We’ve made it! Children, I am so unbelievably proud of you all for your hard work and perseverance over the past 6 weeks. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of your parents too - your kindness and patience has made this whole experience a lot easier. I will be forever grateful to you all. The children at home and in school have done some amazing work and have made good progress - have a think back over everything you have achieved over the past 6 weeks and I think you will be surprised! You are all ready and deserving of this upcoming break. I realise that there are so many things that we can’t do at the moment, but I intend to focus on the things we can do. Next week, I am going to go on lots of walks, read, stay up late and spend time with my family. Hopefully the weather will be pleasant enough that we can spend lots of time outside.
Next Wednesday, 17th February, marks the beginning of Lent, a very special time of reflection, leading up to the death and resurrection of Christ. As we are on half term next week, I have just attached a few activities that you may wish to do to mark the beginning of this special period of time. If we were in school, we would be writing our Lenten Promises on this day, so I have also attached the template for this and it would be lovely if you do manage to still write yours. Our promise is a time to reflect on what we could do differently or maybe more of/less of during this time. Perhaps we could be more compassionate towards others, or take more time out for peaceful prayer? Or maybe you feel you need to be more forgiving to others, just as Jesus was. Have a careful think about what your promise could be.
Ash Wednesday Power Point Lenten Promise Sheet What could we give up for Lent?
Please also keep an eye on the Church website as I am sure Father Jim will be posting information or even a Mass for Ash Wednesday next week: https://www.olablackpool.org/
Here are our learners of the week:
Bobby & Isabella
Well done to both of you, again it was a very tricky decision as you are all working so hard! As I said in my video on Dojo last week, after half term I am going to change the way I celebrate my learners of the week on a Friday. I am going to have a few more certificates available for the children to achieve as I am so spoiled for choice so this will enable me to celebrate more children. More information on this after half term. I am also going to be including a PE task and a spelling task in the activities I set for the children starting after half term.
Thank you again for all of your hard work and support. Have a lovely half term break and stay safe.
Miss Heim-Sarac