On Tuesday, February 2nd, the Church marks the feast of Candlemas, or the Presentation of the Lord. This marks 40 days since Christmas and the end of the Christmas period in the Church. The Gospel of Luke says that Jesus was met in the temple by Anna and Simeon where Simeon held the baby Jesus and called him a Light to the World.

The festival is called Candlemas because this was the day that all the Church's candles for the year were blessed. On Candlemas night, people often placed lit candles in their windows at home - I thought this was something that we could all do this year to welcome the Light of the Lord into our homes. Let’s Shine Our Lights for Jesus! In the RE tasks I have set this week, I have focused on Candlemas as a theme so there are some lovely activities for your child to have a go at.


Next week also marks the beginning of Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme is Express Yourself. There has never been a more important time to focus on supporting the mental wellbeing of our children. On this website there are links to assemblies and resources which can be completed and looked at at home to support resilience and mental health discussions. Please take a look. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good. This year they are asking children to ‘dress to express’ and this will be the theme of our creative task on class dojo this week.

mental health week.png

A huge well done to you all for your hard work both at home and in school this week. To say that I am proud is an understatement! You are all working incredibly hard, which makes it very tricky for me to choose my two learners of the week; however it was Rion and Jacob who I chose today. Well done boys! Miss Benson has also chosen two ‘Music stars of the week’ and these awards went to Charlotte and Isabella. Well done!

Here are some instructions from Miss Benson about this week’s Music sessions on Yumu/Charanga:

How did you all get on with the ‘Listen Out’ task last week? How many instruments did you hear? Well…there weren’t any! Everything you heard in‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’ was Bobby McFerrin using just his voice and body percussion! Do you think you could do that?

This week, I’d like you to start by listening to ‘54-46 was my number.’ Work through the questions under the ‘questions’ tab. Click ‘next’ to see each question. There are 4 questions to answer. This is another example of reggae.

Next is a fun task – yes it’s another ‘listen out’ task! This is on ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling.’ Click on each instrument and really listen to how it sounds. Each instrument has its own sound. Then see if you can pick out which of these can be heard in the short extract. Select the ones you can hear and submit – are you correct?

Finally, please refer to the home learning tab in the Year 3 section of the website for my google drive link where you will find all the resources for this week’s home learning. As always, the matching tasks will be on Class Dojo by Monday for you to upload your children’s work once complete.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac