World Kindness Day was on Friday and we spent the morning preparing our own act of kindness for Miss Haggerty. We wanted to say thank you to her for all her hard work running our school and for keeping us safe. We created an assembly where all the children wrote and presented their own message to her and they were so lovely and thoughtful. It really was a beautiful morning and I was so proud of all the children for how excited they were to do something nice for somebody else. Well done Year 3!
This week we also took part in the 2 minute silence on Remembrance Day. It gave us the opportunity to reflect on and remember those soldiers who have fought for us in both world wars.
It has been a busy week, but as always I am proud of the children for their hard work. Here’s what we have been up to…
-Maths: we have now started to add numbers using column addition with exchanging. We started by exchanging ones in to the tens column, but we have now also been able to move on to exchanging tens in to the hundreds column. The children have truly blown me away with how hard they have worked on this.
-English: we have had a big focus this week on subordinate clauses and how to include them in our sentences. The children also wrote a wonderful story opening based on an image.
-Science: this week the children have learnt about the main bones in our bodies and their function.
-History: we made Stone Age houses and then compared them to our houses today.
-R.E: we have started our new unit of work on Mary, our Mother. The children have learnt about the Annunciation and what the Angel Gabriel said when he visited Mary.
-Music: the children have now received their recorders! For now, they will stay in school but at some point the children will be bringing these home to practice.
Our award winners this week were:
Golden: Zak - for his beautiful behaviour and hard working attitude.
Writing: Elsie - for a wonderfully written story opening.
Maths: Oscar O’C - for his brilliant work on column addition.
I’m looking forward to the week ahead!
Miss Heim-Sarac