This week we were set a very special task by Miss Haggerty. We were asked to say the rosary daily. This is because October is dedicated as the Month of the Rosary as we typically celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7th. Miss Haggerty also told us that the Pope has asked us to pray for our environment when we say the rosary this month. It would be lovely if the children can carry on this tradition at home during October. As a class, we will certainly be making sure we do this at least once a week.
I can’t believe we only have two weeks left before the end of the term. It really has flown by! Unfortunately, due to the current situation with Covid, we are unable to hold our usual Parents Day which would have fallen on the 23rd October this year. Instead, I will be e-mailing to you a mid term report detailing your child’s progress so far this year. These will be sent out to you on the morning of the 23rd October and I will be available that day by phone call/e-mail/message on Class Dojo if you want to discuss your child’s report. The children are not in school on this day.
Here is what we have been up to this week…
-Maths: we have been adding and subtracting ones to three digit numbers using exchanging. The children have found this fairly tricky, but they have persevered!
-English: we have focused on our new story (Stone Age Boy) and created story boards for each event in the book.
-Science: we learnt about nutrients and where we can find them, and also why we need them.
-R.E: we ordered the events of Baptism.
-History: the children learnt some more information about cave paintings with Mrs Gibbons on Tuesday.
We also read the book ‘One Hundred Steps' about Captain Tom Moore and his life. The children then created their own footprints and we wrote different messages on them. We wrote a message to Sir Tom, a message to Covid, something we were grateful for and a time we have shown kindness to others. We did enough footprints so that we had 100 altogether and we will be putting them on display next week!
This weeks award winners are:
Golden - Joshua
Writing - Jack
Maths - Lexi Rose
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Heim-Sarac