Lent provides us with the opportunity to stop and reflect over the past year and consider how we can become closer to God in the coming year. We have all done a lot of reflection in the last year as a result of the situation we have found ourselves in and we have had time to consider the changes we would like to make to our lives when we finally reach the other side. Well, that time is coming. Let us use this period of Lent to prepare ourselves for what is to come and to ensure that we emerge a better person, and one closer to God, when we reach Easter.
I hope you have all had a lovely week - how fantastic has it been to finally have some sunshine! Spring is certainly in the air. It has been great to see all of the fantastic learning that the children are continuing to do at home. Once again, I have been so grateful for the hard work from those of you at home who have kept your children’s learning going through this difficult time. Our return is nearly here but please don’t give up yet! I still need to see your home learning work and it is still so important to complete the tasks as much as physically possible. Please keep going for one last push!
We will welcome all children back to school on 8th March - please see Miss Haggerty’s recent post regarding this. Whilst we are delighted to have all our school family back together again, it is still vital that we stick to social distancing rules, wear masks whilst on school grounds for drop off and pick up times and ensure that if your child is unwell you keep them at home. We must do all we can to keep each other safe to ensure that we are doing all we can so our school bubbles remain open to all. Many thanks for your continued support with this.
This coming week, we have World Book Day to celebrate!
We would like to invite all children in school and at home to dress up as a BOOK character for a day filled with reading fun! If your child is at home, please send photos of their reading, work and costumes through Class Dojo, and at school myself and Mrs McCooey will be delighted to see you all dressed up for the day. To support our work on World Book Day I have arranged a Reading Bookmark Competition, supported by our wonderful PTA. Whether your child is at school or at home they can all join in! If at home, please send your completed bookmark back to me by email year3@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk by Monday 8th March. The competition will be judged at school and all winners will be announced on Friday 12th March. (There will be a class winner and an overall KS1 and KS2 winner, with prizes having been donated by the PTA.)
The bookmark entry will also be available to download from the google drive (the link to this is under the home learning tab). I have also put on to the drive lots of different activities for your children to complete that day. There will be no matching tasks for these on Dojo - please just upload pictures of the work under your child’s portfolio along with pictures of their costumes and anything else they get up to that day! If the children do not want to dress up, they could decorate an item at home relating to a book, for example: a paper plate or wooden spoon. If they are coming in to school that day they could always bring this item in to school with them to show me.
I will also be hosting a zoom call on Thursday at 10:30am where I will be sharing a story with the children at home and at school. The details for the zoom will be on Dojo and the google drive.
Here is a message from Miss Benson letting you know what the Music lesson for the coming week is:
Year 3 'Music & Image'
Listen to the song ‘The Dragon Song.’ Close your eyes and listen to the words. Can you imagine everything in the song?
Also, have a go at Challenge 1 in the Warm Up Games section.
When we are back in school, Year 3 will be continuing to have their recorder lessons on a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child’s recorder is in school for the Tuesday of each week.
Finally, I would like to share with you who achieved the certificates for this week:
Learners of the week: Zak & Frankie
Busy Bee awards: Avie & Max
Shining light awards: Lexi Rose & Hallie
Golden award: Ayson
Well done!
Have a lovely weekend and remember how proud I am of you all!
Miss Heim-Sarac