER and not a DRESS or SUIT or ONESIE. Many thanks.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

I can’t believe we have arrived at half term.. and what a half term it’s been! I’m so proud of all the children for their hard work and resilience during such a tricky time. To come back to school after nearly 6 months at home and settle in to the juniors so well is incredible! We almost made it to the holidays without too much isolating being required, but unfortunately we fell at the final hurdle. We have had depleted numbers this week but this hasn’t stopped the children from working hard and doing some wonderful learning.

Here’s what we have been up to…

-Maths: we have been practicing further the skill of adding and subtracting three digit numbers and tens using place value grids. This will stand us in good stead for starting our work on column addition and subtraction after half term.

-English: we have tried to follow the same work that our children who have been isolating have been doing at home this week. This included recapping our work on instruction writing, learning about being verbs and learning about the suffixes -er and -est.

-Science: we learnt about the different types of skeletons - endoskeleton, exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton.

-R.E.: we learnt about the promises made at Baptism and what qualities we look for in a godparent.

-History: we conducted some research in to the Stone Age settlement of Skara Brae.

We also took part in the PTA quiz on Thursday afternoon! The children had some treats to have while we completed it.

I haven’t set any homework over half term - please enjoy some family time together and come back well rested!

Have a lovely break,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

Next Thursday, the children finish school for half term (normal finishing time). I have been reflecting today on their time in Year 3 so far and I am so proud of them all for how well they have settled in to life in the juniors. It is not an easy step, made more difficult this year by the fact that the children had been out of school for so long because of Covid. The children have adapted to being back in to school very well and it has been lovely to see them interacting with their friends again and doing some wonderful learning. We have managed to achieve a lot this half term, and the children have produced some fantastic work. Well done Year 3 - I am really looking forward to the rest of the year with you all.

Each week in Year 3, depending on the overall behaviour of the class, we spin the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ and the children receive a reward. This week their reward is juice and biscuits which they will have on Monday. The children get so excited when it is time to spin the wheel and it is lovely that I can reward them for their hard work. We are also very lucky because next Thursday the PTA have organised a quiz that the whole school will be taking part in. The children will receive some treats as they are taking part in the quiz; and the winner of each key stage will win a movie and goodies after half term. It should be lots of fun!

Here is what we have been up to this week…

-Maths: we have had a big focus on addition and subtraction of 1s and 10s from 3 digit numbers. This has involved ‘exchanging’ which the children have been fabulous at! I’m extremely impressed!

-English: we have finished our story boards on Stone Age Boy and acted out the story in groups. The children have also described a scene from the book.

-R.E: we have looked at the signs and symbols of Baptism and described why they are used and what they mean.

-Science: the children have helped to plan and evaluate an experiment on healthy eating and whether eating unhealthily affects our weight. The children then had to put the results of the experiment in to a bar chart.

-History: this week the children deduced information from different sources from the Stone Age. Deducing is a very tricky skill but I was very pleased with how quickly the children picked this up.

Here are our award winners this week:

Golden: Amelia - for being kind, helpful and hard working.

Writing: Poppy - for some lovely sentences and word choices in her writing.

Maths: Emelia - for some fantastic independent work this week.

Well done to all - I am very proud.

I just wanted to remind you that next Friday I will be e-mailing to you your child’s first half-term report. Unfortunately, due to Covid, this will be replacing the usual Parent’s Day we would hold at this time of year. I will be available all day on Friday by e-mail/phone/Dojo if you have any queries about your child’s report.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac