I can’t believe we have arrived at half term.. and what a half term it’s been! I’m so proud of all the children for their hard work and resilience during such a tricky time. To come back to school after nearly 6 months at home and settle in to the juniors so well is incredible! We almost made it to the holidays without too much isolating being required, but unfortunately we fell at the final hurdle. We have had depleted numbers this week but this hasn’t stopped the children from working hard and doing some wonderful learning.

Here’s what we have been up to…

-Maths: we have been practicing further the skill of adding and subtracting three digit numbers and tens using place value grids. This will stand us in good stead for starting our work on column addition and subtraction after half term.

-English: we have tried to follow the same work that our children who have been isolating have been doing at home this week. This included recapping our work on instruction writing, learning about being verbs and learning about the suffixes -er and -est.

-Science: we learnt about the different types of skeletons - endoskeleton, exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton.

-R.E.: we learnt about the promises made at Baptism and what qualities we look for in a godparent.

-History: we conducted some research in to the Stone Age settlement of Skara Brae.

We also took part in the PTA quiz on Thursday afternoon! The children had some treats to have while we completed it.

I haven’t set any homework over half term - please enjoy some family time together and come back well rested!

Have a lovely break,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac