Welcome back to our second half term of Year 3! It was so lovely to see the children back this week after their break. They have come back to school ready to learn and excited for the term ahead. We started the week by watching a virtual Mass for All Saints Day which we would usually celebrate over at church. Father mentioned two particular saints in his homily, one of them being St Martin De Porres, and we decided to do some research in to Martin’s life. We found out that Martin became a monk when he was 15, and he was also a doctor and a barber. God granted him the ability to be in two places at once! He lived a truthful and holy life and always put others before himself. He prayed lots, sometimes all night, and once offered himself as a slave to try and help the monastery where he was living as they were in a financial crisis. St Martin is the patron saint of people of mixed race and his feast day is the 3rd November. As a class, we discussed how we could be more like St Martin.
We also watched an assembly by Miss Haggerty where she talked about the two Jesuit values that we are going to be focusing on this term…eloquent and truthful. We discussed as a class what these two words mean and we are going to try very hard to foster these qualities in ourselves this term.
Whilst it is of course lovely to have the children back in school, it is still important that we all remain vigilant and follow the government coronavirus guidelines such as when to isolate or seek a test. Miss Haggerty has put these guidelines on the general page of the website, and I would urge you to have a read. For example, if yourself or any other family member has coronavirus symptoms or are awaiting the results of a test, your child must stay at home until the results are received.
Here is what we have been up to this week…
Maths: the children have blown me away this week with their hard work as we begin to learn how to add and subtract using the column method. So far, we have focused on calculations where no exchanging is required. We will tackle this next week!
English: this week we have started our new English topic which focuses on stories with gardens. The children have enjoyed looking at images from various books and talking about what they can see as well as making predictions as to what might happen in the story. We have also started to learn about subordinate clauses.
History: we have learnt all about Stonehenge and it’s mysteries this week. The children also made this famous monument out of biscuits!
R.E.: the children created their own Baptismal promises.
Music: the children are going to be learning how to play the recorder this term with Miss Benson. They are very excited!
P.E: the children are going to be working on their team work and communication with George from BFC this term. They are going to be doing this whilst learning how to play handball.
It has been a busy but fun week back!
Our award winners this week are:
Writing: Hallie. For creating some beautiful Baptismal promises.
Maths: Jacob. For impressing me in his work on column addition and subtraction.
No Golden Award was handed out this week.
One final thing…we are collecting toothbrushes, soap, combs and flannels for the Shoebox Appeal this year. Thank you for your donations so far! It is not too late to contribute if you wish - the boxes are not being sent until next week at some point so please send in any further donations at the start of the week if you can. Thank you!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac