The week leading up to Easter is known as ‘Holy Week’. It marks the final week of Jesus’ life, from Palm Sunday (when Jesus entered Israel’s capital city, Jerusalem, looking like a king), through Maundy Thursday when Jesus ate his last supper with his disciples, to his arrest, trial and eventual execution on Good Friday. The belief that Jesus died on the cross to cancel out the bad things of the world is one of the most important beliefs in all of Christianity. Equally important are the events of Easter Sunday itself, when Christians celebrate Jesus coming back to life. His resurrection is a sign of his power over death, and symbolic of the new and eternal life He gives to people.
What we have been up to this week
English - we had a writing focus on Holy Week. Each day we watched Miss Haggerty’s reflections and applied them to our work. We retold each day of this special time - Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The work the children produced was wonderful!
Maths - we looked at the 4 times tables and their matching division facts.
Science - we wrote a conclusion for our plant investigation and drew a detailed diagram of our plants now that our investigation has finished. We have learnt that a plant cannot grow without water, heat or light.
History - we started to look at designs of Roman shields ready to create our own after the Easter break.
R.E. - we learnt all about Holy Week and the events leading up to the Crucifixion and the Resurrection.
Art - we finished our daffofil dance art. The children have worked so hard on these wonderful paintings and we have had lots of compliments on them now that they are on display. I will upload some images of these after the break.
Here are our award winners for this week:
Golden - Elsie
Writing - Bobby and Oscar O’C
Maths - Joshua
Well done!
Cape of Pride
Well done to Isabella and Riley who both had the opportunity to wear the cape of pride this week. There are lots of exciting privileges to be had for those children chosen to wear the cape so I will be keeping my eye out once we return to school for some more children to wear it!
Please continue to be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly for any signs of lice.
We return to school on Monday 12th April, and start and finishing times will remain the same.
PE days after half term will remain the same-Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child is not wearing earrings on these days.
We have enjoyed some lovely weather this week! If this weather does continue after half term, please ensure your child in wearing sun screen on these hotter days.
I have not set any homework over the Easter break, but please still encourage your child to read as much as possible.
Finally, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support this term. It has been very challenging at times and we are all more than ready for this break. I wish all of you a holy, healthy and happy Easter and I will look forward to seeing the children soon.
Miss Heim-Sarac